Thursday, December 29, 2011

20 week pictures

Half Way to meeting my sweet baby boy!!

20 Weeks:
Still in regular jeans (although I do wear my maternity jeans as well)
Total weight gain halfway through: 8 lbs
No special cravings (I didn't have any with Cody either)
Baby Boy is weighing in at a whopping 12 oz

19 week pictures

18 week pictures

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Snips and Snails...

That's what little BOYS are made of! 

Yep, we are so excited to be expecting a healthy baby boy :)  Oscar was not shy, and I saw the goods on the screen and knew even before the tech said anything.  When she announced it, I shed tears of joy.  I am so happy to have another boy!

I think I secretly wanted another boy.  I just keep having visions of the great friends that I pray they will be.  Whether they are completely opposite or love doing the same things...I want them to be close.  One day soon, my house will be filled with the sounds of two boys wrestling with their daddy, how fun!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

things i love

 I feel the need to post a very mushy post about the things I love.  So please, bear with me while I post this, because I want to look back on this someday and remember these days that are going by way too fast!

  • I love hearing my boys wrestle and play and giggle in the living room while I'm cooking dinner.  Cody is all boy and it is so fun to listen to the laughter and excitement that Doug and Cody make while they play together. 
  • I love that Doug is an amazing daddy to our son (which I knew he would be).  I am finding it bittersweet though, that Cody has become his daddy's boy.  Anytime daddy is around, he wants him!  But, I can't complain...the two of them together is about the cutest thing I've ever seen :)
  • I love that Cody loves tractors!  His love for them has not come from us pushing them on him, but they are a part of his everyday life.  He sees them all the time because that's what daddy does for a living.  He gets so excited when he see's a combine, tractor or the excavator and says "tactor" and jumps with joy when he gets in and rides with daddy in any of the equipment.  His favorite toys at home are "tactors" and he makes driving sounds as he rolls them across the floor.  He is already following in daddy's footsteps.
  • I love that I have been able to feel Oscar move since I was about 15 weeks along.  It started as what I call "fish" movement, and by 18 weeks, Doug was able to feel the kicks that have started (which is wonderful, because Cody didn't feel the need to let daddy feel him kicking away until 24 weeks!).  Every time I feel my little one moving around, I feel so blessed :)  Oh how I missed being pregnant!
  • I love that I picked a German name to call our new little one without doing it on purpose.  Oscar was the first name that popped into my head to call him/her.  And Doug & I were talking about it not long ago and realized that it is Germanic.  It is funny because when we were expecting Cody, Doug had always told me since we were 16 that he wanted to name a son Wolfgang.  This is why Cody was called "Wolfie" in womb.  So, it's fun that we have also used a German name (Doug's heritage) again. 
  • And last, but NOT least, I love that I love my husband a million times more now that we have a family of our own.  I never thought it possible to love Doug more than I did when we got married.  But that love grew over the years.  And when we welcomed Cody into our lives, that love continued to grow, and continues to grow once again that we have Oscar coming.  I am truly blessed.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Holiday Half Time

20 weeks = half way to meeting my sweet little Oscar!

I'm going to update everyone on what's been going on with the Stefan's (since life has gotten in the way of me posting on here). 

I had my 18 week check up a week and a half ago.  Everything went well.  I have gained 5 lbs so far this pregnancy, which is a few pounds less than what I had gained at this point last time (yay me!).  My belly has just been growing and growing.  I'm about as big now as I was at 23-34 weeks last year.  But I was expecting to be bigger faster this time. 

We celebrated a wonderful Christmas yesterday.  Doug & I woke up early and started exchanging gifts while Cody slept in a bit.  Once he was awake, I watched with such excitement as he came in to see his big toy in front of the tree.  He had the best smile on his face and was so happy, it just filled my heart with joy seeing how excited he was!  The day was filled with laughter, food, fun, family, and lots of toys for our little guy!  I couldn't have asked for a better day with my boys (and Oscar). 

Tomorrow is the big day...the day we get to see our little one on ultrasound.  I am praying to hear that everything is going just as it should and little Oscar is growing like he/she should and is healthy.  I'm also looking forward to finding out if Cody will have a little brother or little sister.  Honestly, I don't have a preferance.  I will be completely blessed either way.  God has his plan for us, and I know this little one fits into that plan, and whatever gender Oscar is, I know he/she has been planned for me for longer than I could ever imagine.

I'll post soon (probably not tomorrow) the gender of our little one and also belly pictures from weeks 18, 19 and 20!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

17 week pictures

Oh my, my belly has popped!! :)  And I am so excited about it!  I feel like you can finally tell that I'm pregnant...I love it.

16 week pictures

Not much change in my pics over the past few weeks. 

15 week pictures

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

the countdown is ON!

I had my last Dr. appointment on the 18th.  So far, everything is looking great!  Blood pressure is wonderful, I've not gained a pound yet (although after Thanksgiving, I'm sure that's changed) and little Oscar's heartbeat was a healthy 153 bpm.

I was hoping that Dr. Fogarty would schedule my next appointment to be the ultrasound.  No such luck.  She scheduled me to come back for a regular appt., which I will be 18.5 weeks at, and then about 10 days later, we go in for the big ultrasound.  I am really ok with this, as I think the farther along you are in your pregnancy when you get the anatomy scan, the better.  But I am a little sad that I won't know before Christmas.  I was really hoping to find out the week before and make the announcement on Christmas day to family.  Looks like we'll be finding out 2 days after Christmas...December 27 is the big day!  A little less than 5 weeks away!  Yep, you can bet that I am counting those days down!  I am so looking forward to finding out if Cody will have a little brother or sister!  The best part is...I don't care either way!!  And I'm so happy about that!  Like I've said before, this won't be our last pregnancy.  I believe that God has His plan for me, and if that plan is to only have boys, then I'm ok with it...however I can't say that I wouldn't be interested in adopting a little girl someday if we don't have one of our own.  :)

Let the Countdown begin!!

big boy bed

In anticipation of our new arrival, we decided it was time to start transitioning Cody over from co-sleeping with us to his own bed.  I knew Cody would not go to his crib....I knew this a long time ago.  This is why he co-slept with us for so long.  Then when we found out we were expecting baby no. 2, there was no need to try and get him to sleep in his crib, only to move him a few months later to a toddler or twin bed. 

So, we moved the crib over to the toddler bed (he'll be getting a twin bed when we start working on the new nursery in the coming months (I'm keeping Cody's room the same except for new furniture because I just love it so much! and It's not baby, it easily will transition into toddler room decor)), I put an air mattress on the floor right next to it and we have been working on it the past few nights.  So far, so good!  The second night was a little tough, but we made it through and I believe we are progressing a little more each night.  Hopefully it will only take about another week of me being in there with him.  I am so proud of my little man, though.  And doing this just makes me realize even more how fast time goes, and how my baby boy is not such a baby anymore! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

random thoughts

  • I absolutly CAN'T WAIT until Thanksgiving!  Not just because it's a wonderful holiday to spend with family and friends, to be thankful for our many blessings that God has given us, but this year I just really want the food :)  Yes, I know, that is pretty sad.  I should be looking forward to it for the first two reasons, but truly I just want all the food.  That's pretty much all I think about anymore, yummy food.  And I'm so excited to be pregnant over the holiday season this year!  Not that it gives me the ok to gorge myself, but I will truly enjoy every bite of turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie that I eat.
  • I know that this next thought will probably make some people wonder about me, but I am so looking forward to going into labor again.  I had such a wonderful birth experience with Cody.  I truly enjoy the anticipation of getting to see my sweet baby after all of my hard work.  I'm praying that this time will go just as smooth, and that I again will go into labor naturally.  Because I refuse to be induced (unless medically necessary, and even then it has to be really necessary!)  I believe my body knows what to do.  I shouldn't force it into labor if my baby is not ready.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful Dr. who agrees with me! 
  • I feel so blessed to be carrying another baby.  I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again...I love being pregnant.  Heartburn, backaches, headaches and all!  It is a beautiful time in a womans life.  Growing a child that you and your husband have created out of love.  There's is no better gift from God.  And I thank him daily for giving me Cody and for the baby that will be here in May.
  • I can't get enough lemons and limes!  It's not really a crazy craving, but all I really want to drink is lime water, lemonade, or frozen lemonade/limeade!  I've had this craving since about 8 weeks and it's still going strong. 

14 week pictures

Little bump.  I was looking back at my 14 week pictures with Cody, and although there isn't too much of a difference (I'm a little pudgier now) it amazes me how much faster your body changes the second time around.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

hello second trimester

Today marks the start of my second trimester.  Little Oscar is growing, about the size of a lemon, and can now squint, frown, grimace and pee.  Way to go Ocscar baby!

I have a Dr. appointment on Friday, and will hopefully know then if she will schedule my anatomy scan for the next appointment, or make me wait until 20 weeks.  I'll be 18.5 weeks if she lets me go back in 4 weeks, and I would love to know before Christmas whether Cody will have a little brother or little sister.  But, if I have to wait, it's only 6 more weeks, something I think I can handle. 

Everything is going good, I feel great, have more energy, and have even worked out a few times this past week (yay me!).  I can see my belly getting bigger by the day, and am looking forward to growing more and more.  I know, that probably sounds nuts, but I LOVE being pregnant!

I keep day dreaming about boy or girl. I want a girl so bad, and I know this is not my last pregnancy (God willing), so I'm not too worried, but I also keep thinking about how fun it would be to have another little boy. Cody and the new baby will be 19.5-20 months apart, and I dream about how they would be best buds. Now, I'm not naive, and I know they won't always get along. Siblings have their moments. But I can't help but think about how fun it would be for them.  At least I know I'll be happy and excited either way!
In other news, Cody is growing like a weed.  I'm pretty sure he's gained 3 pounds since his one year check up.  He is getting chubby!  He turned 14 months old yesterday, and it seems as each month passes, he gets more and more ornery (he has the best 'ornery laugh' to go with his actions as well)!  This kid definitely tests me some days.  But I love it, and wouldn't have it any other way :) 
I'll post 14 week picture tonight or tomorrow.  I have to wait for Doug to get home from work to take it for me.  There's a bump there this week!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

13 week pictures

Here it is...the bump at 13 weeks.  I wouldn't really call it a bump, more like bloat ;)  But, it's there and I'm excited all over again to really start showing!  

13 Weeks

Here I am, 13 weeks along (yesterday) with baby number 2!  Little Oscar is about the size of a medium shrimp this week, around 3 inches long.  Week 13 is also the last week of my first trimester, yay!  I have been feeling pretty good.  I'm past exhaustion, well, past pregnancy exhaustion...I'm not past the normal "I have an almost 14 month old that I'm chasing around all day long" exhaustion, but I'm used to that :) 

Unfortunatly so far this pregnancy, I have been unable to workout daily.  With Doug working late and all of the first trimester symptoms, it just hasn't happened.  But, I'm gonna get started!  I'm writing this down so I will actually do it...I will work out daily!  I know that it helped with my delivery with Cody. 

I've had dreams of feeling the baby move the past few days,and they are so vivid I wake up thinking they are real.  I'm still not totally convinced that I was dreaming it!  I felt Cody move at 17 weeks.  I know that a lot of women feel movement sooner the second time around, so I am looking forward to (hopefully) feeling Oscar soon!  I have missed that. 

Not a whole lot else to say.  We've been busy chasing Cody around and looking for a vehicle that will fit our expanding family.  Also, I'm looking forward to my next prenantal appointment next week.  Can't wait to hear that sweet sound of my baby's heartbeat again!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

from three to four

Cody is going to be a big brother!  Yep, the Stefan family is growing :) and we couldn't be more excited.

It came as a bit of a surprise.  Not that we weren't trying, but we figured since it took us 7 months to conceive Cody, we figured it would take probably half that time this go around.  Nope...first try!

I found out on September 4.  I had been taking tests that previous week because I just didn't feel like me, but they all came back negative.  So, on Sunday the 4th, as I was getting ready for church, I decided to take one more test.  I went back to putting my makeup on, and almost forgot that I had taken it.  When I looked down at it about 10 minutes later, there it was staring back at me...the beautiful word PREGNANT!  My heart about jumped out of my chest I was so excited!  There was just as much excitement as there was the first time I got a positive, almost two years ago.

I decided to wait to tell Doug because I wanted to get a big brother tshirt for Cody to wear when we told.  So, that Wednesday, I got Cody ready for bed and told Doug that Code wanted to show him his new shirt before he got his pj's on.  Doug looked at it, and was in a bit of shock :)  It was so fun to tell him that way!

I decided to switch Dr.'s this time.  The Dr. that delivered Cody was absolutly wonderful, I just loved her.  So, I called her office to make an appointment.  She has started her own practice, and I'm so happy that I am guaranteed her to deliver this little bundle!  My appointment was scheduled for Friday, September 23. 

Doug is busy working and couldn't get off to go to the appointment with me, and go figure that both my parents and in-laws went on vacation the exact same week!  So, off Cody and I went to my first visit.  I knew what was going to happen, I mean I just went through this a year ago!

After answering some questions and getting weighed, I went back to the room to change and get ready for my first ultrasound so we could date the pregnancy.  I was positive on my dates.  I knew the first day of my last cycle, and even know the date of conception.  The baby measured right on with the date I gave...exactly 6 weeks 3 days.  Giving us a due date of May 15, 2012.  I got to see my sweet little "Oscar" (the name we have chosen to call this bundle of joy) on the screen, see and even hear the heartbeat, which was at 124!  It was so amazing, brought tears to my eyes!  Dr. Fogarty told me that the heart had just started beating within the last 24 hours!  I'm so glad that my appointment was not a day earlier!

After that appointment, we told our parents.  I had a shirt made for Cody that says "Can you dig it?  I'm going to be a big brother!"  He wore that over to each set of grandparents and I'm impressed, because it didn't take either of them more than 5 minutes to notice it!  It was such a fun surprise for them!

Fast forward to Friday, October 21.  My next appointment.  10 weeks 3 days.  Doug once again was unable to go with me because he was sick.  So off Cody and I went again.  It took a while to find the heartbeat, and surprisingly, I wasn't nervous about that.  I just knew it was there, and it would be fine!  Dr. Fogarty told me if we couldn't find it with the doppler, then we would do an ultrasound to find it.  A very small part of me wanted the ultrasound.  To see my sweet Oscar moving and wiggling around, but a very big part of me would rather her just find it without that!  And she did!  It was a wonderful 171 beats per minute!  Such a beautiful sound that never will get old!

I'm so looking forward to this pregnancy!  I know that it will be a lot of work with two kids under two!  Cody will be right around 19.5-20 months when this little one is born.  But it is going to be so worth it.  I have dreams of them being close and being great friends.  Most likely, they will only be one year apart in school.  I know Cody will be an amazing big brother to not only this baby, but to future Stefan's as well.  He is a great boy, and will be a great leader for his siblings someday!  What an exciting time this is going to be :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's that time again...

To congratulate my tatas on a job well done! Ladies, you made it to a year and are still going strong! We've had a few tough times, clogged ducts and such, but girls you are troopers! Keep up the good work ladies, because although Cody has started drinking whole milk, he is not done getting the liquid gold that you produce. I give you a gold star :) *my goal was to go a year, but Cody has no interest in weaning yet, and I am not comfortable in forcing him to stop. I don't think it is gross for me to continue to feed my son something that is healthy and natural, and our ped is all for us continuing on. I love that I'm giving my son something so wonderful!*

Cody's First Big Day

Well, it baby boy turned the big ONE! It's hard to describe all the emotions I felt on that day, but I think the best feeling I had was joy. Joyful for the gift God gave us a year ago, jouful for the happy and healthy boy that we have, joyful that we survived our first year as parents ;), and joyful for the family Doug and I have created. Cody's big day was very special for me. We spent the day playing and the evening spending time with family. I knew I wanted to have his party on his birthday, something that I plan to always do. To me, it is just more special. I also didn't want to have a huge bash. I wanted close family to enjoy his special day with us. We had a "Very Hungry Caterpillar" theme party for Cody. I made the decorations and invitations myself, and we had a BBQ with sides of all the food the caterpillar ate through. After dinner, we opened gifts. Cody hit the jackpot! He got lots of awesome toys and jas had so much playing with them all! Next was the thing I had been looking forward to the most...the smash cake! Cody's cake was cupcakes in the shape of a caterpillar with the caterpillars head being Cody's smash cake. After taking some pictures with Cody by the cake and him almost burning his hand from the candle, we started to sing 'Happy Birthday' to him. It was hard for me. I shed a tear and smiled at my son, who was looking all around at everyone with the biggest smile on his face! He loved the attention! After Doug and I blew out his candle for him, we put him in his highchair with his cake and let him have at it! And let me say, he did not dissapoint. This was really the first time Cody had had sweets, so he really enjoyed it! I am so happy to say that I made some amazing memories this past year. Through tough times and fun times, everything that I have experienced has been a wonderful ride. Cody Douglas, you stole my heart a year ago! I fell in love and continue to fall more in love every single day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday eve

Can it really be the eve of my baby's birthday? I thought it was supposed to be 365 days until then...wait, it has been 365ish days? I don't believe it! Now he is officially less than 24 hours from turning one. As a new mother, I knew this day would come. Just after birth, I thought "cherish every moment, a year is going to fly by". And it has. Nothing can prepare you for motherhood and all that comes with it. But it's that unknown...the complete unpreparedness that enables me to cherish each new day as a mother. He's grown. I've grown. We've grown together. All of the emotions that I'm feeling on his birthday eve is yet another day of being unprepared. Unprepared for the rollercoaster of mixed emotions I'm experiencing. The complete joy and gratitude for whats to come, joined with a sadness for all that has been and can never be again. I never knew I could love so fully. There is no greater love than that of a mother for her child. Thinking back to a year ago today, I knew my life was about to change forever - for the better. What I didn't know was that even on his own birthday, he gave me the best gift...him.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cody's 9 & 10 Month Birthday!

Well, Cody's 9 and 10 month Birthday's have passed.  It's so hard to believe!  As much as I thought he wouldn't, he proved me wrong and did start crawling about a week after I posted on here that I didn't think he would do anything but army crawl until walking (somewhere around June 20)!  Cody's good at proving me wrong :)

I slacked (which I am so upset with myself) and didn't get in to get his 9 month pictures.  The will officially be taken when he is 10.5 - almost 11 months old.  Ugh, I can't blame anyone but myself!

Codster is getting big!  He is not a huge fan on any kind of puree anymore.  Which, I'm not really surprised.  Once he had a taste of our food, I can't blame him for wanting puree's!! 

There's not too much to say right now...But I do want to say this to my sweet baby boy:

Dear Cody,
You, my dear boy, are growing too fast!  I love that I am able to stay home with you everyday.  I can't imagine having to go to work.  We are so blessed that we are able to do that for you (and for me :))  I adore watching you play your swimming pool, in your swing, destroying anything that you can get your hands on! ;)  As you quickly approach your first birthday, I keep telling daddy that I will most likely cry.  He doesn't understand...I guess it's a 'mommy thing'.  I feel so blessed that God gave us you.  You are so happy and cheerful...the sweetest baby I have ever known!  We get asked all the time (seriously...grandma and grandpa can vouch for this) if you are always so happy!  I am always pleased to tell anyone who asks that you are!  Cody, you have the best smile in the world.  You can cheer anyone up with it!  Thank you for being the little boy that you are.  You are my everything.  I love you, sweet baby boy!  Happy 9 & 10 month birthdays!

Love you to the moon and back, a million times and more!


I have been working on a few posts for the past couple of months...things that I want to say for Cody, and for myself.  I continue to work on them, but the process is slow.  I am so disappointed in myself for not keeping up with my blog better, because it is my journal for Cody and for my future children.  But the truth is...I adore spending all of my day every day with Cody.  And getting on the internet for anything (email, facebook, blog) is just not high on my priority list.  I wish it were.  I know that I have missed putting a few things in Cody's baby book and on here, but I know the really important things I will always remember - no matter if I have a date written down or not.

Right now Cody is over at his grandma & grandpa's house with daddy.  As I sit here typing this, I can't help but think how unfair it is how fast time goes by.  God's greatest gift to me is my child (and future children, and it makes me so sad to think that they are only small for a little while.  In less than two months, my baby boy will be the big ONE.  Yep, already!

I keep thinking back over the past 10 months, and I feel like I didn't have enough time each month.  The first month was a huge life changing event, and it took some time to get adjusted.  Then the next couple of months passed and we got to know and trust each other (as mother and son).  Then, I felt like I just couldn't wait for his next big milestone to happen.  Rolling over from back to tummy, finding his feet, sitting up, eating more than breastmilk, talking, crawling, lifting up...all of those things I couldn't wait for.  Now that they have all happened, I wonder why...why couldn't I wait??  Why was I in such a hurry to have my baby grow?  (I know all you mom's out there know what I mean!!)  While I have greatly enjoyed seeing Cody learn new things every single day, and love the look of accomplishment he has when he does something new, I feel like I have missed something.  I wish I would have taken more pictures, although if you were to see how many pictures were on my computer, you would tell me I was being stupid!

It is such a bittersweet time in my life right now.  I am so excited to see Cody grow, but I also miss those sweet moments of 'us time' at night, just him and me in his nursery at 2 a.m. nursing him and rocking him back to sleep.  Those are times I will keep in my heart and cherish forever.  Times that I can't get back, but they are snapshots in my mind.

I Love you, Cody Douglas.  To the moon and back.  More than you will ever know! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh my goodness...

I just have to say this.  My BIGGEST Pet Peeve is people who don't strap their kids in their car seats the correct way!  I HATE HATE HATE seeing pictures of babies forward facing before a year old (it's a law to rear face until then!) and I hate when they don't have the straps tight enough, and the latch isn't up by their armpits.  They give you directions on how to properly adjust it for a reason!

Ok, I could go on...but I'm going to stop now.  Rant over.

9 Month Well-Baby

Cody has his 9 month check-up on the 14th of June. He weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs. 14 oz. and was 28 in. His head measured at 17 3/4 in. He is still not on the chart yet for weight for a breastfed baby, but he is getting close. The Dr. is pleased with his progress with weight gain, and said to keep up the good work! He is 50% for both height and head.

Cody loves to walk, and the Dr. noticed. He thinks that Cody will walk within the next couple of months, if not before. Dr. Grills also noticed how happy my sweet baby boy is...I mean, we get asked almost every time we go out by strangers if he is always 'that happy', because he smiles ALL the everyone! (no stranger danger here!) Yes, he is always this happy!! :) Dr. called him Mr. Personality. I love it! I love that people notice that...he is just so sweet!

We are cleared to give dairy (with the exception of milk...which we'll start a bit at 11 months) and continue what we're doing. Cody is doing so well with his solids, that he has been pretty much just eating what we eat, not pureed, for the past 4-5 days! He has had meatloaf, whole peas, potatoes, cut up green beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, and a bit more. I love being able to just give him what we're having and letting him 'gum' it up. He's great at chewing! It makes it so much easier! It just reinforces what I've thought all along. Waiting until 6 months to give him solids when he is really ready, and we can move right along with getting him to eat table food.

I am just so pleased with how well his 9 month visit went, and am even happier that the Dr. was happy with his weight and we don't have to change a thing. We just have a VERY active, lean baby. Not a thing wrong with that!

Mr. Big Stuff

Well, Code is 9 months old!  It doesn't seem possible, but he is.  He started army crawling about 3 weeks ago...May 24th to be exact.  We were all in the computer room one evening, and he just started!  He has gotten very good at this army crawl, and I'm pretty sure he will walk before he EVER does an actual hands and knees crawl.  That's cool with me though, since crawling isn't a milestone...and he get's to where he needs to go. :)  Hello baby-proofing!

Cody got two more teeth on Friday, May 27.  There were top teeth, but not the middle two.  Leave it to my baby to not do things 'by the book'.  About a week later the top middle two poked through, so we are now up to six teeth within a month and a half, and it looks like we'll have some more very soon!

He has been sitting up for quite some time.  Unfortunatly, he couldn't really catch himself if he started to fall.  So needless to say, sitting up was not fun for either of us!  Well, last Thursday, June 9, we were in the computer room playing (he must like it in here!).  I was on the computer doing a bit of research, while he was army crawling all over playing with my workout stuff.  Well, I looked back and what did I see??  Cody sitting up, looking at me so proud!  I couldn't believe it!  He had done it himself.  Well, just right after he sat himself up, he crawled on over to our printer and pulled himself up on that...making his way on top of it!  Seriously!  He did all of this in one night??!!  Where oh where has my baby gone?! :)  I am just so proud of him.  The next day we went shopping and Mr. pulled himself to standing on the stroller in the dressing room.  I was shocked.  I just can't believe how much they change in a matter of days. 

Sunday, June 12 brought our first big bump.  He was (guess where)...that's right, the computer room playing with daddy while I was getting ready, and he crawled over to the elliptical machine and tried to pull himself was not a success.  He hit his head pretty good, very close to his temple.  There was a pretty good bump there for most of the morning.  It had gone down to pretty much only a bruise by the afternoon, and now you can hardly tell that anything ever happened.  He is such a strong little guy.  He hardly cried!  Just tells me that he's hard headed like my side, and strong like his daddy ;)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Funny Boy

Watching daddy toss a stuffed animal in the air is apparently the funniest thing ever to this little guy!! :)

baby food

I knew long before I got pregnant that I wanted to breastfeed and use cloth diapers.  Not only to save money, but because I believe both choices are healthier ways to go.  Then, when it came time to start thinking about baby food, I knew that not only did I want to delay giving Cody anything other than my milk until he was six months old, but I wanted to feed him food that I that I knew exactly what was going into it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against gerber baby food (or any other brand).  But let's be honest...who really wants to give their baby pureed food that 'most of the time' doesn't taste a thing like the real stuff!! 

I have given Cody gerber food.  He liked it.  I have also been making him food (and have not purchased a tub of food in over a month) for him to eat.  I'm not an organic kind of person...let's get husband is a farmer!!  I won't ever buy organic, so that's not what Cody gets.  He gets fresh, or frozen, veggies and fruit cooked and pureed or mashed.  He gets cooked chicken and roast pureed.  And he gets really excited about it when I add some seasoning to his food (not salt!).  I love to make his food, and I love the savings that come with just giving him whatever we are having!

I highly recommend making your own baby food.  It doesn't take as long as you would think, and it's such a great feeling giving your baby food that you have made yourself.  And, it's fun to give them new combo's that you come up with, not just the certain selection that's available in stores :)

healthy boy

We went back to the Dr. on April 29 for a weight check.  Codster had only gained around half a lb. from his 4 month to 6.5 month, Dr. Grills was a bit concerned (I know, I've posted this before).  Well, I'm happy to say, that little man gained 18 oz. in a month, and tipped the scales at 14 lbs. 9 oz.  The Doc was pleased, and we don't have to go back until his 9 month appt.!


Cody got his first tooth on April 29, 2011.  I knew it was happening...he was a very fussy boy for the prior week.  He was drooling like drool was going out of style, and I could feel the bumps on his bottom gums.  I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't last too long.  That Friday evening, the bottom left side poked thru...and the next day, the other one was making it's way out as well. 

As happy as I am to see those little pearls....this mommy is going to really miss seeing that gummy smile! 

And, I have to add, that Code was a champ.  I have read bad things about baby orajel.  And while I was doing some research, realized that some teething tablets have been recalled.  So, we toughed it out, and used frozen washcloths, sophie (a teether), and had lots of extra nursing sessions (that were more for comfort than anything).  Way to go, big guy!!

Cody's 7 & 8 Month Birthday!

Since today is Cody's 8 month birthday, and I realized that I never got on here to write about his 7 month birthday, they are being combined.

Little man, you are getting so big!  You sit up, and scoot around all the time.  There's no crawling yet, but you can get where you need to go by rolling all over the room!  You love to talk, and want to babble any chance you can get!  As I'm typing this now, I keep thinking that it is only 4 short months until you turn 1, and we will celebrate your actual Birthday.  You (along with your daddy) are the love of my life.  I find it hard to remember what life was like without you.  You brighten my days, and as much as I want you to sleep in your crib, I am so going to miss co-sleeping with you.  I love you more than you will ever know.  I hope that you always stay the sweet, smiling little guy that you are.  Everyone always asks me if you are always so happy...and I am so proud to tell them that you are!!  You are an amazing little boy, and we are so blessed that God gave us you (one of our favorite books).  I love you to the moon and back, little man, a million times and more!!

ahh...i'm a slacker :(

I'm a little upset with myself that I have been letting this blog get away from me.  There are so many times that I want to just sit here and type out some stories...but then life gets in the way.  Although, I would much rather be enjoying the moments with Cody than typing on here.  So, I'm putting this out there more slacking! 

April 10, 2011
Doug and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary!  Holy Moly...7 years??  Where has the time gone!?  It honestly seems like yesterday that I walked down the isle looking at the love of my life, and vowing to love him through thick and thin, for the rest of our lives.  I can say without a doubt, that I love Douglas Paul more today than I did the day we were married.  AND, that love has grown more this past year with the birth of our first son!

Doug and I went to Branson to celebrate, like we do every year.  Code Man stayed with Paul & Deb, and as much as I missed the little booger, it was nice to get away for a night with my husband.  We did a little shopping (for Cody), and ate at our favorite restaurant (Landry's).  Then we headed to The Ranch to stay the evening.  It was so relaxing, and peaceful...but I'm not gonna lie, I was really excited to get home and play with Cody the next day.  It is so funny to me how a year ago, and even just before Code was born, I was so nervous to think that it wouldn't ever be just the two of us again....because now I know, we will ALWAYS be us!!  We will always find time to get away together!  Now, I find myself wondering what we did for almost 7 years without Cody!  I will never regret waiting as long as we did.  It was perfect for us to wait...but I can't imagine life without The Boy now!  Funny how things change the minute a child is born :)

Later in the day, when we got home from Branson, we were all playing outside, enjoying the nice (but cloudy) afternoon, when Cody started babbling 'dada'.  It was the first time he had said it!  What an awesome Anniversary gift to us from our baby!  Now, he babbles 'dada' all the time, and as hard as I try to get him to say 'mama', he just smiles at me and says dada :)  little stinker!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Vacation Pictures

The day we arrived...Cody was ready for some vacation fun!!

Mark at the Grand Canyon - 3.13.11

Eagle Rock at Grand Canyon 3.13.11

Grand Canyon 3.13.11

Grand Canyon 3.13.11

Grand Canyon 3.13.11

Grand Canyon 3.13.11

Not the real ledge...but I like to pretend.  It sure does look like it though!!


Cody at the Pahrump Park on his 6 month birthday 3.14.11

Salt Flats at Death Valley 3.15.11

Death Valley 3.15.11

Death Valley 3.15.11

love the look on Cody's face :)  3.15.11

Death Valley 3.15.11

Hoover Dam 3.16.11

Hoover Dam 3.16.11  We had to drive over that bridge on our way to the Grand Canyon.  Thankfully, we couldn't see over the sides!

Hoover Dam 3.16.11

Hoover Dam 3.16.11
Hoover Dam 3.16.11

I took so many pictures, but I just wanted to share these from our sight seeing journeys!

well baby

Cody had his 6 month well baby check up when we got back from vacation.  He was actually 6.5 months.  If you've seen my baby, you know he is long and thin.  I don't usually weigh him at home because I don't think it's very accurate.  If you would have asked me how much he weighed, I would have guessed around 14.5 - 15 lbs.  I was floored when he was on the scale and only weighed 13 lbs 7 oz!  He had only gained a little over half a pound from his 4 month visit...

Everything else looked good.  He was 26.5 inches long and his head is growing well.  While the Dr. checked him out, he mentioned twice how strong he is and also asked if he was always as happy as he was that day (yes).  He wasn't too concerned with his weight, but did give me a new feeding schedule to follow, adding in some formula to supplement.  Cody has had formula any time he has been babysat, because I just don't pump well, but he has not had it every day.  I was ok with it, but a little disappointed in myself because my milk wasn't enough. 

Cody has been doing great.  Although, I will admit that I have not been giving Cody as much formula as the Dr. asked.  He wanted two bottles a day, and when I'm home with him, I only give him one.  I mix his cereal with formula, though.  He gets solids 3 times a day, always after he nurses.  I can tell a difference in him, and I'm excited and nervous to go to our weight check on Friday.

I have a feeling that his weight wouldn't have been so low if I had introduced solids earlier, but like I've said before...I felt very strongly about not giving them to him before he was 6 months old.  He just wasn't ready.  He loves it now, but I believe that breastmilk or formula provide most of the calories and nutrients that they need, and I will never feed him solids before letting him nurse. 

Hopefully, I can post later this week that his weight is up, and we can stop supplementing! 

First Family Vacation

The past month and a half has been very busy for our family.  We took our first vacation as a family...then we celebrated Doug's birthday, my birthday and our 7 year anniversary!  I've been meaning to write down some of our favorite memories from our vacation.  I'm a little late on it, but better late than never!! :)

Doug's brother, Mark, moved to Pahrump, NV for a teaching position at the end of December.  We were all missing him, and decided to head out that way for our vacation.  Pahrump is about 50 miles away from Las Vegas, and about 40 miles away from Death Valley in CA.  With me being a stay at home mom, and Doug working for his parents, we were able to take a nice, long trip. 

Our plane left at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 10.  I was nervous to take Cody on the plane.  I'm a nervous flyer anyway, so add a baby to the mix, and I was incredibly scared!  I was going into it preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best.  Well, our little champ did amazing on both flights!!  I fed him both times as we were taking off, and made sure he had his paci in (and was actually sucking on it) when we landed.  He literally slept the whole time both times.  I was so proud of him!

Once we landed in Vegas and got all our luggage, we headed to get our rental car.  Doug went to stand in line, while Cody and I found a quiet little couch so I could feed him.  At this point, I had never nursed in public before, let alone a busy airport.  But, we got lucky and there weren't a lot of people around first.  I wasn't scared about possibly exposing myself...I mean, I was doing the most natural thing in the world that a mom can do for her child.  The thing I was afraid of was getting disapproving looks.  But, Cody had to eat, and I had no formula to make a bottle.  He did great, and I'm giving myself a pat on the back here, because I did great too!  Not too long after our nursing session started, a basketball team of High School girls and their coaches came and sat in the area I was.  None of them even gave us a second glance, except their coach who was sitting next to me, and she just smiled a 'knowing' smile at me.  It made me feel great!  I got through my first public nursing and I got through it with minimal exposure. ;)

ONce we finally got the keys to the car, we had to go pick up our carseat rental.  Now, this is something that I struggled about.  I didn't want to take my nice Chicco carseat with us for two reasons.  I didn't want it to get damaged in any way...and Doug didn't want to haul it around in the airport.  I wanted to purchase just a cheap carseat to check with our luggage, but Doug wasn't on board with that idea either.  I had read bad things about rental carseats, and I didn't want to go that route, but that was our only other option.  Well, it wasn't an infant seat, it was a convertable seat.  Which, the weight limit was fine, I would have just been more comfortable putting my almost 6 month old in a bucket type seat.  The seat wasn't dirty, which was a relief...but it wasn't comfortable for Cody.  We had to stuff blankets in it and around him, but we made it work.

We were finally ready to get our vacation started!  We wanted to do lots of sight seeing, but also wanted to spend time just relaxing with Mark.  We rested for a couple of days and then on Sunday, March 13, we headed off on a 3 hour drive to see the Grand Canyon.  I can honestly say that it is one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen.  Words really can't describe it, and pictures don't do it justice.  I highly recommend that everyone see it at some point in their life!

Since that was a long day for us, we rested on Monday, and headed off to Death Valley on Tuesday.  I think at one point we were 131 ft. below sea level.  We got to go to one really cool look-out and see salt flats all below...about as far as you could see.  It was beautiful!  Doug & I were up there for quite a while just taking it all in. 

Wednesday we headed to Hoover Dam.  It was busy, and we decided not to take a tour, but we did walk across it, and get some pictures.  On our way back to Mark's, we made a quick stop at the Hooters Casino in Vegas to get Doug a shirt (he collects them and gets one on most of our vacations) and I wanted to get Code a Hooters onesie...yep, we're classy like that! ;)  Thursday was our last day, and we had planned to stay home and rest since we had to leave Mark's at 3 a.m. to get to Vegas.  Well, everything so far had gone great, so I'm not really surprised that I got REALLY sick Wednesday night, and was stuck lying around all day not able to get up for fear of getting sick.  I needed to pack, and get things prepared for Cody for the flight.  Thankfully, I have an amazing husband that helped, and had family praying for me to get better before our flight.  I did start feeling better just in time, and I was able to sleep most of the flight back.

We had such an amazing trip!  I have tons of pictures, and we have some great memories.  Now, I'm looking forward to our next trip... :)

(Pictures to come)

Monday, April 25, 2011

My favorite part of the day...

Wow, I know it's been a month since I've posted and I have SO MUCH I want to write about, but it's gonna have to wait since I'm doing this on my iphone. I just have to say that my favorite part of the day is when Cody and I are doing his bedtime routine, and the last part of it, whether he is sleeping in his crib or with us for the night, is praying over him. God has given us this AMAZING gift, and I cannot thank Him enough! Sometimes it is hard for me to find the words that I want to say to Him, but the wonderful thing is...He knows what I'm trying to say!! Cody...we are so Blessed to be your parents! I love being able to stay home with you, and I love watching you learn new things every day! Thank you, Lord, for my beautiful baby boy!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sitting up

I'm so proud of my baby boy. When we got home yesterday, I put him down to play for a while before fixing dinner. I had him sitting up, practicing with him like we do everyday, but when I let go of him, he stayed up and didn't topple over!! When he got up this morning I put him back into his sitting position and he just chilled like that without the help of his hands for about a minute. We have been practicing all day and the boy just keeps getting better and better! My little man is growing up!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Congratulations... my ta-ta's! Yes, I would like to say a job well done to the ladies as they have provided my baby with nurishment for six months now! I had hoped to make it at least six months and am so happy I did. These rockstars aren't stopping now though, they are going the distance (or at least until Codster gets a tooth and bites me ;)) Good job girls, I'm so proud :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cody's 6 Month Birthday

Time is flying!  Codster is 6 months old!  I cannot believe that half a year has passed since Cody came in to our lives. 

We have been in Pahrump this past week visiting Mark and have been having a great time sight seeing.  We've gone to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Hoover Dam.  It's been so wonderful to be on our first family vacation!  I'll post more about our trip when we get home.

Right now, Cody is trying hard to sit up, and he's close to scooting on his belly.  We like to put a toy just out of his reach and see him try to get to it.  Doug says that it's a little mean, but how else will he learn??  I just love to see him learn new things every day.  He changes so much every day.  It really is hard to believe that only six months ago he was brand new!  We had to miss his six month well baby since it was during our trip.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs and how long he is. 

Mommy's Heart

You little one are mommy's heart
I knew it right from the start
the way you hold my finger tight,
when we're alone late at night.
When I cradle you in my arms
you smile and show all your charms.
Then you drift off to sleep
sometimes I can’t help but weep,
how lucky I have become
to actually be the chosen one.
To have and hold a child like you
now life seems to good to be true.
So I look up at the sky so blue
and thank the heavens for giving me you!

Codster...I love you to the moon and back a million times and more!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dear Cody

This was on my birth board, and it is so fitting for where we are right now.  It reminds me that no matter what difficulties we are having, he is healthy and he is my precious gift from God!!

Dear Cody,
Please wake me up 2 or 3 times a night,
Please make me hold you most of the day,
Please cry when I leave the room,
Please poop as soon as I put you in a clean diaper,
Please spit up on me as I'm dressed for work and am already late,
Please talk to me in the middle of the night,
Please keep being you, because as long as all these things are happening,
I know you are alive and healthy, and happy being mine!


I have not been keeping my blog as up to date as I would like.  I'm really needing to write (or type) down some milestones that Cody has reached in the past month and a half! 

Lets see...At about 4.5 to 5 months old, Cody really found his feet.  He had been looking at them for a long time, but never really reached for them, or tried to do much with them.  Then one day he woke up and decided that they were the most fascinating things that he has ever laid his eyes on!  He grabbed for them and tried his hardes to get them to his mouth.  When he finally did, I cheered him on and was so proud of my big boy!  (Ah, the little things in life are sometimes the best!!)  Cody has always loved his hands...he is constantly holding them together, rubbing them together, looking like he's praying :)  But now it seems that when he is on his back playing, those feet come first!  In fact, I'm pretty sure he would rather have his feet than any toy we own! 

As we are nearing the six month mark (I just can't really believe it), Cody is starting to learn to sit up on his own.  It's been pretty amazing to see him this past week as I've worked with him.  He is getting so much stronger, and yesterday he even sat halfway up (resting on his arms) all on his own.  It is so amazing how much babies change in just 5.5 months!

Up next on the updates...teething!  Ah, someday I plan to ask God why our poor, sweet, innocent babies must endure so much pain while teething.  Code has had a fever, diarrhea, awful dipe rash (which, thanks to cloth dipes, was cleared up in about a little over a day!), irritability, not sleeping, chewing on anything he can get to his mouth, and of course, so.much.drool!!  I'm praying that this tooth pops through this week before we head out for vacation!!

And last, but not least, we have laughter!!  It has really just been in the past two days that I can get belly laughs from the boy.  He would laugh at Bent, but that was pretty much where it ended.  Now, though, I can say things and make faces and he just thinks it is super funny.  I love it.  Everytime I hear him laugh, I laugh too.  That little giggle has to be the best laugh I've ever heard.  It absolutely makes my day!! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Fever

We got through two rounds of shots and 5.5 months of life before ever having to deal with a fever.  I'm so thankful for that! 

Last Friday, as I was dropping Cody off at my dad's, we noticed that he felt pretty warm.  Of course, it was a day that I had to work!  I went to Walmart to get a thermometer and tylenol for him.  His temp. was at 100.6.  Poor little guy!  All he wanted to do was snuggle.  We gave him some tylenol and off I went back to work (which was hard because all I could do was think about him!). 

We kept a close eye on his fever all day, I called the Dr. to tell them what was going on, and that he didn't have any symptoms of being sick, just the fever.  They thought that it could be caused by teething.  That didn't surprise me, I'm pretty sure we've been dealing with that for the past month!  Later that evening, I was prepared for his fever to rise again, and it did.  It got to 101.4.  I was so nervous about it, I kept calling my mom to make sure that I was doing everything right...haha, thank goodness for moms!!  We put a cool washcloth on his forehead (he didn't like it) and tried to rock him to sleep. 

Saturday brought us a morning with a slight fever, 99.6 or so, and a bit of a fussy boy.  He never got too cranky, but he definitely wasn't his usual happy self!  By Saturday evening, his temp. was back to normal, and by Sunday, Codster was pretty much back to normal! 

I'm thankful that we are past that, and I'm hoping that those stinking bottom teeth pop through soon!!  I hate seeing the boy feel so bad.  It's so true what every mom always says to their kids:  I wish I was the one sick and not my poor baby!

Monday, February 21, 2011

sweet laughter

Here's a video of Cody laughing...I try for hours to get a little giggle out of the boy, and Bentley walks in the room wanting to play, and Cody thinks he's hilarious...figures!!  Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

this is what happens when...

....Douglas gets Cody ready in the morning.

Enough Said!!

**I will explain though...Doug thought I had gotten a shirt out for Cody, not a onesie.  So once he had the pants on and discovered it was a onesie, he just decided to snap it over the pants instead of pulling them down and snappin the onesie under...gotta love him!!

Cody's 5 Month Birthday! and Valentine's Day!

How fast time flies!  Yesterday was Cody's 5 month birthday and it was also Valentine's day.

Doug and I decided not to get each other gifts this year.  Gifts are always nice, but to me, gifts are so much better when unexpected.  Valentine's day was fun this year because we both had our favorite little Valentine to share it with - so no gift other than Cody was needed!  We have a tradition that was started by my mom, and it's one that I can remember doing every single Valentine's day when I was growing up...A candlelit dinner of spaghetti, salad and sparkling grape juice (for the kids) (wine for the adults :)).

I have kept that tradition going since Doug and I have been married.  It's something special for us to do on that day of love, and hopefully our kids will enjoy it in the future, as much as my brother and I did growing up!

Doug:  Thank you for being my Valentine...the Valentine that I will have for the rest of my life.  I love you more today than the day we were married, which I wasn't sure was even possible!  Thank you for being the amazing father that you are to our son.  Thank you for making me laugh!  Thank you for being you!!

Now, on to Cody's 5 month Birthday...

Cody is growing like a weed, and doing and learning new things every day.  Right now, he is trying his darndest to sit up!  Every time he is in his bouncy seat, he has to be strapped in because he sits forward to sit up.  I can't believe how big he is getting, and how much changes in 5 short months! 

Mommy Cries
by Ashley R. Smiley

The waters will still ebb and flow,
The moon still pulls the tide.
But nothing could be more naturally so,
Than the tears from a mothers eyes.
It starts the day your child is born when he's first laid upon your breast,
In spite of pain from muscles worn,
Heartstrings tug at your chest.
Tear drops fall from sleepy eyes and trickle down your cheeks,
You listen as your child first cries for your breast which he seeks.
Time has passed the pain is gone; a bonding has taken place,
You look at your little one; the tears still on your face.
Just once more you look at him before you lay him down to sleep,
You reach out for a kiss on a whim; knowing your heart is his to keep.

I love you to the moon and back a million times and more, Cody Douglas...Thank you for being my little Valentine!

**I'll be posting a picture of Cody in his Valentine onesie...we're having a few problems with our internet at the moment**

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Cody, I am so thankful that you have such awesome grandparents!  Grandpa (Blackford) watches you for momma at the drop of a hat and I know he enjoys every minute of it!  I guarantee that Grandma (Blackford) would be right there with him if she didn't have to work!  And your Grandma and Grandpa (Stefan) love to babysit you as well!  I know that both sets of grandparents adore you, as well as great-grandparents which you are blessed to know! 

Thank you all so much for your willingness to help - you have no idea how much it means to us!

New Routine

After a month of Cody no longer sleeping through the night, I've decided to try a new routine.  After our little (or not so little) choking incident, I decided that crying it out is not for Cody.  I'm not against it, but it just doesn't work for Cody - he doesn't stop crying.  I've been doing some research, and I have made up my mind that I'm going to get serious on giving him a bedtime routine. 

Code has always been on a schedule...ok, more like just an eating schedule since he refuses to nap (we're gonna get serious about that once we get this bedtime nightmare worked out!).  He eats about 5-6 ounces every three hours, six times a day.  He was on a 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9 schedule but was giving me cues that he needed to go to bed before 9 p.m., so I moved his schedule to have his last feeding at 8 p.m.

When he was a newborn, I was very good about going into his room to read to him, rock him and then put him to sleep.  But in the past few months, I will admit that I've been a bit slack on that.  I read to him every day, but not at bedtime anymore.  It's become more of 'Cody hangs out in the living room with mom and dad until he's almost asleep and then put him to bed' kind of thing.  I know, that's not good.  He needs to be able to have some calming down time before bed...but to be honest, I just love hanging out with my husband and my son, so it was hard to 'break up' that family time.  Silly me! 

After doing my research, I decided to get serious about having a bedtime routine that we can take well into Cody's future. 

Bathtime, book, boob :), one more book if he's not quite ready and then once he is drowsy but not asleep, put him in his crib and walk out.  If he starts to cry, I will wait one minute and then go in to put his paci back in, and try to soothe him without talking or looking him in the eye.  I will stay in there for no longer than a minute, and leave (even if he is still crying).  Then I will go in after three minutes have passed and do the same.  This will continue on if he is not asleep to 5 min. then 7 min. and finally 10 min.  If by this time he has not fallen asleep, I will start over at one.

I have high hopes for this and look forward to posting on whether or not it is working for us! 

Friday, February 4, 2011


Once again, I've been very bad about posting here are a few pics from December, January and the beginning of February!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What If...?

I know that I should not dwell on the "what if's" but it is human nature to do so.  All that keeps running through my mind is "what if".

What if I hadn't walked into Cody's room last night at that exact moment...
Would I have thought that he finally went to sleep because he was no longer crying?
Would I have heard him choking?

My blog tends to be filled with the exciting and happy moments that are happening in our lives right now. Although, not everything that comes with raising a baby is easy.  Last night turned out to be a very scary time in the Stefan household...let me explain:

Doug and I have not been against letting Cody Cry It Out (CIO).  I was not ok with this in the beginning, because when a newborn baby cries, there is something that he needs.  It has really been just recently that we have let him cry in his crib for longer than 10 minutes.  We have been having trouble with Cody's sleeping for the past two weeks now.  I'm not sure if this is the early process of teething (Doug got his first tooth at three months) or if this is the dredded Four Month Sleep Regression that I have been reading about.  Either way, it has been frustrating at times. 

Last night I put Cody down after his final feeding.  I knew right from the start that it wasn't going to be a good night.  He started crying before he even touched the matress.  I leaned down and kissed his bald little head and told him that he was ok.  He was full, dry, burped, and sleepy (until then).  I decided that I would let him CIO.  He would cry very hard for a while, then he would calm himself down for a few minutes, then he would start a slow whine of a cry for a bit and it would start all over (I'm sure that some people reading this are against CIO, but I promise not to judge the way anyone else parents their children if you don't judge the way I do).  Cody had been doing this cycle for about 30 minutes.  It was at this point that I had to go in there and get him.  I couldn't take it anymore, and I know he had had more than enough. 

This is what I call my "God Moment".  God sent me in his room at the exact time I needed to be there.  When I opened the door (it wasn't all the way shut), I looked into his crib to see him projectile spitting up (while on his back) and choking on it all at the same time (he had just started to do it).  I will never.ever forget the scared look on my baby's face as he was choking.  It was at this moment that I became "Super Mom".  I picked him up faster than I ever thought possible, had him facing forward and started patting his little back.  He was soaked and so was I, but I didn't care.  When I realized that he was ok, I fell to my knees holding him and started crying.  While I was sobbing, I was thanking God for being in there with us.  Thanking Him for keeping me calm when I needed to be.  You would think that my sweet son would be crying too after all of this, but he wasn't.  As soon as he had stopped coughing, he was snuggling with me and smiling at me (which made me feel that much worse).  Just goes to show what a sweet boy he is. 

I decided at that point that Cody and I were going to snuggle all night.  And we did!  He slept in my arms on the couch.  I'm not sure where I stand at this point with letting him CIO.  I think I'll do a little praying on that matter, and turn it over to God.  I know He'll give me the answer I need. 

Unfortunatly, like I said we keep thinking about the "what if's" when we should be (we are) rejoicing that our son is ok.  Words truly cannot express the fear that I felt last night, but I am so thankful that our Father was watching over and protecting us!