Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh my goodness...

I just have to say this.  My BIGGEST Pet Peeve is people who don't strap their kids in their car seats the correct way!  I HATE HATE HATE seeing pictures of babies forward facing before a year old (it's a law to rear face until then!) and I hate when they don't have the straps tight enough, and the latch isn't up by their armpits.  They give you directions on how to properly adjust it for a reason!

Ok, I could go on...but I'm going to stop now.  Rant over.

9 Month Well-Baby

Cody has his 9 month check-up on the 14th of June. He weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs. 14 oz. and was 28 in. His head measured at 17 3/4 in. He is still not on the chart yet for weight for a breastfed baby, but he is getting close. The Dr. is pleased with his progress with weight gain, and said to keep up the good work! He is 50% for both height and head.

Cody loves to walk, and the Dr. noticed. He thinks that Cody will walk within the next couple of months, if not before. Dr. Grills also noticed how happy my sweet baby boy is...I mean, we get asked almost every time we go out by strangers if he is always 'that happy', because he smiles ALL the everyone! (no stranger danger here!) Yes, he is always this happy!! :) Dr. called him Mr. Personality. I love it! I love that people notice that...he is just so sweet!

We are cleared to give dairy (with the exception of milk...which we'll start a bit at 11 months) and continue what we're doing. Cody is doing so well with his solids, that he has been pretty much just eating what we eat, not pureed, for the past 4-5 days! He has had meatloaf, whole peas, potatoes, cut up green beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, and a bit more. I love being able to just give him what we're having and letting him 'gum' it up. He's great at chewing! It makes it so much easier! It just reinforces what I've thought all along. Waiting until 6 months to give him solids when he is really ready, and we can move right along with getting him to eat table food.

I am just so pleased with how well his 9 month visit went, and am even happier that the Dr. was happy with his weight and we don't have to change a thing. We just have a VERY active, lean baby. Not a thing wrong with that!

Mr. Big Stuff

Well, Code is 9 months old!  It doesn't seem possible, but he is.  He started army crawling about 3 weeks ago...May 24th to be exact.  We were all in the computer room one evening, and he just started!  He has gotten very good at this army crawl, and I'm pretty sure he will walk before he EVER does an actual hands and knees crawl.  That's cool with me though, since crawling isn't a milestone...and he get's to where he needs to go. :)  Hello baby-proofing!

Cody got two more teeth on Friday, May 27.  There were top teeth, but not the middle two.  Leave it to my baby to not do things 'by the book'.  About a week later the top middle two poked through, so we are now up to six teeth within a month and a half, and it looks like we'll have some more very soon!

He has been sitting up for quite some time.  Unfortunatly, he couldn't really catch himself if he started to fall.  So needless to say, sitting up was not fun for either of us!  Well, last Thursday, June 9, we were in the computer room playing (he must like it in here!).  I was on the computer doing a bit of research, while he was army crawling all over playing with my workout stuff.  Well, I looked back and what did I see??  Cody sitting up, looking at me so proud!  I couldn't believe it!  He had done it himself.  Well, just right after he sat himself up, he crawled on over to our printer and pulled himself up on that...making his way on top of it!  Seriously!  He did all of this in one night??!!  Where oh where has my baby gone?! :)  I am just so proud of him.  The next day we went shopping and Mr. pulled himself to standing on the stroller in the dressing room.  I was shocked.  I just can't believe how much they change in a matter of days. 

Sunday, June 12 brought our first big bump.  He was (guess where)...that's right, the computer room playing with daddy while I was getting ready, and he crawled over to the elliptical machine and tried to pull himself was not a success.  He hit his head pretty good, very close to his temple.  There was a pretty good bump there for most of the morning.  It had gone down to pretty much only a bruise by the afternoon, and now you can hardly tell that anything ever happened.  He is such a strong little guy.  He hardly cried!  Just tells me that he's hard headed like my side, and strong like his daddy ;)