Tuesday, August 31, 2010

what a week

Praise God - I feel so much better!

This past week was one of the worst of my life...

On Friday, I wasn't feeling any relief for my kidney from the antibiotic that I got at my Dr. visit.  I decided to wait it out through the night, and see what Saturday would bring.  I went to bed (more like, layed on the couch crying) for quite a while.  I kept trying to change positions and get more comfortable, but nothing helped.  I was taking my temp. all through the day and it kept going anywhere from 96.6 (after a couple extra strength tylenol) to the highest at 101.6. 

At about 4:45 am Saturday morning, I decided it was time I go to the hospital.  I felt like I had given the antibiotic more than enough time to kick in, and it just wasn't doing its job.  Doug hopped out of bed and was ready to go in no time.  On our way to the hospital, I started counting contractions.  I had been having really bad Braxton Hicks contractions since Wed.  The midwife I saw said it was due to me being in pain, and not actually going into labor.  Well, on our 40-45 minute drive it took us, I had NINE contractions.  That's not normal!  As soon as we got into the ER at Freeman, I was told that I'd be going to labor and delivery.  Funny how no one wants to mess with the pregnant lady! :)  I was wheeled into a birthing room, and was given one bag of fluid in about 45 minutes time.  I was very dehydrated, and my urine sample was looking no better than it had been on Wednesday. 

The Dr. on call came in to check on me, and told me that it was a very bad infection of my kidney.  From there I started receiving two different antibiotics through my IV along with more fluid.  It basically took all day Saturday and all day Sunday to get me re-hydrated.  I couldn't get enough water!  I was going through it like crazy.  I also received oral pain medications that I have to say were my saving grace.  The pain I was having was so awful, I couldn't eat or even move from side to side.  Once all this started taking effect, I was able to have some breakfast at about 9:30 Saturday morning.  It was the first thing I had eaten since Wednesday afternoon.  Sadly, I knew I needed to eat for my little Wolfie, but I just couldn't.  I can't explain the feeling I had, but food was the last thing I wanted. 

I was moved from labor/delivery to postpartum on Saturday afternoon.  I was able to eat all three meals that day, I was feeling very happy that I had come to the hospital.  The nurses made me feel better by telling me I did the right thing...that you can always tell when someone comes to the hospital to get attention, and the ones who are really in pain, and that I was definitely one in pain! 

Doug left to come home and take care of our baby Bent at around 10 pm Saturday night.  After he left, I fell asleep for a couple hours.  At midnight, I woke up shivering like crazy, in horrible pain and couldn't really move.  I called for the nurse, and they took my temp.  It was over 100, but I'm not sure what the exact temp. was.  I was given more pain med. and an extra blanket, and about an hour later I was burning up and couldn't get myself cooled down.  That night was not very full of rest. 

The next morning (Sunday) I was feeling better again, and had gotten myself calmed down.  Doug came bright and early to spend the day with me.  Seeing him made me feel that much better.  Every time the nurse came in to take my vitals, they would listen to Sweet Wolfie's heartbeat to make sure all was going ok with him.  They said that when I came in, they could tell that he wasn't feeling well either, becasue of me not feeling good.  When I started to calm down and was not in pain, he too would calm down, and started feeling better.  That just broke my heart to know that I wasn't the only one going through this, that my baby boy was too!  :( 

I also noticed a new "pain" on Sunday morning.  It was on my left side, down toward the bottom of my stomach.  I knew what it was...I mean, not eating anything since Wednesday really slows things down, and then having 3 meals in one day after not having food for that long...well, that slows it down more.  Sometimes, it just sucks being pregnant when you know there is medicine you could/would take in higher doses if that little baby weren't inside! 

Sunday-Monday morning were pretty intense.  There was quite a bit of crying on my end.  Poor Doug wasn't sure how to help me...but he did great - all I wanted was him to just be there with me.  Monday afternoon brought relief! and the ok to head home.  My infection was pretty much gone, just have to finish up some at home antibiotics for the next week (gladly!). 

I think one of the hardest things was being in the postpartum area of the hospital, where all these ladies have their babies in room with them and seeing them get wheeled out, and me not getting that joy yet.  It was so nice to hear all the nurses tell me that they couln't wait to see me in a couple of weeks, and to meet our baby boy!  I too, can't wait for that!

Last Friday marked 37 weeks - Full Term!  Unfortunately, there aren't any pics of my 37 week belly.  I do have this lovely story to share, though!  Now we just play the waiting game.  I'm felling lots better, but would like for our little Wolfie to stay in maybe just a week longer so that I can be on top of my game!  BUT, not too much longer...becuase I am more than ready to meet this little man!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ugh, miserable

I don't think I've ever felt this bad in my life!  I have a UTI :(  I noticed it on Sunday morning, and figured I'd drink lots of water, and see what Monday brought.  Well, on Monday, I felt lots better.  I decided not to call my Dr. since I would be seeing him on Thursday anyway.  Tuesday came, and I felt pretty good all day, up until about 6 p.m.  My right side started hurting - it was an awful, sharp, stabbing pain.  Wolfie was moving and kicking just like normal, so I knew he was ok.  I also knew it had to do with the UTI.  I was kicking myself for not calling my Dr. on Monday.  Lesson learned! 

I layed in bed listening to my hypnobirthing cd's to relax, which were helping, but I couldn't take in a deep breath, so it wasn't helping like I wanted it to.  A couple of tylenol extra strenghs later, and I was still in intense pain.  So, I called the hospital at 11 last night.  The on call Dr. said that if I wasn't running a fever (I wasn't), then I should just wait it out and call my Dr. this morning. 

I have honestly never felt so sick in my life.  I went to the couch to lay down and couldn't stop shivering.  And I'm not talking about little shivers, I'm talking about my whole body couldn't stop shaking b/c I was so cold!  Doug brought me 3 blankets and stayed with me until I calmed down.  I fell asleep at about 11:30, and woke up about 20 minutes later burning up.  Literally sweating like crazy, and was that way for the rest of the night - up until about 6 am this morning.  The shivering came back, full force, and I was starting to get worried.  I covered up, and just tried to lay as still as possible to not make my side hurt any worse. 

I finally got up at about 7:45 to take a shower and get ready to go to the Dr.  I called at about 8:30 and although my Dr. wasn't in today, they were so great to get me in at 10 am. 

After we got there, they took a urine sample, and there was blood in it.  I'm honestly surprised that my blood pressure was ok, because I was so nervous.  The midwife that saw me was wonderful.  Very caring, and could tell that I was in A LOT of PAIN!  She got me on some antibiotics and I've been taking them all afternoon.  Unfortunately, my side is still hurting (the infection is in my kidney, also).  I can't walk and can only lay on my back on the couch with my back propped up. 

I'm so mad at myself right now!  I mean, I've had this great pregnancy with virtually no symptoms and then about 3 weeks before my due date, I get this!  I wish I would have called on Monday and saved myself from all this pain.  Please keep me in your prayers that this heals fast.  The only bright side of the day (and I say this because I can't imagine going into labor with the pain that I'm already in!) was that I'm still not showing any signs of being dialated.

Monday, August 23, 2010

my funny husband

While Doug & I were talking the other day, I asked him who he thought the boy would look like, meaning whose facial features did he think Wolfie would have...hopefully a mix of both!  Anyway, Doug answered that he hoped he didn't look like me because that would make for one scrawny boy!  Ha, I didn't mean body type!  Yes Dear, we all hope that he'll be a big guy like you someday, because I agree, my body type would not make for a very masculine guy :)

Thanks honey for always being able to make me laugh! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

36 week pictures

Hopefully, I'll only be taking these belly pictures for just a couple more weeks!!

My belly always looks bigger from this side - that's the side that he likes to be on :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Holy Moly...my little Wolfie weighs almost 6 lbs. this week!  I'm 36 weeks today, and I have to say that I'm finally feeling ready to have this little guy...I absolutly love being pregnant - but I'm ready to meet the boy and get back to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes (shallow? yes. I'm ok with that) and get back to sleeping in our bed again instead of on the couch!  :)   

I've been busy cleaning, cleaning, cleaning away!  Today I shampooed most of the carpets and our couch.  Just have our bedroom left to do.  I'm not sure if this is me nesting, or thinking about all the people that will be coming over to visit us very soon, and me being anal about having a very clean house!  (Not that anyone will be noticing the house...) 

I've been sleeping well for the past week, but tonight I seem to have so many things on my mind!  I just keep thinking about things that I still need to purchase and praying that cloth diapering works out for us.  I really don't like this antsy feeling that I'm having.  All I can do is pray for God to give me peace during these final weeks.  Please keep me in your prayers through the coming weeks - that I can get the rest I need and that I can have a feeling of calm instead of worrying about silly things.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

one month from today

One month from today is my due date!  I can't believe it.  I've been busy the past couple of days, just trying to put the finishing touches on the nursery and cleaning/organizing lots of things (like my laundry room).  I'm pretty much packed for the hospital.  I just need to add some pajamas for me, what I'll be wearing home and little Wolfie's coming home outfit.  Still need to pack some snacks for Doug and then the last minute items like my hair dryer and make-up.  Yeah, say what you want, I am one momma that will be wearing make-up in the hospital. 

Everything is really coming together, and I think we're as ready as we'll ever be.  Right now, Doug & I are just enjoying our time together.  Something that I know I'll miss - just being lazy with him in the evenings.  I'm pretty sure that in about a month, there will be no more 'lazy evenings' for us for quite a while!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

right on track

I had a Dr. appointment this morning.  Dr. Cox told me that my blood pressure and weight look great and that our little guy is head down!  That's so exciting!!  He checked to see if I have started to dialate yet, but no go there.  I am measuring at 37 weeks though...so I'm pretty excited to see how much this little guy is gonna weigh!  I mean, with me weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz and Doug topping the scales at 10 lbs 7 oz I'm pretty sure this guy is not gonna be a little one!  I figure he'll be at least 8 lbs 5 oz. 

Only 4.5 more weeks!! :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

35 week pictures

This past week has been killer with the heat!  I'm so thankful it rained last night, and it's only about 84 right now.  I believe I'll go outside for my workout today...a nice long walk!  Hopefully it will help me feel better, since I've been feeling extra large all week!

Friday, August 13, 2010

only 5 more weeks

It's very strange to think that 5 weeks from now, I could be holding Wolfie in my arms.  I feel like this year has flown by!  It seems just like yesterday that I got a positive pregnancy test, and Doug & I got to tell our parents that they get to be grandparents!  Hopefully, time will slow down when he gets here, but I'm pretty sure the opposite will happen. 

At 35 weeks, Wolfie (anyone anxious to hear what name we've chosen??), weighs in at about 5 1/4 lbs. and is over 18 inches.  His kidneys are fully developed and his liver can process some waste products.  Most of his physical development is now complete, he'll just be spending the next few weeks packing on the pounds!

I'll have a Dr. appointment every week from now until the time the boy decides to make his big apperance.  Looking forward to going to the Dr. on Tuesday, because I have a few questions I would like to ask him. 

Everything is going great around home, I feel like I've gotten quite a bit done/organized since being home.  The nursery is pretty much ready, just have a few final touches to add.  Also, Doug is almost done with cucumbers for this year!  I can't even believe how great this worked out for our personal life this year!  I won't have to worry about trying to find him in the field when the time comes.  Not that it would have been a big deal, but it is nice to know that he'll be close around whenever the time comes, and I'm pretty sure it'll be a little less stressful for him, too.

35 week pictures will be up soon.  I'm not sure how much bigger I can get...Wolfie already doesn't have much room to do anything other than throw some good punches!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

current happenings

Just a quick update on the pregnancy:  I have pig feet!  Or, pig foot, I should say.  My right foot and ankle have been swelling for the past few days.  It goes down during the night, but then not long after I wake up and start walking around, there it goes, turning my lovely boney feet into cankles!  It was a sad day on Sunday when I was getting ready for church and went to put on my fave pair of black high heels...they still fit my feet, but let's just say it didn't look very pretty!  So, I said so long for now to my heels and went for some slip-on "kitten" heels.  My Dr. isn't worried about it, since basically that's the only problem I'm dealing with (and really, it's not that bad).  It's just one of those normal pregnancy things.  But, I have to say, I'm getting more and more ready each day to not be pregnant anymore.  I still enjoy it, but I can't help thinking about my pre-pregnancy body!  Oh, how I long to see my feet again! :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

prenatal class - check!

Well, I am slowly checking things off of my to-do list!  I took the prenatal class offered by the hospital on Saturday.  Doug had to work, so my mom went with me.  It was so nice to have here there with me, and I hope she doesn't mind being a second coach for me, because I didn't really give her any choice! :)  Anyway,  it was really informative, and I'm glad that I took it.  After the class, we got a tour of the birthing center and postpartum rooms.  It made me so excited!  The delivery rooms are nice and roomy, and they have a jacuzzi tub in the bathrooms for relaxation.  I'm pretty sure I'll put that to good use when the time comes! 

Right now, I can honestly say that I'm not the least bit nervous about going into labor and having this baby.  I'm looking forward to it, mostly because I'll finally be able to meet this blessing from God that is a part of my husband and myself.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

34 week pictures

Can't believe it's only 6 more weeks until my due date! 

Friday, August 6, 2010

time is flying by!

At 34 weeks, Wolfie is about 4 3/4 lbs., about the size of a cantaloupe.  He's moving all the time, but the movements are crazy!  Long gone are the simple, slight kicks of my baby boy...he now has the strength of his daddy and throws punches that could knock you out! :)  I love seeing my belly move in all sorts of crazy ways! 

I had my 34 week Dr. appt. yesterday.  Everything is looking great still.  I go back in 2 weeks, then it's every week after that!  I can't believe it!  I'm already starting the last 2 week interval, and will soon be heading to the "the baby could arrive at anytime" time.  I'm starting to get nervous.  Not for the delivery.   Not for actually taking care of this new life.  I think I'm more nervous about having everything ready, and being prepared.  I told Doug today that I had a slight panic attack about what to pack in the diaper bag, and what I need to take to the hospital for our little guy.  I'm sure that the hospital will go over all of this on Saturday, when we do our prenatal classes (my mom and myself since Doug will be working), but it was just one of those feelings that was a bit overwhelming.  Like when I freaked about my hospital bag (which has passed, and is still not packed!).  Those are the things I'm nervous about, which is good.  I'm glad I'm not nervous about delivery and actually bringing home Wolfie, although I might be in a few more weeks! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maternity Pictures...DONE!

Yesterday evening, Doug & I went to Jenny's Picture Perfect Studio in Lockwood for our Maternity pictures.  It was so much fun to do!  We were actually the first maternity session that they've ever done, so it was pretty exciting.  We won't get a chance to go over and see the shots until next Monday or Tuesday, but I know we got some great ones!  We did about an hour session in studio, then at about 7 p.m. we went outside for about an hour & 20 minutes...and ended up in a cucumber field at sunset :) 

Thanks to my sweet hubs for being such a trooper during the 2.5 hours of picture taking!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

33 week pictures

Here we are - 33 weeks!