Sunday, November 21, 2010

isn't it funny

When I was pregnant, I seemed to be able to pick out a pregnant lady from a mile away!  I would always look at their bellys and then at mine...trying to figure out how far along they might be.  Since I've had Cody, I hardly notice the pregnant ladies anymore - now all I notice are people with strollers...and they are everywhere!!

I went Christmas shopping with my mom yesterday, and Cody was in his stroller (not in his carseat) and I noticed everytime I would walk by another stroller, I would always look in and the moms walking by us would do the same thing.  Then you kind of look at each other and smile.  It's just too funny! 

Oh, and I absolutely love when people look in his stroller and tell me how cute he is!  We had quite a few lookers yesterday, and each one of them told me he was adorable.  Man do my ears love to hear that!! :)

Thanks Code Man for being such a great boy for mommy and grandma yesterday!  Let's hope the rest of our Christmas shopping trips go just as good!!

2 month check up

Cody had his two month check up on Tuesday, November 16.  Our little man weighed in a t 10 lbs. 8 oz. and was 23.5 inches long.  His weight is average and height is a little above average.  He is a long, skinny baby!  The Dr. said that he is doing great - a very healthy boy. 

Unfortunately, he also had his first round of shots at that appointment.  We were prepared though!  Cody had some baby tylenol about a half hour before his appointment.  When the nurse came in to give him the shots, I was a little nervous.  My sweet boy all happy, cuddled and warm in my arms had no idea what was about to happen to him.  (That still breaks my heart!)  The nurse gave him his first shot in his left leg.  We almost got away without any crying during that one!  Cody was such a big boy!  He had this look on his face like he wasn't quite sure what was happening to him.  He only started crying when she pulled the needle out.  He calmed down, and then it was on to the other leg for two more shots.  He was not a happy Cody, but as soon as I picked him up, he calmed down and was fine. 

They told us that he probably wouldn't be himself for a couple of days, and that he would most likely be sleepy the rest of that day.  Well, we have a strong boy!!  He was just fine!  Wasn't too sleepy, and he was his happy, sweet self again by the time we got home.  We didn't have any problems with fever and no bruising where the shots were given. 

I just pray that our next appointment at four months goes as well as this one!!

a different kind of love

A few days ago, I went to my favorite hair-man and got my hair chopped off!  I suppose that was my first real 'mom' thing to do.  While Tom was cutting my hair, we were discussing the love you feel for your child the minute they enter this world.  Then he said something that I don't agree with...he said that the love you feel for your child is more than the love you feel for your spouse. 

I love Doug with all my heart!  I absolutely do not love Cody any more than I love Doug!  The love I feel for my son is a whole different kind of love than what I feel for my husband.  I didn't think it was possible, but since having Cody my love for Doug has grown and continues to grow more and more each day.  I have always told Doug that our relationship comes before our kids.  When we have a strong, loving marriage, our children will fall into their place in the family and know that they are loved but they will also learn that they are not number one - that the world doesn't revolve around them. 

That may sound harsh to some people, but if we don't put our relationship first, how can we become great parents?  We can't be at our best if we are always putting our children before us. 

Don't get me wrong...I will do everything I possibly can to make sure my baby boy (and our future children) have the healthiest and happiest lives they can!  I think the only way I can be the best mom to my babies is to be the best wife to my husband.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cody's 2 month Birthday!

I can't believe that today my baby boy is 2 months old!  Doug & I were talking earlier about how we can't believe that he's already 2 months!  It seems like the time has flown by, but at the same time it seems like it was so long ago that we were released from the hospital to bring our son home!

My Baby Boy and Me

Its 3 am they're all asleep
And no one's here to see
As we rock slowly back and forth
My Baby Boy and Me.

His little head is feather light
tucked up against my chin
I hold his tiny hand in mine
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans
the clock hands creep around
He snuggles closer to me still
and makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much
and cherish every one
store memories up inside my heart
for lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up
his need for Mama gone
but until then I still have time
for kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this
with him cuddled in my arms
where I wish he'd always stay
protected safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come
when this tiny little hand
will be much bigger than my own
he'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love
with no one here to see
as we rock slowly back and forth
my baby boy and me.

Jane Triplett

Cody Douglas - You have only been in my life for 2 short months...but I cannot imagine my life without you!  I love you more than the words "I Love You" can ever express - you are my son, my first baby boy and I love you with all that I have and all that I am!  You mean the world to me, my sweet baby boy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

sweet smiles

Yesterday morning, November 11, I was up early getting ready for my day of work.  Cody was being such a good boy and was chillin' out in his swing while I took a shower.  When I got done, he started to get a little fussy, so I moved the bouncer seat into our bedroom while I put on my makeup.  When I set him down in the seat, he had a smile on his face.  I thought maybe it was just a fluke, but I got down and started talking to him...and what do ya know - he kept on smiling at me. 

I decided to finish getting ready, but kept taking breaks to see that sweet smile again!  And he kept at it!  As soon as I would get down to his level and talk to him, he would just open his mouth really wide like he was going to coo, then he would drop it down to a smile.  It was crackin' me up!  I was so excited about it. 

Here are a few pics from this morning when he was going at it again...we had a little photo shoot :)

Happy Boy!!

so excited!!

sweet little smile

crooked grin
I love his sweet smile!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

postpartum appointment

I went for my postpartum appointment two weeks ago, at 6 weeks postpartum.  I was a little nervous to go - don't ask me why!  Anyway, I just had to share what my male Dr. told me after he checked me:

"Well, everything is good as new", I know that I'm not back to normal or good as new...nor will I ever be "new" again!!  Ha!  Just goes to show what a man will say!!  I'm fairly certain that had I gone to a woman Dr. she wouldn't have said that! :)

Also, at 8 weeks postpartum, I'm 5 lbs. away from pre-pregnancy weight...unfortunately, I've been there for quite a while.  BUT, I did get to start zumba again, so hopefully that will help.  Those darn pesky 5 lbs!!  At least I can fit into most of my pre-pregnancy jeans now.  Too bad I've got a little extra padding above the waistline!!


I realized the other day that I haven't posted any pictures of Cody on here since he was born!  Oh my!  Here are a few from September and October...I hope everyone enjoys them! :)

One of our first times in cloth diapers!  I love them!!  (this is a fitted with a cover)

Bath time - Cody loves this time!!

playing with his big brother at Grandma's house

Yes, I stole the blanket from the, I did not pose him like that :)

chillin' on his boppy

More cloth dipes...this is a rump-a-rooz!  (an all-in-one dipe)


Yeah, just call me little Doug...I look like my daddy!

Cody's first Halloween

Anyone that knows me knows that I love Halloween.  I think it is such a fun holiday!  I always feel like a little kid on that day...I love to watch scary movies, go to Halloween parties and get to dress up!  I think that most people who don't like that holiday think to much into it.  I don't think that it's an evil day.  I think it is meant to be fun.  Yes, there are people who make it bad, those who play pranks on others, or vandelize houses.  But, for the most part, it's just meant to be fun for kids!

So, I was so excited that this year would be the first time that we could take our son 'trick-or-treating'!  I purchased Cody's first Halloween costume at babies-r-us in August.  I really wanted him to be a giraffe (I have a slight obsession with them) but unfortunately, they didn't have that costume in his size.  I went with the next best thing - a puppy dog! 

I also had a little sleeper for him that said 'my first Halloween' on the front and had a pumpkin face on his little rear! :)

Obvisously we didn't got trick-or-treating for candy this year - but we went to see everyone and show off our cute little puppy!  And I have to say Cody was a really good sport about being in his costume...I think because it was so warm and snuggly! :)

Trying on his costume to make sure it fits

'seriously mom...this is only amusing to you!!'

our little family :)

the back - he had a tail :)

and his little sleeper - my cute little pumpkin butt!!

silly boy

It amazes me how much Cody reminds me of Doug! 

Debbie has told me before that ever since he was little, Doug has liked to look at himself in the mirror.  I know that's true!  Anytime we go to the mall, or through an aisle at any store that has mirrors Doug stops, looks at himself and smiles!  :)  It cracks me up!  He's always done that...and now, our little Code Man might be the same.  I've been putting Cody in front of the mirror at home to show him "handsome baby".  The first few times I did that, he looked at himself and got a crinkle in his brow like he couldn't believe what he was looking at.  The past couple days that he's gone in front of the mirror, he has started smiling at himself.  It's too cute!  He'll notice "handsome baby" and stare for a bit, then give himself the biggest smile he can give!  Then he'll stop smiling for a bit to look some more, then here comes that big smile again.  It's just too funny. 

Go Figure...he won't smile for mommy, but he'll sure break it out for himself! ;) 

Friday, November 5, 2010


I've been a little pre-occupied with my little guy lately and haven't gotten something written (typed) down that I want to make sure to remember!

On Saturday, October 23 Code Man cooed for the first time!  Grandma was in the bedroom changing his dipe and I walked in to talk to her.  Mom was just talking away to little Cody and the next thing we know, he opens his mouth and lets out the cutest little coo I've ever heard!  He kept it up for a while, then went back to his serious self. 

Little booger made his daddy wait a few days before he got a chance to hear it though - since Doug has been busy working the timing just wasn't working out.  Well, he finally got to hear him, and he just talked away to his daddy!  Every time I hear it, it melts my heart!  You know how they say that little girls have their daddy's wrapped around their little finger??  Well, this little boy definitely has me wrapped around his! :)


Each week I get email updates from a website about what my baby boy should be doing/learning at this point in his life.  Every time I read them, I think, 'yeah, Cody has done that' or 'well, we're not there yet'.  Recently, I've stopped reading them.  They seem to be discouraging me, and I feel like I've read too much for my own good.

At the 5 week mark, Cody should have been smiling - or so this update said he should.  Unfortunately, he is not.  He's 7.5 weeks old, and still no signs of a smile, or even that it's going to happen soon.  Yes, he does smile...sleepy smiles when he's latched on nursing, or the occasional smile from out of no where (gas).  From what I read, it said that most babies meet this 'milestone' at around the same time.  That had me worried.  So I started searching the internet for a better answer.  Thankfully, I found one that made me feel a whole lot better.  It said that most babies should be smiling by 12 weeks and not to worry if it doesn't happen until then.

Another one of my worries is that by 8 weeks, babies should be able to follow something that you put in front of them.  Try as I might, Cody just is not interested in looking at toys or anything else that I flash in front of him.  He looks at me and he looks at daddy, but his gaze doesn't follow us either. 

As discouraging as it is to read these things and to know that my baby isn't there yet, I do realize that all babies are different!  They hit these milestones at different times, and I really shouldn't worry that Cody boy isn't there yet.  As much as I would LOVE to see my baby boy smile at me and know it's not just gas, I know it will eventually happen. 

And for now, I think I'm going to stop reading those silly updates...or at least stop taking them so seriously.  All I have to remember is that Doug and I have a very healthy, content baby boy who we love with all we have!

"I'm Sorry"

These are words I hear quite often...followed by "but Cody looks just like Doug!"  Haha, I love it!  No need to apologize.  It's exactly what I wanted - a little boy who looks just like his daddy (with my nose ;)  And I believe I wrote that in an earlier blog...

It's amazing to me how much he reminds me of Doug.  Not just by his physical appearance, but by some of his looks and actions.  He has some great 'serious' looks that he gives out!  He's only 7 weeks old, so it's hard to tell much about his personality yet, but I'm fairly certain he's gonna be laid back like his daddy, too.