Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sitting up

I'm so proud of my baby boy. When we got home yesterday, I put him down to play for a while before fixing dinner. I had him sitting up, practicing with him like we do everyday, but when I let go of him, he stayed up and didn't topple over!! When he got up this morning I put him back into his sitting position and he just chilled like that without the help of his hands for about a minute. We have been practicing all day and the boy just keeps getting better and better! My little man is growing up!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Congratulations... my ta-ta's! Yes, I would like to say a job well done to the ladies as they have provided my baby with nurishment for six months now! I had hoped to make it at least six months and am so happy I did. These rockstars aren't stopping now though, they are going the distance (or at least until Codster gets a tooth and bites me ;)) Good job girls, I'm so proud :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cody's 6 Month Birthday

Time is flying!  Codster is 6 months old!  I cannot believe that half a year has passed since Cody came in to our lives. 

We have been in Pahrump this past week visiting Mark and have been having a great time sight seeing.  We've gone to the Grand Canyon, Death Valley and Hoover Dam.  It's been so wonderful to be on our first family vacation!  I'll post more about our trip when we get home.

Right now, Cody is trying hard to sit up, and he's close to scooting on his belly.  We like to put a toy just out of his reach and see him try to get to it.  Doug says that it's a little mean, but how else will he learn??  I just love to see him learn new things every day.  He changes so much every day.  It really is hard to believe that only six months ago he was brand new!  We had to miss his six month well baby since it was during our trip.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much he weighs and how long he is. 

Mommy's Heart

You little one are mommy's heart
I knew it right from the start
the way you hold my finger tight,
when we're alone late at night.
When I cradle you in my arms
you smile and show all your charms.
Then you drift off to sleep
sometimes I can’t help but weep,
how lucky I have become
to actually be the chosen one.
To have and hold a child like you
now life seems to good to be true.
So I look up at the sky so blue
and thank the heavens for giving me you!

Codster...I love you to the moon and back a million times and more!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dear Cody

This was on my birth board, and it is so fitting for where we are right now.  It reminds me that no matter what difficulties we are having, he is healthy and he is my precious gift from God!!

Dear Cody,
Please wake me up 2 or 3 times a night,
Please make me hold you most of the day,
Please cry when I leave the room,
Please poop as soon as I put you in a clean diaper,
Please spit up on me as I'm dressed for work and am already late,
Please talk to me in the middle of the night,
Please keep being you, because as long as all these things are happening,
I know you are alive and healthy, and happy being mine!


I have not been keeping my blog as up to date as I would like.  I'm really needing to write (or type) down some milestones that Cody has reached in the past month and a half! 

Lets see...At about 4.5 to 5 months old, Cody really found his feet.  He had been looking at them for a long time, but never really reached for them, or tried to do much with them.  Then one day he woke up and decided that they were the most fascinating things that he has ever laid his eyes on!  He grabbed for them and tried his hardes to get them to his mouth.  When he finally did, I cheered him on and was so proud of my big boy!  (Ah, the little things in life are sometimes the best!!)  Cody has always loved his hands...he is constantly holding them together, rubbing them together, looking like he's praying :)  But now it seems that when he is on his back playing, those feet come first!  In fact, I'm pretty sure he would rather have his feet than any toy we own! 

As we are nearing the six month mark (I just can't really believe it), Cody is starting to learn to sit up on his own.  It's been pretty amazing to see him this past week as I've worked with him.  He is getting so much stronger, and yesterday he even sat halfway up (resting on his arms) all on his own.  It is so amazing how much babies change in just 5.5 months!

Up next on the updates...teething!  Ah, someday I plan to ask God why our poor, sweet, innocent babies must endure so much pain while teething.  Code has had a fever, diarrhea, awful dipe rash (which, thanks to cloth dipes, was cleared up in about a little over a day!), irritability, not sleeping, chewing on anything he can get to his mouth, and of course, so.much.drool!!  I'm praying that this tooth pops through this week before we head out for vacation!!

And last, but not least, we have laughter!!  It has really just been in the past two days that I can get belly laughs from the boy.  He would laugh at Bent, but that was pretty much where it ended.  Now, though, I can say things and make faces and he just thinks it is super funny.  I love it.  Everytime I hear him laugh, I laugh too.  That little giggle has to be the best laugh I've ever heard.  It absolutely makes my day!! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Fever

We got through two rounds of shots and 5.5 months of life before ever having to deal with a fever.  I'm so thankful for that! 

Last Friday, as I was dropping Cody off at my dad's, we noticed that he felt pretty warm.  Of course, it was a day that I had to work!  I went to Walmart to get a thermometer and tylenol for him.  His temp. was at 100.6.  Poor little guy!  All he wanted to do was snuggle.  We gave him some tylenol and off I went back to work (which was hard because all I could do was think about him!). 

We kept a close eye on his fever all day, I called the Dr. to tell them what was going on, and that he didn't have any symptoms of being sick, just the fever.  They thought that it could be caused by teething.  That didn't surprise me, I'm pretty sure we've been dealing with that for the past month!  Later that evening, I was prepared for his fever to rise again, and it did.  It got to 101.4.  I was so nervous about it, I kept calling my mom to make sure that I was doing everything right...haha, thank goodness for moms!!  We put a cool washcloth on his forehead (he didn't like it) and tried to rock him to sleep. 

Saturday brought us a morning with a slight fever, 99.6 or so, and a bit of a fussy boy.  He never got too cranky, but he definitely wasn't his usual happy self!  By Saturday evening, his temp. was back to normal, and by Sunday, Codster was pretty much back to normal! 

I'm thankful that we are past that, and I'm hoping that those stinking bottom teeth pop through soon!!  I hate seeing the boy feel so bad.  It's so true what every mom always says to their kids:  I wish I was the one sick and not my poor baby!