Tuesday, November 15, 2011

hello second trimester

Today marks the start of my second trimester.  Little Oscar is growing, about the size of a lemon, and can now squint, frown, grimace and pee.  Way to go Ocscar baby!

I have a Dr. appointment on Friday, and will hopefully know then if she will schedule my anatomy scan for the next appointment, or make me wait until 20 weeks.  I'll be 18.5 weeks if she lets me go back in 4 weeks, and I would love to know before Christmas whether Cody will have a little brother or little sister.  But, if I have to wait, it's only 6 more weeks, something I think I can handle. 

Everything is going good, I feel great, have more energy, and have even worked out a few times this past week (yay me!).  I can see my belly getting bigger by the day, and am looking forward to growing more and more.  I know, that probably sounds nuts, but I LOVE being pregnant!

I keep day dreaming about boy or girl. I want a girl so bad, and I know this is not my last pregnancy (God willing), so I'm not too worried, but I also keep thinking about how fun it would be to have another little boy. Cody and the new baby will be 19.5-20 months apart, and I dream about how they would be best buds. Now, I'm not naive, and I know they won't always get along. Siblings have their moments. But I can't help but think about how fun it would be for them.  At least I know I'll be happy and excited either way!
In other news, Cody is growing like a weed.  I'm pretty sure he's gained 3 pounds since his one year check up.  He is getting chubby!  He turned 14 months old yesterday, and it seems as each month passes, he gets more and more ornery (he has the best 'ornery laugh' to go with his actions as well)!  This kid definitely tests me some days.  But I love it, and wouldn't have it any other way :) 
I'll post 14 week picture tonight or tomorrow.  I have to wait for Doug to get home from work to take it for me.  There's a bump there this week!

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