Wednesday, November 16, 2011

random thoughts

  • I absolutly CAN'T WAIT until Thanksgiving!  Not just because it's a wonderful holiday to spend with family and friends, to be thankful for our many blessings that God has given us, but this year I just really want the food :)  Yes, I know, that is pretty sad.  I should be looking forward to it for the first two reasons, but truly I just want all the food.  That's pretty much all I think about anymore, yummy food.  And I'm so excited to be pregnant over the holiday season this year!  Not that it gives me the ok to gorge myself, but I will truly enjoy every bite of turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie that I eat.
  • I know that this next thought will probably make some people wonder about me, but I am so looking forward to going into labor again.  I had such a wonderful birth experience with Cody.  I truly enjoy the anticipation of getting to see my sweet baby after all of my hard work.  I'm praying that this time will go just as smooth, and that I again will go into labor naturally.  Because I refuse to be induced (unless medically necessary, and even then it has to be really necessary!)  I believe my body knows what to do.  I shouldn't force it into labor if my baby is not ready.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful Dr. who agrees with me! 
  • I feel so blessed to be carrying another baby.  I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again...I love being pregnant.  Heartburn, backaches, headaches and all!  It is a beautiful time in a womans life.  Growing a child that you and your husband have created out of love.  There's is no better gift from God.  And I thank him daily for giving me Cody and for the baby that will be here in May.
  • I can't get enough lemons and limes!  It's not really a crazy craving, but all I really want to drink is lime water, lemonade, or frozen lemonade/limeade!  I've had this craving since about 8 weeks and it's still going strong. 

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