Sunday, November 21, 2010

isn't it funny

When I was pregnant, I seemed to be able to pick out a pregnant lady from a mile away!  I would always look at their bellys and then at mine...trying to figure out how far along they might be.  Since I've had Cody, I hardly notice the pregnant ladies anymore - now all I notice are people with strollers...and they are everywhere!!

I went Christmas shopping with my mom yesterday, and Cody was in his stroller (not in his carseat) and I noticed everytime I would walk by another stroller, I would always look in and the moms walking by us would do the same thing.  Then you kind of look at each other and smile.  It's just too funny! 

Oh, and I absolutely love when people look in his stroller and tell me how cute he is!  We had quite a few lookers yesterday, and each one of them told me he was adorable.  Man do my ears love to hear that!! :)

Thanks Code Man for being such a great boy for mommy and grandma yesterday!  Let's hope the rest of our Christmas shopping trips go just as good!!

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