Friday, November 5, 2010


Each week I get email updates from a website about what my baby boy should be doing/learning at this point in his life.  Every time I read them, I think, 'yeah, Cody has done that' or 'well, we're not there yet'.  Recently, I've stopped reading them.  They seem to be discouraging me, and I feel like I've read too much for my own good.

At the 5 week mark, Cody should have been smiling - or so this update said he should.  Unfortunately, he is not.  He's 7.5 weeks old, and still no signs of a smile, or even that it's going to happen soon.  Yes, he does smile...sleepy smiles when he's latched on nursing, or the occasional smile from out of no where (gas).  From what I read, it said that most babies meet this 'milestone' at around the same time.  That had me worried.  So I started searching the internet for a better answer.  Thankfully, I found one that made me feel a whole lot better.  It said that most babies should be smiling by 12 weeks and not to worry if it doesn't happen until then.

Another one of my worries is that by 8 weeks, babies should be able to follow something that you put in front of them.  Try as I might, Cody just is not interested in looking at toys or anything else that I flash in front of him.  He looks at me and he looks at daddy, but his gaze doesn't follow us either. 

As discouraging as it is to read these things and to know that my baby isn't there yet, I do realize that all babies are different!  They hit these milestones at different times, and I really shouldn't worry that Cody boy isn't there yet.  As much as I would LOVE to see my baby boy smile at me and know it's not just gas, I know it will eventually happen. 

And for now, I think I'm going to stop reading those silly updates...or at least stop taking them so seriously.  All I have to remember is that Doug and I have a very healthy, content baby boy who we love with all we have!

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