Friday, May 14, 2010

22 weeks down - 18 to go!

At 22 weeks, Mr. Wolfgang is now 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 lb.  His lips, eyelids and eyebrows are more distinct, and he's developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.  He's just doing so much growing!  I'm such a proud momma already!

It starts to hit me more and more each day that Doug and I are going to be parents.  Holy Moly - DOUG AND I ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!  When did we grow up?!  Where does the time go?! 

I've gone from wondering what little Wolfie will be and thinking about how to do the nursery to looking into birthing methods and thinking more and more about how much life is going to change.  (a GOOD change, but still a BIG change!)  I've been reading up on breastfeeding.  Hoping and praying that when Wolfgang arrives, I'll be able to provide for him in this way.  I guess this is the way it is will all expectant mothers.  At first you are day-dreaming about what your're having, wondering what your pregnant body will be like, and thinking about a snuggly newborn baby.  Then, as time passes, your belly gets bigger and you realize that the number of weeks you have been pregnant is greater than the number you have left.  Your mindset just naturally starts to change - you have to think about the reality of everything.

My reality is that I need to start preparing myself mentally and physically for not only childbirth, but for the wonderful yet stressful time soon after.  Having a baby is not an easy thing.  There is so much that people don't tell you about childbirth!  God designed a womans body pefrectly for this.  But, I definitely want to help myself by picking a birthing method that is not only right for me, but for Doug also.  Looks like I'll be doing lots of research in the next few weeks, and talking with my Dr. about all my options.

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