Wednesday, January 12, 2011

where oh where has my hair gone?? and my body!

I know that when you are pregnant, your hair tends to get thicker.  You don't actually grow more hair, hormones cause it to not fall out as much as normal.  Unfortunatly, I never really got to have the lovely thick hair during pregnancy...I have very fine, thin hair and I never really saw a change in it. 

Naturally, after I had Cody, I expected to lose some hair anyway...I mean, just because I didn't see or feel the change, I knew I had to have some extra hair up there, right??  Well, month one came and went along with month two and most of month three without me losing any hair.  I thought, hey - maybe I won't experience this hair loss that I had people tell me about.  Aparently I thought too soon.  For the past two weeks or so, I have been shedding like crazy.  Kind of gross, I know. 

Thinking of that brings me to this - I'm so ready for my body to be back to normal!  I've been back to my pre-pregnancy weight since Cody was 3 months old, but things are just not like they were.  All of my jeans fit again, and some that were a little snug before I got pregnant even fit now, but they just fit differently!  Things are a bit more *gasp* saggy :( 

Fortunately, I got some new jogging shoes for Christmas and a BOB jogging stroller (that's great for our gravel roads) and as soon as the cold Winter is gone and we welcome nice Spring days, I'll be out hitting the pavement (or gravel) getting back in shape!!  I can't wait!

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