Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's been a year

First off...I'm pretty sure writing this post is going to make me cry :)

Wow, how fast a year goes by!  I can hardly believe it!  A year ago today I took a home pregnancy test.  I still remember very vividly pacing in the bathroom, anxiously awaiting the results.  All I wanted to see was one word pop up on that little test.  At this point, it had been about seven months that Doug and I had stopped trying to not get pregnant and I had seen two little words pop up on that screen a few too many times (not pregnant).  I just knew this time was it, it had to be!  Those three minutes were about the longest of my life.  I had a little panic in me as I saw the hourglass was that split second before my result popped up that I though, what if I'm wrong - what if this isn't really it?!  That thought was soon removed from my mind when I looked down to see the most wonderful word in the world...PREGNANT. 

Finally.  My dream of being a mom was going to be fulfilled.  I couldn't wait to tell Doug, but I had to make sure that the result was accurate.  So, on I went to take two more tests all with the same result.  But that wasn't enough for me, I needed to get it confirmed by a Dr.  So, I waited to tell Doug, wanting to do it in a special way.  That night and the next were some of the hardest nights of my, it's hard to keep that secret from your husband!

Well, the next day, January 14, 2010, I called my Dr. and made an appointment for that morning.  I left work, and hurried to the hospital in Lamar (where her office is) and waited.  When they called me back, they had me take another test.  When my Dr. walked in, she confirmed what I couldn't wait to hear from her..I was indeed expecting!  Yes!  Now that it was official, I got information from her on how far along I was (almost 5 weeks...would be 5 weeks the next day, Jan. 15.) and Dr. recommendations. 

On the 15th, I told Doug.  In my first blog post I told how I let him know.  It was very special.  I gave him a bib that read 'I Love Daddy', a positive test and a poem from our little one which you can read in my first post last year (I have that poem in Cody's room).

*I'll be posting a 'part 2' to this on Saturday.*  **4 months ago today, I went into labor!  Doesn't seem possible!**

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