Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yes, I have been slacking lately.  I'm way behind on what's been going on in baby-land and I hope to get all caught up with posts this weekend.  I'm just so tired all the time that I seem to be putting things off. 

Anyway, this is going to be a short post - about my frustration with people who give their opinions on things that they don't know anything about.

Now, first let me say that I truly do appreciate getting advice from people.  I love hearing things that work for them, the 'extras' that are great to have, things that you don't really need...yes, I have to say that I love getting advice like that.

I don't, however, like when people tell me that I should not use cloth diapers because disposables are so much easier - and that I'm going to hate doing cloth (people who have never done research on cloth, and have never even used cloth).  Yes, I realize that disposables are much easier - they are also a butt load of money.  My reasons for doing cloth are simple:
  1. I'm going to be a stay at home mom.  This means that our income is going to change.  If I'm going to be home with the boy every day, and I am able to get up and put some laundry in the washing machine every couple of days, what's the big deal?
  2. It's better for the environment - yep, I'm going green!
Obvisously, the people who try to talk me out of it don't understand how much cloth diapers have changed.  And, they don't know how determined Doug and I are to use cloth (yes, both of us)!  I'm not against disposable diapers in any way.  I plan to use them for the first few weeks after we bring Wolfie home.  And, I'll be using them when we take day trips or when he stays with his grandparents.  Just remember, there is a difference between giving advice, and giving an opinion about something that I plan on doing.

**Hopefully I'll get pictures up of my baby shower that I had last weekend very soon.  It was so much fun, and I appreciate everyone who came!!**

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