Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How good are your secret keeping abilities??

So, I'm finding it VERY HARD to keep this secret (and I know it's difficult for our parents)!  Doug & I decided that we'd wait to tell everyone until after our first appointment at 8 weeks.  We're so excited, we just want everyone to know!  BUT, we will wait!

Last night was my brother's birthday.  So, we went out to eat at Mike's favorite place with mom, dad & grandma.  I don't think it would have been so difficult, but grandma just found out that my cousin Jeff & his wife Angie are expecting their third.  So, she was talking about how this would be her 18th great-grandkid.  Let me tell ya, it took all I had not to burst out and say "GRANDMA, WE'RE HAVING YOUR 19TH!!"  It was also just a little scary to see grandma, because she seems to have this "power" to sense little things that are different.  Normally, I would have had a beer to go along with our chicken, but, Doug got the beer to himself.  I kinda figured she would have said something about that, thankfully she didn't.  But, she'll know soon enough!

On another note:

It amazes me how before I was pregnant, one of my favorite foods was grilled chicken breast.  Tasty, and good for you.  But now, ugh!  The thought of it makes me sick!  I'm hoping that this doesn't last my whole pregnancy, but I'm not gonna hold my breath on that.  Oh, and oranges sound amazing!  Can't get enough of 'em!

I've been feeling pretty good.  I got sick for the first time yesterday afternoon.  Not fun.  Other than that, I'm just extremely tired!  But, I can deal with that pretty easily.  :)

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