Sunday, April 22, 2012

this and that

I had my 36 week appointment this past Friday.  I've gained a total of 24 pounds so far, which I'm quite happy with.  Got my group B strep test done (should have results back Monday or Tuesday).  Dr. Fogarty checked me, and my body has not made any changes to move toward labor yet.  I go back in a week.

I'm really excited about working with my cousin (well, she is my mom's cousin) who is a doula.  She, unfortunately doesn't live around here, but we are talking back and forth about ways to help me naturally induce labor to hopefully (if baby thinks it is time and God believes it is as well) have little Oscar on May 4.  If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't...but it's worth a shot!  She is also giving me advice as to things I can do now to help prevent tearing while I deliver.

I have already talked to my Dr. about wanting the most natural birthing experience possible.  We have discussed me not having an IV (unless I come back positive for the GBS test, even then she said we can take it out from time to time).  I will be using the jet tub again, because it was a huge help to me last time.  I will probably spend more time in it this time around.  Dr. Fogarty has also given me the ok to only have a portable monitor on so that I can get up and move around as needed, since I explained to her that I felt very "tied down" last time.  She is more than happy to help me achieve the birth that I want.  I am so thankful for that.  We also discussed delayed cord cutting, which she already practices. 

To be honest, I am just a 'go with the flow' kind of person.  I have not made a birth plan, and don't plan to.  I will state my wishes as we arrive and go from there.  The only thing we know that we want is for baby Oscar to remain intact.  Doug and I both feel very strongly about not circumcising our boys.  We did our research before we had Cody, and our decision is to not have it done.  So, that is about the only thing that we will tell them that will not be done. 

I am starting to get some contractions, not anything serious, probably 2 an hour.  But, this morning they were starting to get a bit uncomfortable.  Not like normal BH contractions.  They make me a bit excited.  Sounds silly, I know.  Who really likes having them...but it just means that my body is preparing for what is to come very soon!  I was telling my mom the other day that I think I'm even less patient this time around with wanting my baby boy to be here, because I already know the intense amount of love I will feel for him the moment I meet him.  I already know that he will change my life forever for the better.  But, I need to be patient.  I still would like for him to 'bake' a bit longer.

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