Well, it looks like my dream of having sweet Oscar on my granddad's birthday will not come true. My Dr. is out of town until May 5 on a Mission Trip and apparently, I am Fort Knox (I've made no progress at all, which means these darn Braxton Hicks contractions that I've been having are just teasing me).
I knew it was a long shot to have him on a special day, but knowing that it most likely will not happen has made me sad. Please, don't get me wrong. I want this boy to bake as long as he needs to and I want him to come when he is good and ready (I'm not one of those women that wants to try everything to get the baby out since I'm considered "full term"...I know the longer he stays in, the better), but that doesn't take away the emotion I feel about him not sharing a birthday with one of the most amazing men I have ever known.
It's up to God, and I need to remember that.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
had to share
Just a few pictures that I have to share:
The BEAUTIFUL blanket that my mom made baby brother
and his CAT onesie and hat for hospital pictures
Another CAT onesie and hat. They turned out SO GOOD!
Big Bro/Little Bro shirts for my boys. This will be Oscar's coming home outfit from the hospital, and Cody will be wearing his big bro shirt to match :)
Where's the baby?
When Cody was about 18 months old, he finally started (somewhat) understanding that there is a baby in my belly. He knows that it is in my belly, and in no one elses. Anyway, I would ask him where the baby was, and he would come over to my belly, lift my shirt, point and say "the baby!". Then I would ask him to love the baby, and he would lay his head down on my stomach and "love" baby brother. I know I'm biased, but it has been the absolute cutest thing I've ever seen! He is such a sweetheart, and I know he'll be an awesome big brother!
"The Baby!"
Loving baby brother :)
These pictures melt my heart. Oh how I love pictures.
They capture the moment and let it live a lifetime!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
37 weeks = full term
I'm here! Full Term! If baby Oscar were to be born right now, he would be considered full term and well (hopefully). I can't hardly believe it!
Although, dear Oscar, please stay in a bit longer. The longer you stay, the better off you will be :)
I think I have everything as ready as its gonna be. We don't have Cody's big boy room finished, so Oscar will sleep in the pack n play by me for a while. I have to get that out, but it takes up so much room that it will wait until we come home from the hosptial. I need to get out our baby bathtub. But it is right in Cody's closet, so no big deal. I have all clothes washed and ready, bottles clean and steralized (they won't be used often, but they are ready for when that time comes). And that's pretty much all I need. The swing and bouncy seat are set up and ready (but definitely not something that I 'need').
Honestly, it is so funny how everything had to be ready and 'perfect' for Cody. And I'm not even an "anal" person. This time, I'm even more "go with the flow" than before! I was very laid back with Cody, and I assume I will be just as much if not more this time around.
Remember little Oscar, if you feel you are ready to join us, please do! BUT, if you would like to wait another 10 days, that would be perfect :)
Love you little guy!
Although, dear Oscar, please stay in a bit longer. The longer you stay, the better off you will be :)
I think I have everything as ready as its gonna be. We don't have Cody's big boy room finished, so Oscar will sleep in the pack n play by me for a while. I have to get that out, but it takes up so much room that it will wait until we come home from the hosptial. I need to get out our baby bathtub. But it is right in Cody's closet, so no big deal. I have all clothes washed and ready, bottles clean and steralized (they won't be used often, but they are ready for when that time comes). And that's pretty much all I need. The swing and bouncy seat are set up and ready (but definitely not something that I 'need').
Honestly, it is so funny how everything had to be ready and 'perfect' for Cody. And I'm not even an "anal" person. This time, I'm even more "go with the flow" than before! I was very laid back with Cody, and I assume I will be just as much if not more this time around.
Remember little Oscar, if you feel you are ready to join us, please do! BUT, if you would like to wait another 10 days, that would be perfect :)
Love you little guy!
Monday, April 23, 2012
36 week pictures
My poor belly button is stretched to its limit! I'm not sure it'll ever be the same...haha, but so worth it!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
maternity pictures
We had maternity pictures taken at 34 weeks. I am so happy with them, and wanted to share some of them here.
Love this family pic :)
Cody was not too excited to take pictures, so that is why his feet are not in this picture as well.
My sweet little boy...aka Mini Doug

Megan McCullough did an amazing job! I can't wait until she is taking newborn pics in a few weeks!
As my days being a mom of only 1 child quickly come to an end, I am having some emotional times. I look at Cody and can't believe how big he is...19 months! Where has the time gone?? I feel as if I have not taken nearly enough pictures and video of him. It seems like every day just slips by and I'm one day closer to him being grown. I look at him and my heart melts, and I want to just stop time and enjoy every little thing about him being 19 months. Even as I'm typing this, I have tears streaming dowm my face (gotta love these hormones!)
So, I am trying my best to spend each day with Cody doing a little something special...a snuggled up nap together, a special sweet treat, or even just a ride on the lawn mower (tractor as he calls it). Little things, yes, but things that won't be happening by ourselves for a while after little brother arrives.
My hope is that even though Cody will probably never remember being the only child, I will know that I did everything I could to make his time as our only baby very special. And I will continue to make his time as the "Big Brother" special as well.
I love you, Code Man!
So, I am trying my best to spend each day with Cody doing a little something special...a snuggled up nap together, a special sweet treat, or even just a ride on the lawn mower (tractor as he calls it). Little things, yes, but things that won't be happening by ourselves for a while after little brother arrives.
My hope is that even though Cody will probably never remember being the only child, I will know that I did everything I could to make his time as our only baby very special. And I will continue to make his time as the "Big Brother" special as well.
I love you, Code Man!
this and that
I had my 36 week appointment this past Friday. I've gained a total of 24 pounds so far, which I'm quite happy with. Got my group B strep test done (should have results back Monday or Tuesday). Dr. Fogarty checked me, and my body has not made any changes to move toward labor yet. I go back in a week.
I'm really excited about working with my cousin (well, she is my mom's cousin) who is a doula. She, unfortunately doesn't live around here, but we are talking back and forth about ways to help me naturally induce labor to hopefully (if baby thinks it is time and God believes it is as well) have little Oscar on May 4. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't...but it's worth a shot! She is also giving me advice as to things I can do now to help prevent tearing while I deliver.
I have already talked to my Dr. about wanting the most natural birthing experience possible. We have discussed me not having an IV (unless I come back positive for the GBS test, even then she said we can take it out from time to time). I will be using the jet tub again, because it was a huge help to me last time. I will probably spend more time in it this time around. Dr. Fogarty has also given me the ok to only have a portable monitor on so that I can get up and move around as needed, since I explained to her that I felt very "tied down" last time. She is more than happy to help me achieve the birth that I want. I am so thankful for that. We also discussed delayed cord cutting, which she already practices.
To be honest, I am just a 'go with the flow' kind of person. I have not made a birth plan, and don't plan to. I will state my wishes as we arrive and go from there. The only thing we know that we want is for baby Oscar to remain intact. Doug and I both feel very strongly about not circumcising our boys. We did our research before we had Cody, and our decision is to not have it done. So, that is about the only thing that we will tell them that will not be done.
I am starting to get some contractions, not anything serious, probably 2 an hour. But, this morning they were starting to get a bit uncomfortable. Not like normal BH contractions. They make me a bit excited. Sounds silly, I know. Who really likes having them...but it just means that my body is preparing for what is to come very soon! I was telling my mom the other day that I think I'm even less patient this time around with wanting my baby boy to be here, because I already know the intense amount of love I will feel for him the moment I meet him. I already know that he will change my life forever for the better. But, I need to be patient. I still would like for him to 'bake' a bit longer.
I'm really excited about working with my cousin (well, she is my mom's cousin) who is a doula. She, unfortunately doesn't live around here, but we are talking back and forth about ways to help me naturally induce labor to hopefully (if baby thinks it is time and God believes it is as well) have little Oscar on May 4. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't...but it's worth a shot! She is also giving me advice as to things I can do now to help prevent tearing while I deliver.
I have already talked to my Dr. about wanting the most natural birthing experience possible. We have discussed me not having an IV (unless I come back positive for the GBS test, even then she said we can take it out from time to time). I will be using the jet tub again, because it was a huge help to me last time. I will probably spend more time in it this time around. Dr. Fogarty has also given me the ok to only have a portable monitor on so that I can get up and move around as needed, since I explained to her that I felt very "tied down" last time. She is more than happy to help me achieve the birth that I want. I am so thankful for that. We also discussed delayed cord cutting, which she already practices.
To be honest, I am just a 'go with the flow' kind of person. I have not made a birth plan, and don't plan to. I will state my wishes as we arrive and go from there. The only thing we know that we want is for baby Oscar to remain intact. Doug and I both feel very strongly about not circumcising our boys. We did our research before we had Cody, and our decision is to not have it done. So, that is about the only thing that we will tell them that will not be done.
I am starting to get some contractions, not anything serious, probably 2 an hour. But, this morning they were starting to get a bit uncomfortable. Not like normal BH contractions. They make me a bit excited. Sounds silly, I know. Who really likes having them...but it just means that my body is preparing for what is to come very soon! I was telling my mom the other day that I think I'm even less patient this time around with wanting my baby boy to be here, because I already know the intense amount of love I will feel for him the moment I meet him. I already know that he will change my life forever for the better. But, I need to be patient. I still would like for him to 'bake' a bit longer.
Monday, April 16, 2012
bags are packed!
Not that I'm in too big of a hurry...I mean, I still have about 4 weeks until my due date (3 weeks until the day I'm praying I have Oscar on). But, I'm prepared! I have the diaper bag ready (amazing how quickly I forgot how much stuff you need to pack for a newborn!), my bag is mostly packed, just waiting on the last minute things that need to be put in. All that is left to do is pack a bag for Cody, which will most likely be done after I go into labor before we head to the hospital, since he will be staying with his grandparents so Doug can stay with me.
It is hard to believe that this pregnancy is coming to a close! It really just seems like yesterday that I was telling Doug the good news! Looking back over the past 36 weeks, I'm a little sad that I didn't get to really sit and enjoy everything about this pregnancy. I guess that's how it is, though. First time around you don't have a toddler to look after! It's not that I haven't gotten to sit and just enjoy some quiet moments with this little man growing inside of me...but it has not been the same as with Cody. But I am soooo looking forward to meeting you, little Oscar! I'm ready to stop dreaming of what you are going to look like and actually see you!
It is hard to believe that this pregnancy is coming to a close! It really just seems like yesterday that I was telling Doug the good news! Looking back over the past 36 weeks, I'm a little sad that I didn't get to really sit and enjoy everything about this pregnancy. I guess that's how it is, though. First time around you don't have a toddler to look after! It's not that I haven't gotten to sit and just enjoy some quiet moments with this little man growing inside of me...but it has not been the same as with Cody. But I am soooo looking forward to meeting you, little Oscar! I'm ready to stop dreaming of what you are going to look like and actually see you!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
newborn cloth
I took the plunge...I am going to cloth diaper Oscar from the start this time. I started around 3-4 weeks with Cody, and really doing it full time when he was about 2 months old and fit into the one size diapers I had purchased.
I ordered the good 'ol old fashioned prefolds and a couple newborn covers. I used prefolds with Code Man too, and I really like them! They are so easy to use, and they are really very inexpensive! I am looking forward getting them and prepping them! I still plan on using disposable while we are out, especially with a newborn because that it just less that I have to carry around with me.
Now, I just have to find a re-arrange the changing table so I can fit both boys' diapers in it.
Oh little Oscar, mommy is so looking forward to seeing your sweet little face! And putting cloth on your cute little bum :)
I ordered the good 'ol old fashioned prefolds and a couple newborn covers. I used prefolds with Code Man too, and I really like them! They are so easy to use, and they are really very inexpensive! I am looking forward getting them and prepping them! I still plan on using disposable while we are out, especially with a newborn because that it just less that I have to carry around with me.
Now, I just have to find a re-arrange the changing table so I can fit both boys' diapers in it.
Oh little Oscar, mommy is so looking forward to seeing your sweet little face! And putting cloth on your cute little bum :)
Oh my, nesting has started full force in this house! It started this past weekend with me feeling the 'need' to get my newborn diaper bag packed, get started on my hospital bag, buy some new bottles and parts for my old ones, new pump parts, newborn diapers (both cloth and dipsosable) and I had to get the infant car seat base installed!
Monday morning, I woke up early and started cleaning out kitchen cabinets and washing and steralizing bottles, pump parts, etc. Yesterday I was exhausted, so I took a break. Today though, I really got with it! I cleaned out two closets (wanted to get 3 done, but I got sick this afternoon, so the third will have to wait), I also got the one item that I've purchased for this little guy put together (rock & play sleeper). I did some laundry, and feel like I've really accomplished something. There is so much that I still want to do (nothing that has to be done, because really, we are ready for little Oscar), but it's just that nesting instinct that keeps pulling me to want to get my house super clean and ready!
I wish this nesting bug would hit me every spring cleaning time (without always being pregnant) :)
Monday morning, I woke up early and started cleaning out kitchen cabinets and washing and steralizing bottles, pump parts, etc. Yesterday I was exhausted, so I took a break. Today though, I really got with it! I cleaned out two closets (wanted to get 3 done, but I got sick this afternoon, so the third will have to wait), I also got the one item that I've purchased for this little guy put together (rock & play sleeper). I did some laundry, and feel like I've really accomplished something. There is so much that I still want to do (nothing that has to be done, because really, we are ready for little Oscar), but it's just that nesting instinct that keeps pulling me to want to get my house super clean and ready!
I wish this nesting bug would hit me every spring cleaning time (without always being pregnant) :)
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