I had planned a way to tell our parents the gender for quite a while. I'll share exactly what we did after we find out ;) But, I'll say that I have wrapped two gifts for both sets of parents. And we will have them open one of the gifts to find out the gender. I have been working all week to get the gifts prepared (nothing like waiting until the last minute!) and had to wrap Grandma and Grandpa Stefan's gift to travel. They will be on vacation and sadly we won't get to see them open their present. But I told Doug that it wasn't going to stop me from still telling them the way I had planned. So off they went this morning with their two packages stored in the carry-on so that they'll be with them on Tuesday when we call. I got Grandpa and Grandma Blackford's gifts ready to take over tomorrow, and I just wanted to share the pictures of the finished products. Like I said before, I'll show the pictures of what's inside each package on Tuesday after we find out!
The "travel size" package for Doug's parents
And the "full size" package for my parents
I hope that they are curious to find out which one is which! And there better be no snooping!!
Less than 2 days! Oh my goodness, I feel like a little kid! I can't contain my excitement!
I cannot believe you would even suggest someone might stoop to snooping! It will be tough, though!