Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I thought it would be fun to share some "Codyisms".  This kid talks non-stop whenever he is awake.  At his 18 month appointment, he was saying about 10 words.  His vocabulary has really taken off and he says the cutest things.  So here goes...some of his favorite words and Codyisms...
  • Trator (tractor)  Probably his favorite word...and his first word.  Pretty sure this kid was born to be on the farm!!
  • Bondine (combine) 
  • Shake Booty (he says this when I'm shaking up my protein drink in the morning because I would sing "shake your booty"...then we both shake our booties together...so fun!)
  • Peas (please)  A word we hear often because he thinks if he says it, he will automatically get whatever it is he wants.
  • Nilch (milk)  I'm not sure why he calls milk "nilch" but he does.  It's one of those words that mommy, daddy, and the grandparents know what he is wanting.
  • Wud ooo (love you)  He just started saying this recently.  Now I'll tell him I love him, and he will say "wud ooo, mommy".  Melts my heart every time.
  • Otay (Okay)  probably my favorite word he says.  It is just too cute to hear.
  • lo (hello)
  • Mouse (for Mickey Mouse)  He does say Mickey Mouse, but when he wants to watch it, he just says mouse.  He also loves Pete on the show, and will yell out his name whenever he sees him.
  • Oh Toodles  This is from Mickey Mouse.  We have a stuffed Mickey and whenever he picks it up to bring it over to play with it, he says "Oh Toodles".  Something that Mickey says.
  • Boob  Yep, that's what it is.  He says it often too...
  • Potty, Poop, Pee Pee and Toot  He is learning these words thanks to potty training.  He also says them often...especially poop and toot!  (He's such a boy!)
  • Hi Mommy, Hi Daddy, Hi Tody, Hi Baby  Every morning when he wakes up, he says "Hi Mommy"...yep, that makes my day!  He also loves to go up to Gabe and say hi to him...but he refuses to call him by his name.  He will either say baby or brother.
  • Miles (fruit smiles)  His favorite candy.  And when he wants some, he'll go point to the cabinet that they are in and say "Miles mommy, peas".
  • Bass (Bath)
  • Eaties (Eat)  He adds an "S" to the end of a lot of words...not sure why, but it is cute.
  • Tody, Tode (Cody, Code)
  • Sone (Phone)
  • Mornting (Morning)
He says so much more than just that, so I will be doing a part two soon.  But right now I gotta go feed his brother :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

the difference of two boys

I'm almost three months in to being a mom of 2 boys.  Two boys who look quite a bit alike, but have very different personalities and very different body builds.

From the start, Cody was Mr. Personality.  That boy smiles at everything, and just a second later can be frowning, then turns around to being completely happy once more.  He was such a happy baby, but I have to say he was a very difficult baby.  As soon as we came home from the hospital, Cody wouldn't ever let me put him down.  He was (and is) just as stubborn as his mommy.  He didn't like any of the big baby items we had for him, such as the swing, jumperoo, pack n play, etc.  He would go in the bouncy seat for maybe 10-15 minutes at a time (long enough for me to take a super fast shower and put on a bit of makeup).  We got no use out of his crib.  Cody slept with us (and still sleeps on the couch).  I got A LOT of use out of my baby carriers his first year.  In fact, it didn't get easier for Doug and myself until he got about 8-9 months old when he started crawling and pulling up and could explore. 

Gabe is the complete opposite.  He is a very happy and content baby.  He will nap on his own, and he has slept through the night (I'm talking 9 hrs or more) since he was about a month old.  He slept through the night before that with one feeding, but we have now dropped that.  Gabe loves being in the swing and bouncy seat.  He enjoys laying under the play gym mat.  He doesn't hate tummy time like Cody (who started rolling at 15 days old because he despised tummy time so much).  Gabe actually naps on his belly.  He does pretty good in the car.  Sure he has his moments, but for the most part he does a lot better in the carseat than Cody ever did.

The only thing that I wish Gabe was better about was going to other people.  He cries quite a bit when others hold him...he is already a momma's boy.  Cody wasn't this way.  He would usually go to whoever wanted him no problems.

Code was a very small boy his first year.  He wasn't even on the charts for weight until his first birthday, even then it was just barely there.  Now, the kid is 30 lbs and is 50-75 % for both height and weight.  He really started growing in his second year.  G on the other hand, is a big boy!!  He is wearing 6 month clothing and he's not quite 3 months old yet.  He also wore an outfit that Cody wore when he was 9 months old and it fit perfectly.  The kid is really long and he is my Mr. Chubbs. 

It continues to amaze me how different they are.  Not that I expected them to be alike, but it was hard to imagine a baby different from Cody.  I guess God knew exactly what I needed.  Cody keeps me going almost 24/7, and He Blessed me with a very laid back boy who is happy to just come along for the ride.  One thing is for sure, though, God gave us two beautiful, loving boys who I wouldn't trade for anything!!

I'm Back

Once again, it seems I've fallen off the face of the earth when it comes to writing here.  I have been busy being mommy to my wonderful boys, and napping and doing things for myself (like working out) while they nap, and I just haven't put this as a prioritiy.  I've missed typing out things that they boys are doing that I want to remember, and I hate having to think back to when they did what...so, I'm back!