warning...this is a mushy post about my hubby...
I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband who would tell me everyday during my pregnancy how beautiful I was. Even at 9 months, he would make sure to tell me. He tells me now, everyday, that I am looking good. That I am sexy even 1.5 weeks postpartum.
Doug always knows what to say to make me laugh and feel better when I'm having a down day. He is an amazing daddy, who comes home after working 10-12 hr. days and gets excited to play with his son and takes him out to ride in the tractor before he ever sits to relax.
The boys and I are so blessed to have him as a husband and father. We love you, daddy!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
just call me Buttercup...
I've been given a couple of new nicknames by my husband...Buttercup or Jersey. Of course, those are in reference to a cow. Now, not because I'm fat or big - but because I have an abundance of milk this time around and I feel like I should "Moo" everytime I pump after I feed Gabe.
Gabe took to breastfeeding better than Cody did. It took Cody and myself a good two-three weeks to get the hang of it. Gabe was nursing like a champ in the hospital. I'm sure it's a mix of me being more comfortable this time around and not stressing about it, and so Gabe is more comfortable also. He is more efficient too. Cody took about 40 minutes or more to nurse and would want both sides. Gabe is done in 10-15 minutes and I'm able to pump the other side to save.
Twelve days postpartum and I have already pumped and frozen about 100 oz. of breastmilk. I'm pretty sure I didn't pump that much the whole 15 months that I breastfed Cody!
Doug and I like to laugh about it, but I am so thankful that I have this good supply this time. I'm able to just relax and enjoy the wonderful bonding experience that nursing my baby boy brings.
So, excuse this Jersey...I need to go feed my kid.
Gabe took to breastfeeding better than Cody did. It took Cody and myself a good two-three weeks to get the hang of it. Gabe was nursing like a champ in the hospital. I'm sure it's a mix of me being more comfortable this time around and not stressing about it, and so Gabe is more comfortable also. He is more efficient too. Cody took about 40 minutes or more to nurse and would want both sides. Gabe is done in 10-15 minutes and I'm able to pump the other side to save.
Twelve days postpartum and I have already pumped and frozen about 100 oz. of breastmilk. I'm pretty sure I didn't pump that much the whole 15 months that I breastfed Cody!
Doug and I like to laugh about it, but I am so thankful that I have this good supply this time. I'm able to just relax and enjoy the wonderful bonding experience that nursing my baby boy brings.
So, excuse this Jersey...I need to go feed my kid.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
before and after
My last belly picture - taken at 38 weeks 5 days
Not the most flattering picture, but I like it because it shows how tired I was.
It was exhausting carring around a 9 lb baby in my belly
And here I am, 2.5 weeks later at 11 days post partum.
4 lbs to go before I'm pre pregnancy weight and a bit of a pooch to get rid of, but all in all, I can't complain!
the birth of Gabriel Lee (part 2)
It was 10 am when I looked at the clock after getting into the hospital bed. The nurse, Cassie, started asking the long list of questions. When she finished, I told her that I had discussed with Dr. Fogarty that I didn't want the IV, but that she wanted me to have the block in my arm just in case we needed it in a hurry later (I'm glad we did).
Cassie mentioned that I could labor on the birth ball, in the tub, walk the halls, basically however I needed to to feel comfortable. I chose to start out on the birth ball. She brought that in and I sat on that for about an hour. At around 11:30 my parents showed up. I was doing well on the birth ball, but contractions started getting quite a bit stronger. I was breathing deep and exhaling with low moans to help. Doug and my dad left at noon to go eat when Cassie came in and wanted to check me. The monitor was showing that Gabe's heartbeat was dropping pretty low everytime I was having a contraction and it was making them nervous. We decided I needed to move off the birth ball and change positions. I got back in bed and moved to my hands and knees everytime a contraction started.
It's at this point that it all starts to run together for me. Another nurse came in and they decided that I should have the IV put in to see if that would help. They got fluids started, and pumped them in me pretty fast (which led to lots of bloating, especially in my face). Dr. Fogarty came in sometime around 12:45-1:00 pm, I think. She finished breaking my water which made my contractions come fast and hard. I was pretty much not getting a break between them. I was dilated to a 4, and started getting sick. I couldn't get any relief, no matter how I moved and the vomiting made it that much worse.
Dr. Fogarty discussed with me that my body was wanting to proceed fast, but I was basically holding myself back. So, we decided that if I got the epidural I would progress pretty quickly. I got the epi shortly after she left (which was good, because I couldn't handle the pain any longer). When I layed down after getting it, I was checked at was 100% and 7 cm (it was about 1:15pm, I believe).
The nurses kept having me switch sides that I was laying on because they were having a hard time finding the baby's heartbeat. I was also put on oxygen. They finally decided that they would put an internal monitor on Gabe to get a better reading. After that, everyone seemed to calm down a little. Sometime after 2 I told them I was feeling the need to push, so they checked me and I was fully dilated. They called Dr. Fogarty to come over (I think even called her twice to make sure she hurried!). When she arrived she did a quick check to make sure, and saw that I was indeed ready to push (could see baby's head) and got her gown on. I asked for the mirror, so I could see my sweet baby being born (like I did with Cody). I was ready to push, and I gave it my all, a big push, stopped to take a breath, gave another big push and out came Gabriel. I literally pushed for only a couple of minutes (and I thought the 25 minutes I pushed with Cody was fast!).
Gabe came out crying, and Dr. Fogarty placed him on my chest while they wiped him down a bit and we waited for the after birth. Doug cut the cord, and they took him to weigh him. Dr. Fogarty guessed that he was 8lbs 4oz. Boy, you should have heard all the gasps when everyone looked at the scale and it said 9lbs 1oz! Surprised me, that's for sure...an almost 2 lb difference from Cody!
They brought him back over to me, and I asked the Dr. what the damage was. A 2nd degree tear pretty much where my episiotomy was. She stitched me up and I was able to breastfeed Gabe, who took to it like a champ. He nursed for about 30 minutes while Doug and I sat in awe of our new little man.
After Gabe finished, Doug went out to get our family. Mom & Dad, Paul & Deb and Cody came back to meet the new addition. Cody ran over to the bed and climbed up with me and met his brother for the first time...that is a moment I will never forget. He was so sweet.
I had to stay in the labor room for 2 hours, and then was moved to our regular room. We were released 24 hours later and got to head home to start our lives as a family of four.
From the time my water broke until the time Gabe was born was 10 hrs. But, basically labor only lasted for 4.5 hrs. It was so fast, and nothing like I had planned (once again, glad I'm just a go with the flow kind of person), but it was perfect, and I wouldn't change it in any way. I'm not sad that I didn't have him completely natural (no drugs). I did what was best for my body and I am proud of that. I have been recovering well, and am pretty much back to my normal self (aside from 4 lbs). And, I look forward to being pregnant again and giving birth again. Even though it is painful, it is such a rush to birth a baby. It is amazing what our body's do, and I am excited to (hopefully) do it again!
Cassie mentioned that I could labor on the birth ball, in the tub, walk the halls, basically however I needed to to feel comfortable. I chose to start out on the birth ball. She brought that in and I sat on that for about an hour. At around 11:30 my parents showed up. I was doing well on the birth ball, but contractions started getting quite a bit stronger. I was breathing deep and exhaling with low moans to help. Doug and my dad left at noon to go eat when Cassie came in and wanted to check me. The monitor was showing that Gabe's heartbeat was dropping pretty low everytime I was having a contraction and it was making them nervous. We decided I needed to move off the birth ball and change positions. I got back in bed and moved to my hands and knees everytime a contraction started.
It's at this point that it all starts to run together for me. Another nurse came in and they decided that I should have the IV put in to see if that would help. They got fluids started, and pumped them in me pretty fast (which led to lots of bloating, especially in my face). Dr. Fogarty came in sometime around 12:45-1:00 pm, I think. She finished breaking my water which made my contractions come fast and hard. I was pretty much not getting a break between them. I was dilated to a 4, and started getting sick. I couldn't get any relief, no matter how I moved and the vomiting made it that much worse.
Dr. Fogarty discussed with me that my body was wanting to proceed fast, but I was basically holding myself back. So, we decided that if I got the epidural I would progress pretty quickly. I got the epi shortly after she left (which was good, because I couldn't handle the pain any longer). When I layed down after getting it, I was checked at was 100% and 7 cm (it was about 1:15pm, I believe).
The nurses kept having me switch sides that I was laying on because they were having a hard time finding the baby's heartbeat. I was also put on oxygen. They finally decided that they would put an internal monitor on Gabe to get a better reading. After that, everyone seemed to calm down a little. Sometime after 2 I told them I was feeling the need to push, so they checked me and I was fully dilated. They called Dr. Fogarty to come over (I think even called her twice to make sure she hurried!). When she arrived she did a quick check to make sure, and saw that I was indeed ready to push (could see baby's head) and got her gown on. I asked for the mirror, so I could see my sweet baby being born (like I did with Cody). I was ready to push, and I gave it my all, a big push, stopped to take a breath, gave another big push and out came Gabriel. I literally pushed for only a couple of minutes (and I thought the 25 minutes I pushed with Cody was fast!).
Gabe came out crying, and Dr. Fogarty placed him on my chest while they wiped him down a bit and we waited for the after birth. Doug cut the cord, and they took him to weigh him. Dr. Fogarty guessed that he was 8lbs 4oz. Boy, you should have heard all the gasps when everyone looked at the scale and it said 9lbs 1oz! Surprised me, that's for sure...an almost 2 lb difference from Cody!
They brought him back over to me, and I asked the Dr. what the damage was. A 2nd degree tear pretty much where my episiotomy was. She stitched me up and I was able to breastfeed Gabe, who took to it like a champ. He nursed for about 30 minutes while Doug and I sat in awe of our new little man.
After Gabe finished, Doug went out to get our family. Mom & Dad, Paul & Deb and Cody came back to meet the new addition. Cody ran over to the bed and climbed up with me and met his brother for the first time...that is a moment I will never forget. He was so sweet.
I had to stay in the labor room for 2 hours, and then was moved to our regular room. We were released 24 hours later and got to head home to start our lives as a family of four.
From the time my water broke until the time Gabe was born was 10 hrs. But, basically labor only lasted for 4.5 hrs. It was so fast, and nothing like I had planned (once again, glad I'm just a go with the flow kind of person), but it was perfect, and I wouldn't change it in any way. I'm not sad that I didn't have him completely natural (no drugs). I did what was best for my body and I am proud of that. I have been recovering well, and am pretty much back to my normal self (aside from 4 lbs). And, I look forward to being pregnant again and giving birth again. Even though it is painful, it is such a rush to birth a baby. It is amazing what our body's do, and I am excited to (hopefully) do it again!
the birth of Gabriel Lee (part 1)
I had my 39 week appointment on Thursday, May 10. I was 39+2 days and was anxious to get checked and see if everything I had been doing was helping me along. My Dr. basically told me that I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Good news to hear, and my Dr. said she thought I would go into labor soon.
I ran a couple of errands then headed home to pick up my boy and spend some last minute "only child" time with him. That afternoon we headed to the park in Lamar. My mom went with us and we had fun chasing Code around. We picked up some dinner and went back to my parents to eat. Doug was working late, so we visited for a bit and decided to head home a little after 6.
When we got home, I made myself a glass of licorice tea and gave Cody a bath. We snuggled on the couch together until daddy got home. After Cody went to bed, I sat around on my birth ball for a while, hoping to get things going. I went to use the restroom at 9:45 and made the discovery that I lost my mucus plug. I came out and told Doug. I mentioned that it wasn't really any indication that labor would start soon, but it is a start. Doug went to bed, and I stayed up and took a nice relaxing bath. I didn't sleep well that night. I was having quite a bit of pressure and just didn't feel like myself, so I got up around 4:15 and paid our electric bill. As I was writing the check, I felt uncomfortable pressure and then had fluid running down my leg and into a puddle on the floor. Well, I knew I hadn't peed myself...it was my water breaking! (funny thing...I was standing in almost the same place I was when my water broke with Cody).
I decided early on not to rush to the hospital this time. So, I started some laundry and packed most of the bags in the car (I didn't wake Doug up to let him know, he needed some sleep!). I started having contractions around 5:15 am, but they were about 10 minutes apart and nothing strong. Around 6 am, I took a warm shower...I just took my time, shaved my legs and let the warm water relax me.
As I headed to our bedroom to get ready (yes, I fixed my hair and put makeup on) Doug woke up and I explained to him what was going on. I told him that I was going to call my Dr. when they opened at 8 am and see what they wanted me to do from there. So Doug headed to work. I got Cody up and fixed him breakfast and then called the Dr. She wanted me to come in, the sooner the better. I called Doug to tell him to come home and called my mom to let her know what was going on as well.
We dropped Cody off at Doug's parents house, and he gave me hugs and kisses (making me almost start crying). We made it to Joplin and were in the Dr.'s office by 9:30 am. At this time, my contractions were starting to get stronger and were 5-7 minutes apart. Dr. Fogarty checked me and said I was 3 cm and 80% effaced. And also checked to make sure my water did break. She confirmed that it had, but there was still a "pocket" of water that baby's head was blocking. She wasn't sure if it would end up breaking on its own, or if she would have to break it in the hospital. I got dressed and she told us that this was indeed it, and she had called ahead to let the hospital know.
We got to the hospital and I was wheeled to labor and delivery, met my labor nurse, got my clothes changed and hopped into bed.
The fun was just beginning...
I ran a couple of errands then headed home to pick up my boy and spend some last minute "only child" time with him. That afternoon we headed to the park in Lamar. My mom went with us and we had fun chasing Code around. We picked up some dinner and went back to my parents to eat. Doug was working late, so we visited for a bit and decided to head home a little after 6.
When we got home, I made myself a glass of licorice tea and gave Cody a bath. We snuggled on the couch together until daddy got home. After Cody went to bed, I sat around on my birth ball for a while, hoping to get things going. I went to use the restroom at 9:45 and made the discovery that I lost my mucus plug. I came out and told Doug. I mentioned that it wasn't really any indication that labor would start soon, but it is a start. Doug went to bed, and I stayed up and took a nice relaxing bath. I didn't sleep well that night. I was having quite a bit of pressure and just didn't feel like myself, so I got up around 4:15 and paid our electric bill. As I was writing the check, I felt uncomfortable pressure and then had fluid running down my leg and into a puddle on the floor. Well, I knew I hadn't peed myself...it was my water breaking! (funny thing...I was standing in almost the same place I was when my water broke with Cody).
I decided early on not to rush to the hospital this time. So, I started some laundry and packed most of the bags in the car (I didn't wake Doug up to let him know, he needed some sleep!). I started having contractions around 5:15 am, but they were about 10 minutes apart and nothing strong. Around 6 am, I took a warm shower...I just took my time, shaved my legs and let the warm water relax me.
As I headed to our bedroom to get ready (yes, I fixed my hair and put makeup on) Doug woke up and I explained to him what was going on. I told him that I was going to call my Dr. when they opened at 8 am and see what they wanted me to do from there. So Doug headed to work. I got Cody up and fixed him breakfast and then called the Dr. She wanted me to come in, the sooner the better. I called Doug to tell him to come home and called my mom to let her know what was going on as well.
We dropped Cody off at Doug's parents house, and he gave me hugs and kisses (making me almost start crying). We made it to Joplin and were in the Dr.'s office by 9:30 am. At this time, my contractions were starting to get stronger and were 5-7 minutes apart. Dr. Fogarty checked me and said I was 3 cm and 80% effaced. And also checked to make sure my water did break. She confirmed that it had, but there was still a "pocket" of water that baby's head was blocking. She wasn't sure if it would end up breaking on its own, or if she would have to break it in the hospital. I got dressed and she told us that this was indeed it, and she had called ahead to let the hospital know.
We got to the hospital and I was wheeled to labor and delivery, met my labor nurse, got my clothes changed and hopped into bed.
The fun was just beginning...
Saturday, May 19, 2012
pregnancy stats
total weeks pregnant: 39 weeks 3 days
total weight gain: 30 lbs even
body changes: I got some stretch marks this time...they started showing up around 35 weeks. There's not many of them, but I guess carrying around a 9 lb baby gives 'em to ya! I think they will fade pretty well. They aren't too dark or deep. I was a bit sad when I noticed them, but I wouldn't trade them. If I didn't have them, I wouldn't have G.
My feet and ankles didn't swell this time. Until about 38/39 weeks when it got really humid here for a couple of days. That did it! But, it didn't last.
total weight loss 1 week postpartum: 25 lbs (yay for breastfeeding)
crazy cravings: I never really had any cravings past the first trimester. I mean, there were things that I wanted, and wanted them NOW, but that didn't happen often, and it wasn't for anything weird. Same thing with my last pregnancy.
I will be adding a couple pictures to this post this evening of my last belly shot and my 1 week post body.
total weight gain: 30 lbs even
body changes: I got some stretch marks this time...they started showing up around 35 weeks. There's not many of them, but I guess carrying around a 9 lb baby gives 'em to ya! I think they will fade pretty well. They aren't too dark or deep. I was a bit sad when I noticed them, but I wouldn't trade them. If I didn't have them, I wouldn't have G.
My feet and ankles didn't swell this time. Until about 38/39 weeks when it got really humid here for a couple of days. That did it! But, it didn't last.
total weight loss 1 week postpartum: 25 lbs (yay for breastfeeding)
crazy cravings: I never really had any cravings past the first trimester. I mean, there were things that I wanted, and wanted them NOW, but that didn't happen often, and it wasn't for anything weird. Same thing with my last pregnancy.
I will be adding a couple pictures to this post this evening of my last belly shot and my 1 week post body.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Gabriel Lee
He's here!
Gabriel Lee Stefan made his grand entrance into our lives on Friday, May 11, 2012 at 2:29 p.m. weighing in at 9 lbs 1.3 oz and 22 inches long!
He is beautiful and perfect and I couldn't ask for more!
Gabriel Lee Stefan made his grand entrance into our lives on Friday, May 11, 2012 at 2:29 p.m. weighing in at 9 lbs 1.3 oz and 22 inches long!
He is beautiful and perfect and I couldn't ask for more!
Meeting my sweet Gabe for the first time
complete love
Cody meeting Gabe for the first time. The loves of my life!
There is nothing sexier than my husband holding our newborn son
(except if he was holding both of our boys) :)
With Dr. Fogarty...the most amazing Dr. I could ask for!
Our Family of Four!
I will post our Gabe's birth story soon...It went nothing like I had planned, but it was fast and perfect!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
First off...I am more pregnant at this moment than I have ever been.
Second, I have made progress! I am now dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. I am quite pleased by this since last week I was, as the midwife put it, "hard as a walnut". My Dr. is back and said that I could really go any time. So, I am preparing myself mentally/emotionally for this to happen at any time.
I'm ready!
Second, I have made progress! I am now dilated to a 2 and 50% effaced. I am quite pleased by this since last week I was, as the midwife put it, "hard as a walnut". My Dr. is back and said that I could really go any time. So, I am preparing myself mentally/emotionally for this to happen at any time.
I'm ready!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
39 weeks 1 day
If I don't go into labor today, I will officially be the most pregnant I've ever been. 39 weeks 1 day was when my water broke with Cody, and he was born the next morning. I'm having a weird, anxious feeling today wondering if it'll happen like it did last time or if I will wake up tomorrow still pregnant and waiting.
It doesn't matter either way, but trying to guess what my body is going to do is driving me nuts! Lord, help me be more patient! :)
It doesn't matter either way, but trying to guess what my body is going to do is driving me nuts! Lord, help me be more patient! :)
Monday, May 7, 2012
i have a feeling...
...that this baby is going to come soon. My house is spotless, there is no laundry left to do, and I am bored out of my mind while Cody is napping and I have all this energy but can't find anything that "needs" to be done.
I finished packing everything in our bags (camera, chargers, etc.) except the last minute important things like hair dryer, hair straightner and makeup :) I finally packed Cody's things as well.
I know I should really just be enjoying this down time because I am going to be very tired, very soon. But I am just so anxious! And as much as I say I want to be relaxed and patient and just enjoy these final days of being pregnant (which I am) I would be lying if I said that I'm not anxious and ready to get this show on the road!
Thankfully, I have been sleeping very well at night, so I have been getting lots of rest (besides the many bathroom trips). But I just can't shake this feeling that baby boy is going to come very soon.
I guess we shall see!
I finished packing everything in our bags (camera, chargers, etc.) except the last minute important things like hair dryer, hair straightner and makeup :) I finally packed Cody's things as well.
I know I should really just be enjoying this down time because I am going to be very tired, very soon. But I am just so anxious! And as much as I say I want to be relaxed and patient and just enjoy these final days of being pregnant (which I am) I would be lying if I said that I'm not anxious and ready to get this show on the road!
Thankfully, I have been sleeping very well at night, so I have been getting lots of rest (besides the many bathroom trips). But I just can't shake this feeling that baby boy is going to come very soon.
I guess we shall see!
Friday, May 4, 2012
At my appointment Wednesday, the midwife checked me and once again told me my cervix was "hard as a walnut". Not really what I wanted to hear. She said that she would be pushing it to call me 1 cm dilated, but that I wasn't completely closed (a bit of good news I guess). I asked her what I could be doing to help things along and she told me to start taking evening primrose oil which will help soften my cervix.
I am also drinking red raspberry leaf tea twice a day to help strengthen and tone my uterus (should also help it recover faster after delivery) and sitting on a birthing ball pretty much any time I sit down. It should help open my pelvis as much as 25-30% and help baby Oscar to engage lower in the birth canal. I am trying to help my body along so that when I go into labor, everything is favorable for a shorter labor than I had last time.
And, of course, walking! Cody and I have started walking each evening to help move things along.
38 weeks:
Total weight gain of 26 lbs. No real contractions, just braxton hicks. I am feeling more pressure in my pelvis but I don't think I will have little Oscar too soon...so I am trying to enjoy every single movement that I feel inside my belly while he is still "all mine".
I am also drinking red raspberry leaf tea twice a day to help strengthen and tone my uterus (should also help it recover faster after delivery) and sitting on a birthing ball pretty much any time I sit down. It should help open my pelvis as much as 25-30% and help baby Oscar to engage lower in the birth canal. I am trying to help my body along so that when I go into labor, everything is favorable for a shorter labor than I had last time.
And, of course, walking! Cody and I have started walking each evening to help move things along.
38 weeks:
Total weight gain of 26 lbs. No real contractions, just braxton hicks. I am feeling more pressure in my pelvis but I don't think I will have little Oscar too soon...so I am trying to enjoy every single movement that I feel inside my belly while he is still "all mine".
Man, some people really know how to make a 38 week pregnant lady feel beautiful! When I went to my Dr. appointment on Wednesday, the midwife saw me in the waiting room and told me how cute I looked. Then when I went back to see her, she kept telling me that I was a beautiful pregnant woman, and I should be a pregnancy model :) She also said that she doesn't see many women as far along as I am in such good spirits still. Well, I LOVE being pregnant...even this pregnant!
At church this past Sunday, someone told me how much they could tell that I enjoy being pregnant and that I just glow. She worked in an OB office for quite a while and said she has seen lots of pregnant women, but that I am one of the most beautiful she has seen.
She was in the office while I was at work yesterday telling that I should be a pregnancy model. Oh my, twice in one week! Those two ladies don't know how great they made me feel! I am glad that people can see how much I enjoy this time in my life and how I love being not only an expectant mom, but mom and wife.
At church this past Sunday, someone told me how much they could tell that I enjoy being pregnant and that I just glow. She worked in an OB office for quite a while and said she has seen lots of pregnant women, but that I am one of the most beautiful she has seen.
She was in the office while I was at work yesterday telling that I should be a pregnancy model. Oh my, twice in one week! Those two ladies don't know how great they made me feel! I am glad that people can see how much I enjoy this time in my life and how I love being not only an expectant mom, but mom and wife.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
38 week pictures
I'm not sure my belly can get much bigger than this!
But, baby Oscar is not ready to come out yet, so I guess it will :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May is HERE!
May is finally here!
Sweet baby boy, we are so excited and ready to meet you! Feel free to join us whenever you are ready! Mommy and Daddy are quite anxious to see what you look like. Will you look like a carbon copy of your brother (and daddy) or will you look completely different? We will soon find out!
We love you brother :)
Sweet baby boy, we are so excited and ready to meet you! Feel free to join us whenever you are ready! Mommy and Daddy are quite anxious to see what you look like. Will you look like a carbon copy of your brother (and daddy) or will you look completely different? We will soon find out!
We love you brother :)
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