Wednesday, November 30, 2011

the countdown is ON!

I had my last Dr. appointment on the 18th.  So far, everything is looking great!  Blood pressure is wonderful, I've not gained a pound yet (although after Thanksgiving, I'm sure that's changed) and little Oscar's heartbeat was a healthy 153 bpm.

I was hoping that Dr. Fogarty would schedule my next appointment to be the ultrasound.  No such luck.  She scheduled me to come back for a regular appt., which I will be 18.5 weeks at, and then about 10 days later, we go in for the big ultrasound.  I am really ok with this, as I think the farther along you are in your pregnancy when you get the anatomy scan, the better.  But I am a little sad that I won't know before Christmas.  I was really hoping to find out the week before and make the announcement on Christmas day to family.  Looks like we'll be finding out 2 days after Christmas...December 27 is the big day!  A little less than 5 weeks away!  Yep, you can bet that I am counting those days down!  I am so looking forward to finding out if Cody will have a little brother or sister!  The best part is...I don't care either way!!  And I'm so happy about that!  Like I've said before, this won't be our last pregnancy.  I believe that God has His plan for me, and if that plan is to only have boys, then I'm ok with it...however I can't say that I wouldn't be interested in adopting a little girl someday if we don't have one of our own.  :)

Let the Countdown begin!!

big boy bed

In anticipation of our new arrival, we decided it was time to start transitioning Cody over from co-sleeping with us to his own bed.  I knew Cody would not go to his crib....I knew this a long time ago.  This is why he co-slept with us for so long.  Then when we found out we were expecting baby no. 2, there was no need to try and get him to sleep in his crib, only to move him a few months later to a toddler or twin bed. 

So, we moved the crib over to the toddler bed (he'll be getting a twin bed when we start working on the new nursery in the coming months (I'm keeping Cody's room the same except for new furniture because I just love it so much! and It's not baby, it easily will transition into toddler room decor)), I put an air mattress on the floor right next to it and we have been working on it the past few nights.  So far, so good!  The second night was a little tough, but we made it through and I believe we are progressing a little more each night.  Hopefully it will only take about another week of me being in there with him.  I am so proud of my little man, though.  And doing this just makes me realize even more how fast time goes, and how my baby boy is not such a baby anymore! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

random thoughts

  • I absolutly CAN'T WAIT until Thanksgiving!  Not just because it's a wonderful holiday to spend with family and friends, to be thankful for our many blessings that God has given us, but this year I just really want the food :)  Yes, I know, that is pretty sad.  I should be looking forward to it for the first two reasons, but truly I just want all the food.  That's pretty much all I think about anymore, yummy food.  And I'm so excited to be pregnant over the holiday season this year!  Not that it gives me the ok to gorge myself, but I will truly enjoy every bite of turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie that I eat.
  • I know that this next thought will probably make some people wonder about me, but I am so looking forward to going into labor again.  I had such a wonderful birth experience with Cody.  I truly enjoy the anticipation of getting to see my sweet baby after all of my hard work.  I'm praying that this time will go just as smooth, and that I again will go into labor naturally.  Because I refuse to be induced (unless medically necessary, and even then it has to be really necessary!)  I believe my body knows what to do.  I shouldn't force it into labor if my baby is not ready.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful Dr. who agrees with me! 
  • I feel so blessed to be carrying another baby.  I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again...I love being pregnant.  Heartburn, backaches, headaches and all!  It is a beautiful time in a womans life.  Growing a child that you and your husband have created out of love.  There's is no better gift from God.  And I thank him daily for giving me Cody and for the baby that will be here in May.
  • I can't get enough lemons and limes!  It's not really a crazy craving, but all I really want to drink is lime water, lemonade, or frozen lemonade/limeade!  I've had this craving since about 8 weeks and it's still going strong. 

14 week pictures

Little bump.  I was looking back at my 14 week pictures with Cody, and although there isn't too much of a difference (I'm a little pudgier now) it amazes me how much faster your body changes the second time around.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

hello second trimester

Today marks the start of my second trimester.  Little Oscar is growing, about the size of a lemon, and can now squint, frown, grimace and pee.  Way to go Ocscar baby!

I have a Dr. appointment on Friday, and will hopefully know then if she will schedule my anatomy scan for the next appointment, or make me wait until 20 weeks.  I'll be 18.5 weeks if she lets me go back in 4 weeks, and I would love to know before Christmas whether Cody will have a little brother or little sister.  But, if I have to wait, it's only 6 more weeks, something I think I can handle. 

Everything is going good, I feel great, have more energy, and have even worked out a few times this past week (yay me!).  I can see my belly getting bigger by the day, and am looking forward to growing more and more.  I know, that probably sounds nuts, but I LOVE being pregnant!

I keep day dreaming about boy or girl. I want a girl so bad, and I know this is not my last pregnancy (God willing), so I'm not too worried, but I also keep thinking about how fun it would be to have another little boy. Cody and the new baby will be 19.5-20 months apart, and I dream about how they would be best buds. Now, I'm not naive, and I know they won't always get along. Siblings have their moments. But I can't help but think about how fun it would be for them.  At least I know I'll be happy and excited either way!
In other news, Cody is growing like a weed.  I'm pretty sure he's gained 3 pounds since his one year check up.  He is getting chubby!  He turned 14 months old yesterday, and it seems as each month passes, he gets more and more ornery (he has the best 'ornery laugh' to go with his actions as well)!  This kid definitely tests me some days.  But I love it, and wouldn't have it any other way :) 
I'll post 14 week picture tonight or tomorrow.  I have to wait for Doug to get home from work to take it for me.  There's a bump there this week!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

13 week pictures

Here it is...the bump at 13 weeks.  I wouldn't really call it a bump, more like bloat ;)  But, it's there and I'm excited all over again to really start showing!  

13 Weeks

Here I am, 13 weeks along (yesterday) with baby number 2!  Little Oscar is about the size of a medium shrimp this week, around 3 inches long.  Week 13 is also the last week of my first trimester, yay!  I have been feeling pretty good.  I'm past exhaustion, well, past pregnancy exhaustion...I'm not past the normal "I have an almost 14 month old that I'm chasing around all day long" exhaustion, but I'm used to that :) 

Unfortunatly so far this pregnancy, I have been unable to workout daily.  With Doug working late and all of the first trimester symptoms, it just hasn't happened.  But, I'm gonna get started!  I'm writing this down so I will actually do it...I will work out daily!  I know that it helped with my delivery with Cody. 

I've had dreams of feeling the baby move the past few days,and they are so vivid I wake up thinking they are real.  I'm still not totally convinced that I was dreaming it!  I felt Cody move at 17 weeks.  I know that a lot of women feel movement sooner the second time around, so I am looking forward to (hopefully) feeling Oscar soon!  I have missed that. 

Not a whole lot else to say.  We've been busy chasing Cody around and looking for a vehicle that will fit our expanding family.  Also, I'm looking forward to my next prenantal appointment next week.  Can't wait to hear that sweet sound of my baby's heartbeat again!