Saturday, May 14, 2011

Funny Boy

Watching daddy toss a stuffed animal in the air is apparently the funniest thing ever to this little guy!! :)

baby food

I knew long before I got pregnant that I wanted to breastfeed and use cloth diapers.  Not only to save money, but because I believe both choices are healthier ways to go.  Then, when it came time to start thinking about baby food, I knew that not only did I want to delay giving Cody anything other than my milk until he was six months old, but I wanted to feed him food that I that I knew exactly what was going into it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against gerber baby food (or any other brand).  But let's be honest...who really wants to give their baby pureed food that 'most of the time' doesn't taste a thing like the real stuff!! 

I have given Cody gerber food.  He liked it.  I have also been making him food (and have not purchased a tub of food in over a month) for him to eat.  I'm not an organic kind of person...let's get husband is a farmer!!  I won't ever buy organic, so that's not what Cody gets.  He gets fresh, or frozen, veggies and fruit cooked and pureed or mashed.  He gets cooked chicken and roast pureed.  And he gets really excited about it when I add some seasoning to his food (not salt!).  I love to make his food, and I love the savings that come with just giving him whatever we are having!

I highly recommend making your own baby food.  It doesn't take as long as you would think, and it's such a great feeling giving your baby food that you have made yourself.  And, it's fun to give them new combo's that you come up with, not just the certain selection that's available in stores :)

healthy boy

We went back to the Dr. on April 29 for a weight check.  Codster had only gained around half a lb. from his 4 month to 6.5 month, Dr. Grills was a bit concerned (I know, I've posted this before).  Well, I'm happy to say, that little man gained 18 oz. in a month, and tipped the scales at 14 lbs. 9 oz.  The Doc was pleased, and we don't have to go back until his 9 month appt.!


Cody got his first tooth on April 29, 2011.  I knew it was happening...he was a very fussy boy for the prior week.  He was drooling like drool was going out of style, and I could feel the bumps on his bottom gums.  I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't last too long.  That Friday evening, the bottom left side poked thru...and the next day, the other one was making it's way out as well. 

As happy as I am to see those little pearls....this mommy is going to really miss seeing that gummy smile! 

And, I have to add, that Code was a champ.  I have read bad things about baby orajel.  And while I was doing some research, realized that some teething tablets have been recalled.  So, we toughed it out, and used frozen washcloths, sophie (a teether), and had lots of extra nursing sessions (that were more for comfort than anything).  Way to go, big guy!!

Cody's 7 & 8 Month Birthday!

Since today is Cody's 8 month birthday, and I realized that I never got on here to write about his 7 month birthday, they are being combined.

Little man, you are getting so big!  You sit up, and scoot around all the time.  There's no crawling yet, but you can get where you need to go by rolling all over the room!  You love to talk, and want to babble any chance you can get!  As I'm typing this now, I keep thinking that it is only 4 short months until you turn 1, and we will celebrate your actual Birthday.  You (along with your daddy) are the love of my life.  I find it hard to remember what life was like without you.  You brighten my days, and as much as I want you to sleep in your crib, I am so going to miss co-sleeping with you.  I love you more than you will ever know.  I hope that you always stay the sweet, smiling little guy that you are.  Everyone always asks me if you are always so happy...and I am so proud to tell them that you are!!  You are an amazing little boy, and we are so blessed that God gave us you (one of our favorite books).  I love you to the moon and back, little man, a million times and more!!

ahh...i'm a slacker :(

I'm a little upset with myself that I have been letting this blog get away from me.  There are so many times that I want to just sit here and type out some stories...but then life gets in the way.  Although, I would much rather be enjoying the moments with Cody than typing on here.  So, I'm putting this out there more slacking! 

April 10, 2011
Doug and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary!  Holy Moly...7 years??  Where has the time gone!?  It honestly seems like yesterday that I walked down the isle looking at the love of my life, and vowing to love him through thick and thin, for the rest of our lives.  I can say without a doubt, that I love Douglas Paul more today than I did the day we were married.  AND, that love has grown more this past year with the birth of our first son!

Doug and I went to Branson to celebrate, like we do every year.  Code Man stayed with Paul & Deb, and as much as I missed the little booger, it was nice to get away for a night with my husband.  We did a little shopping (for Cody), and ate at our favorite restaurant (Landry's).  Then we headed to The Ranch to stay the evening.  It was so relaxing, and peaceful...but I'm not gonna lie, I was really excited to get home and play with Cody the next day.  It is so funny to me how a year ago, and even just before Code was born, I was so nervous to think that it wouldn't ever be just the two of us again....because now I know, we will ALWAYS be us!!  We will always find time to get away together!  Now, I find myself wondering what we did for almost 7 years without Cody!  I will never regret waiting as long as we did.  It was perfect for us to wait...but I can't imagine life without The Boy now!  Funny how things change the minute a child is born :)

Later in the day, when we got home from Branson, we were all playing outside, enjoying the nice (but cloudy) afternoon, when Cody started babbling 'dada'.  It was the first time he had said it!  What an awesome Anniversary gift to us from our baby!  Now, he babbles 'dada' all the time, and as hard as I try to get him to say 'mama', he just smiles at me and says dada :)  little stinker!