Tuesday, June 29, 2010

what was I thinking??

I guess I can't blame anyone but myself, but seriously...what the heck was I thinking volunteering to be a group leader for VBS?!  Two nights down, and I'm so tired by the time I get home!  Note to self:  Next time I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant - don't be a VBS volunteer...sign up for food donations! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

28 week pictures

Here's pictures of me at 28 weeks - the third trimester!

Please ignore the fact that my husband can't seem to hold the camera straight...

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'd like to say a big Hello to my Third Trimester

It's here - the third and final trimester!  28 weeks today!  Wow, that means in about 12 weeks Doug & I will be meeting our sweet baby boy!  Wolfie boy weighs about two and a quarter pounds now...like a Chinese cabbage...and he can blink his beautiful (I'm sure) eyes!

So far, I've still been feeling great, but I'm also starting to notice some more changes with my body.  As much as I thought that the heat wouldn't bother me, (I love Summer, and hot hot weather - my husband calls me a lizard), I have started to notice that I'm not as fond of it as I have always been.  I sweat now...something that I didn't do before!  Ugh.  My breathing is becoming more restricted, too.  But, I can't really complain.

AND the 2010 Wheat Harvest is officially over!  Yay!  Now I'm hoping to schedule maternity photos in a couple of weeks before Doug gets super busy with cucumber harvest. 

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I just have one wish right now - that the boy would stop using my bladder as a trampoline!  That's all.  One.Simple.Wish.

27 week pictures

Just getting bigger all the time!  Thanks to my mom for being my new photographer while Doug is busy in the fields!

Friday, June 18, 2010

What's in a name?

How do you decide on a name for your baby?  A name that will be with them for all their lives?  It has been a difficult decision pinning down the perfect name for our baby boy!

Although we have been enjoying calling our little guy Wolfgang (Wolfie) for the past almost 7 months, and have a pretty good feeling the nickname is one that will stick, we thought that he should actually have a "real" name - a name that the rest of the world will know him by.

We have been going over the same 3 names for quite a while, but kept coming back to a certain one that just "struck" us as being our little man.  Unfortunately, everyone is going to have to wait 3 more months to find out.  I mean, we need to have some sort of surprise on the day Wolfie's born since we already know he's a boy! 

So, call us name teases - but we're not spilling!  Bribes of baby items are being accepted, but you're not guaranteed an accurate name ;)  Just think, only 3 more months until you know! :)

the life of a farmers wife

27 weeks - final week of my second trimester!  Oh my goodness, how time flies!  This week our little Wolfie is almost 2 lbs. (like a head of cauliflower) and about 14 1/2 inches long!  He is sleeping and waking at regular intervals (which it seems he likes to go to bed late and sleep in).  Wolfgang's brain is very active, and while his lungs are still immature, are capable of functioning (with medical help) if he were to be born now. (info from babycenter.com).

This week also brings us the beginning of wheat harvest - or what I would rather call it, the offical start of my summer and becoming a farmer's widow for the next 3 months!  I always enjoy this time of year...I mean, I don't like that I see less of my handsome Douglas - but I do go out and ride with him in the combine or out trucking wheat, and I ride in the picker with him during cucumber harvest.  But this year, it also makes me sad...(yeah, I know I've said all this before!).  Next year will be so different.  Yeah, Wolfie and I will be out there quite a bit riding with him, keeping him company.  I know that will be fun!  However, It just won't be the same.  I'm just going to enjoy this summer and my time with Doug as much as possible and realize that whatever changes are about to take place, they will be wonderful changes and give us both so much happiness!

This little boy and I are so blessed to have such a hard working daddy and husband!  Doug works his pa-tooty off during the summer (actually, year round!) to provide and make a good life for us.  He is by-far the hardest working man I have ever met and I can't put into words how much I respect and love him for that.  So, I would like to wish my wonderful husband a very happy (early) Father's Day!  Wolfie baby, you might just be the luckiest little boy in the world!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

26 week pictures

Wolfgang just keeps getting bigger and bigger!  lol, I like the way my belly is nice and WHITE! :)

Well, this weekend, my mom, dad, brother and sister-in-law got to feel Wolfie kick!  I know it was something that my dad was looking forward to, and I know that I'll never forget the look on his face when he felt him kick! 

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yoga: Does a body good!

26 weeks today!  Wolfie now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and is about 14 inches long (about the size of an English Cucumber).  He is putting on more and more baby fat...and I also read that his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum - I'm sure he'll love reading that someday!! :)

At the beginning of my pregnancy, I purchased a few prenatal workout videos.  Pilates, Yoga, and a really good cardio workout video.  I hadn't been doing them regularly since I was/am still able to do all my pre-pregnancy workouts.  But, I decided as I'm only about a week away (or two weeks, depending on which book or website you look at) from my third trimester, I should really start enjoying the relaxation of my yoga and pilates videos.  I've been doing the yoga for a couple of weeks now, and I absolutely love it!  It's such a nice change from my P90X yoga that I had started about a month before finding out I was pregnant.  Oh, and by the way, P90X kicks butt, and I can't wait to start the three month program again after The Boy arrives!!  Anyway, it's basically just lots of deep breathing, stretching and seated/standing strength poses.  I highly recommend yoga to anyone, pregnant or not! 

I'm getting a couple more yoga videos so I don't get bored with the one I have.  And I look forward to practicing yoga in my third trimester when Wolfie doesn't have as much room to move around...the stretches will give him more room for a while, and I'll be able to get some good deep breathing in - since I've noticed recently that it is starting to be restricted a bit. 

I think that the yoga and pilates paired with the hypnobirthing will end up being the best fit for me!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

oh my...only 100 more days!

I just noticed that I have 100 days to go (give or take a few) before getting to meet the little boy that's in my belly!  I'm so excited!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

25 week pictures

Getting bigger every day!  And, I'm not sure how well you can see it, but my belly button has popped out!
I never really got a chance to tell about last Saturday, May 29, 2010...the day that Doug got to feel his son kick!  We were sitting in the living room Saturday morning, just relaxing before we drove to Arkansas.  Wolfie was quite active, and I told Doug to give me his hand.  As soon as he did, our little guy decided to be stubborn like his momma, and stop kicking.  Doug started to move his hand from my belly, but I told him to keep it there....and a few seconds later, Wolfie gave him a good 1-2 punch!  :)  haha, it was a pretty good kick, and I told Doug that his boy was definitely strong like his daddy!  Now, if I could get our little guy to be active at the right time so that my parents can feel him - that would be great!

I got my mobile done this afternoon.  I think it looks pretty good - not as good as the picture I posted, but I think it'll work.  Now, I just have to get a hook and hang it up. :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Being crafty!

About a month ago, I was searching the internet (like I do way too often) for ideas for our nursery.  I found this cute website:  http://www.babyroombio.weebly.com/.  It has lots of pictures of nurseries - and I found some great ideas from there.  Anyway, I found this mobile that I really like!  I had decided not to buy a mobile, because I'm kinda anal, and none of them match the nursery decor.  Well, when I found this with instructions on how to make it, I decided it seemed simple enough for me to do!  The plan is (if it turns out ok) to hang it from the ceiling either over the crib, or over the dresser/changer.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nursery: A work in progress

Guest Room:  Before

Starting to paint khaki over my lovely stripes...I will miss the stripes!
Finished painting!  And a look at the old blue shag carpet
Old light
New light and fan
Our little guys crib.  I put it together all by myself!  :)

I love his bedding :)
A few books that I got him today at Books-A-Million:  they had a great sale on them!
Rocking chair and bookcase (and a good look at our new carpet, that I love!)
My cozy rocking chair :)

We have quite a ways to go still, but I think we've got quite a bit done too.  I plan on painting a little something extra on the walls.  And we're going to put his name on the wall above the crib.  Hopefully we can get started putting the dresser together this week.  I find myself going in and sitting in the rocking chair for no reason, just looking around the room and imagining what it will all be like.

Everything looked great at our Dr. appointment today - he's right on track, growing at the right pace - and his heart was beating strong!  Just what I love to hear!

I would like to thank...

Ok, there are a few Thank You's that I would like to give out for some outstanding products: 
  1. To start, my biggest "Thank You" goes to the product, Mylanta.  Oh, Mylanta - how I love you!  You have saved me countless times, in the last few months, from lots of hurt and discomfort.  Without you, I'm not sure I could survive!  (ok, so maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but seriously, it's hands down my favorite product since becoming pregnant!)
  2. Next, I would like to thank Gap Maternity for their lovely clothing choices.  They are so well made, and I can actually buy jeans that have a real waist, and not the full belly band jeans (that I HATE)!  I think I'm becoming a bit obsessed with your online store, so it may be a little while before I browse your wonderful selection of items again.  I mean, I should probably stop buying myself clothing items and focus more on my little guy.  But don't worry, Gap Maternity, I'll be back!  And, I'll definitely be buying from the regular Gap after I'm back to my normal size!
  3. Thanks to Dr. Scholl's for their gel inserts.  Thanks to these, I can still rock my high heels (which we all know I LOVE!)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010