Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh, I'll just take a little acid on the rocks please...

Holy Heartburn Batman!

I've noticed over the past week that I have constant heartburn.  It's nothing too bad, and I know it will only get worse, but seriously I'm only 16 weeks along - this should be saved for maybe the last few weeks or it needs to be one thing pregnant women don't have to deal with.  That, and lower back pain.  Which, my Doc reminded me yesterday at my appointment that it would only get worse.  Yay, just what I wanted to hear.  I wish that men had one symptom that they had to deal with when their wives got pregnant.  Maybe they could take the heartburn and backaches both??  Something like...

Doug:  Hey honey, I just got this awful heartburn and backache today - it came out of nowhere...
Megan:  Well dear, I have something to tell you...I'm pregnant.  And, one of the early signs of pregnancy is heartburn and backaches for the spouse.
Doug:  Well, what symptoms do you have??
Megan:  None, I'll get a few aches and pains later, but for the most part you will be the one that doesn't feel well...And I'm really sorry that you don't feel good!  Just think, it'll all be over in 9 months!

HAHA!  I wish that it really happened like that!  How much more fun would pregnancy be?!

On another note:

Yesterday was my 16 week appointment.  The heartbeat was 160 - which makes me think even more that Wolfgang is a girl!  We scheduled our ultrasound for May 4 - only a long 5 weeks away!  Dr. Cox said that they will try to tell us the sex if we want to know.  So everyone please pray that Wolfie isn't shy and he/she shows us the goods!  

Mom went with me yesterday, and after the appointment we got to do some shopping!  Went to Babies R Us to check out the car seat and stroller that I'm interested in, and just looked around at all things baby.  Then got to do some shopping for mom.  It was a great day, and I'm so glad she got to go with me!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

15 week pictures

Ok, here I am at 15 weeks...oh, and Wolfie too!

And, today is Doug's 25th Birthday!!  I told him that this was a "Doug Weekend" - he could choose our activities (get your minds out of the gutter!)  Friday night we went with Doug's family to Barto's to celebrate his and grandpa's birthdays.  It was a fun time, and I believe grandpa was the man of the night - he had so many girls to dance with!

On our way home, we stopped at Dairy Queen to get Doug an ice cream cake.  I told him a few weeks ago that I would get him one for his b-day cake, and he told me that I didn't need to do it, but I insisted.  Then he figured out it was more for me than it was for him (I learned this trick from my dear hubby!)  So, in to DQ we went.

Here's the cake I picked out for him (at least I did get one that says Happy Birthday)!
And here's a happy Doug with "his" cake
So, Saturday we went out to shoot his hand gun.  It's pretty fun, but I really like shooting a shotgun so much better!  Later in the afternoon we went to Lucky J's and had a delicious dinner.  Today (Sunday), we enjoyed sleeping in, a great church service and riding the 4-wheeler around in the mud!  I hope my darling has had a wonderful birthday!  Love You Babe! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

An Apple a Day...means I go to the Dr. every 4 weeks :)

15 Weeks brings Wolfgang to the size of an apple.

 says that even though Wolfgangs eyelids are still fused shut, that baby can sense light.  If I were to shine a flashlight at my tummy, baby would likely move away from the beam.  I might have to try this.  See if I can feel any movement!  I keep lightly poking my belly to hopefully "piss off" Wolfie so that maybe baby will punch or kick me to where I'd feel the little movement.  Yeah, I know - I'm a super nice mom already! :)

Tuesday, March 30 is my next appointment.  Doc said that they will offer me blood testing at this appointment to check for Down Syndrome.  Doug & I thought at first that we would have the testing done.  There is no history of any genetic disorders (that we are aware of) in either of our our chance of having a baby with Down Syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality is very low.  We just wanted to put our minds at ease.  After discussing it with Doug, and me talking with my sister and mom, we have decided to skip the testing.  God has given us this wonderful gift!  We love Wolfgang no matter what - and nothing would change that!  So, I'll go in Tuesday for a normal visit, hear the best sound in the world (Wolfie's heartbeat!), and go do a little shopping for our baby. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm gonna be a stay at home mom!

Well, a couple weeks ago I gave my notice at the church - my last day will be July 29.  I'm going to miss working there so much!  By the time I leave, I will have been there almost 6 years.  It's a great place to work, and there are wonderful people working there! 

But...I have to say that I am so excited about being able to be a stay at home mom!  It's something that Doug and I have always wanted me to do - if we were in a place that we could.  I feel so blessed that it is possible for us! 

Now, since we will be losing my income, we've decided to go a little "old school" and use cloth diapers.  I'm really excited about it.  It will be cheaper for us in the long run (about $600 to get all the cloth diapering needs, compared to about $1600 - $2000 for disposable diapers over approx. 2 years!)  I have read that babies in cloth diapers potty train faster - hopefully that's true!  Also, they have come such a long way with them, and the reviews I've read say that they are just as easy to use as disposable, and you can even get flushable inserts for them.  I'm convinced that this is the right thing for us to do.  The money savings alone had me!  We'll probably use desposable for the first few weeks after birth, and I'm sure they'll be used for day trips, but for the most part, cloth will be used.  And I think that's really neat!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

14 week pictures

Here are my 14 week pics!

On Friday, mom & I went to get our hair done.  When I went in the bank to get her, a few of the girls told me I didn't look pregnant.  And one said that I needed to learn how to be pregnant!  haha!  She was kidding, but no one seems to notice the chub I have.  That's a good thing I guess! 

Last week, Doug was gone for a few days, and when he got home he mentioned that my belly had popped out a bit more since the last time he saw me.  It was really cute.  He seemed so surprised by it.  I reminded him that we have a WHOLE lot more belly to come!  :)

Oh, and Happy Spring everyone!  The first full day of Spring brought us lots of snow and cold, cold weather!

Friday, March 19, 2010

When life gives you lemons...

14 Weeks
Wolfgang is now the size of a lemon.  Lemonade anyone?

Also, I would like to say HELLO to my Second Trimester!  Woo!

Wolfgang can now squint, frown, grimace and pee!  Way to go Wolfie - keep up the good growin'!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Water, Water...oh, and more Water!

As anyone who has been or is pregnant knows, that water is a must!  Lot's of water, all through the day, and more during workouts and after.  Now, I don't drink pop (haven't since High School), but before I got pregnant I loved crystal light - such a great way to put some flavor in water.  At my first appointment, Doc said to avoid artificial sweetners.  Ok, no problem, I don't drink diet pop...oh wait, so much for my beloved crystal light!  Since then, I've been trying to think of ways to add some taste to my water.  Lemon is ok for a while, but even that gets old.  So, to the internet I went!  I found a few interesting ways to add some flavor.  Adding raspberries and oranges to the water tastes good.  A pitcher full of water with a sliced lime added is also a nice eye opener.  Then, I came across a "spa" recipe.  Water with sliced unpeeled cucumbers.  I know, it sounds so weird!  But really, you should try it!  I let mine sit overnight with cucumber and also some lemons.  The next morning I had a glass full, and was so pleasantly surprised.  The water had a great hint of cucumber flavor.  I  have now found my new "go to" drink.  Refreshing and good for you!  Perfect.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Looking forward to April

Not that I'm trying to rush time, but I really cannot wait until April.  So many exciting things happen in April!  First of all, it'll finally be SPRING!  I love Spring - the grass turning green, tree leaves start to bud, flowers start to bloom, the weather is getting a bit warmer...seriously, what's not to love about it?! 

April 10 - Doug & I will celebrate our Sixth Anniversary!
April 13 - That's my Birthday!

And last, but not the end of April, Doug & I will (hopefully) find out if little Wolfgang is a boy or a girl.  That's just a little over 6 weeks!  My countdown has started! :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

13 week pictures

Ok, here's the belly at 13 weeks.

I feel like it's popped out quite a bit since last week...

I feel like I'm getting to the "chubby" stage.  I definitely don't look pregnant, and I don't have my flat belly anymore, I'm just stuck in the middle - and I'm calling that middle chubby!  looking forward to showing, but I know It'll be a few more weeks until I get to that point.  Until then, I'll just enjoy my chubby self, and know that it means Wolfgang is growing!  And that is the most wonderful thing!

Swimsuit (again)

Here's a pic of the swimsuit I'm ordering (for you Carla & Michelle).  Now, let's all ignore the pretty lady modeling the swimsuit, and remember that she's not really pregnant, and if she is, she sucks for looking so cute!  Just Kidding!!

Cute for a maternity suit, right? 

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Name Game

What's in a name...

Doug & I have been trying to think of names we like since we found out we were expecting.  There are names I like and he doesn't, and names he likes and I don't.  There are only a few that we can agree on.  You would think that with a book of 60,000 baby names, we would be able to find more than a few we both like, but I guess it's better to only have a few than to like a lot and have to narrow it down from there.  Anyway, I thought I'd share a boy name and a girl name that Doug has decided he likes...

BOY:  Doug Jr.
GIRL:  Dougana

We really like Dougana for a little girl - sounds pretty and feminine, right?  HA!

Obvisoulsy, I'm just kidding!

Isn't that just Peach-y!

So, this week's fruit is...a peach!

And, week 13 is the last week of my first trimester!  Woo-Hoo!!


Monday, March 8, 2010

12 week pictures

Ok, here are a couple pictures taken at 12 weeks.

I've got a little bump started :)

And the Fruit of the week is...

Every week I've been reading about how big Wolfgang is.  Most books and websites compare the growing baby to a fruit.  This gives you a pretty good idea how big the baby is getting, and how much it's grown in just a few weeks.  I decided I'd post a pic every week or every other week of the fruit that baby is being compared to.  But before I post the fruit of week 12, let's take a look back at some of the previous fruit (fruit salad, anyone??).

Week 7:  Blueberry
Week 8:  Raspberry
Week 9:  Green Olive
Week 10:  Prune
Week 11:  Lime

And that leaves us with our current fruit

Week 12:  Plum

Pretty interesting, huh??

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Found a swimsuit!

Obviously, this has been on my mind a lot...there are a ton of maternity swimsuits available on the internet - but they are all so freakin' ugly!!  Now, I know I've posted on this before, but like I said, it's been on my mind.  I'm a swimsuit nut, and I can't imagine wearing most of those awful suits that are out there!  Anyway, I've been searching and searching, and finally found a cute one!  Thank Goodness!!  I mean, I'm sure I won't want to be seen in a swimsuit this summer, but if I get brave enough, I definitely want to be seen in something cute!  haha!  I'm so lame! 

What a Day!!

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life!  Doug & I got to hear Wolfgang's heartbeat for the first time - it was beyond amazing!  We were lucky to get in and out of the Dr.'s office in about 20 minutes, but I could have listened to that sweet sound for hours longer!

I had told both Doug and my mom that I was especially ready to hear it because it will then become so much more real to me.  I've not had any symptoms other than just being tired all the time, and about a week ago that let up, and I've been feeling more energized.  Not having any symptoms is a blessing, don't get me wrong (I wouldn't change that!), but when you dont' even feel nauseous, it kinda makes you wonder if there is really a baby in there!  Well, it took Dr. Cox a little while to find the heartbeat, which I figured it would, but I could tell by the look on Doug's face he was getting a little worried...but as soon as he found it, it was the most amazing sound I've (we've) ever heard!  The look on Doug's face was unforgettable.  The huge smile that came across his face made me smile that much more!  To get to experience hearing the heart for the first time together was such a blessing.  I just can't even explain how much I love Doug, and how absolutely wonderful this pregnancy is!

After the Dr. we spent some time in Joplin, going to Lowes (which Doug really should know is a very bad idea!) to get a few supplies.  I kept seeing things that I would like to get to update our home, and showing them to Doug who would try to ignore me the best he could :)  Then we went to eat.  I've been wanting either Chinese food or Mexican food all the time, so we had to go to Del Rio!  It was so yummy.  I have to say that it was just a pretty good day!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2nd Appointment tomorrow

So, I know it's been a little over a month since my last post...I have apparently been too lazy to get on here.  But, hopefully that'll change.

Here's a recap of the last month...

We had our first Dr. visit on Feb. 5.  Had to wait for like 30 minutes.  Doug was getting annoyed, but our appointment was at 3:10, so hopefully we can get morning visits from now on so we won't have to wait as long!  Anyway, the visit went great.  I was un-prepared though, I had so many questions before we went, but didn't write them down, so as Dr. Cox was talking to us, and asking if we had any questions, we blankly stared back at him and said, "uh, no."  Haha, I have all my questions written down for tomorrow!!

We got to see the first picture of our little blob.  Wolfgang was very cute!  haha!  Before we left, Dr. Cox asked again if we had any questions, and Doug spoke up and said "I have one..."  "Is it too soon to tell if the baby is gonna have red hair?"  Now, if you know Douglas, this doesn't surprise you.  His humor is wonderful, and it hits you out of nowhere.  You see, people always tell us that our children are going to have red hair, not that we have a problem with that at all, but since Doug's beard is red, and red hair runs in my family, it is a very good possibility.  Anyway, the Dr. was not sure how to take this question, and had a puzzled look on his face.  Doug & I were laughing, and the Dr. finally realized that we were kidding, although he did tell us that there would be a good chance Wolfgang will have fair skin - uh yeah, tell us something we haven't already figured out!! 

Now - your up to speed on what happened last visit.  After that, we got to tell all our families and friends.  What a fun experience!  Getting to tell my grandma that we're going to have her 20th great-grandchild was awesome!

Tomorrow is our next visit.  I'll be 11 weeks and 5 days.  Hopefully we'll get to hear the heartbeat - what a sweet sound that will be!  I can't wait!