Friday, December 17, 2010

left foot left foot, right foot right

This past Sunday, December 9, Cody noticed his feet for the first time.  Doug & I were at my parents house after church and Cody was sitting in my lap.  He looked down and Oh! there they were, these glorious little objects attached to the end of his legs!  He was too cute just watching them.  A little while later, I had him sitting on the counter, and my dad was talking to him.  He was totally ignoring dad to check out his feet.  Now every time he catches a glance at them, he just watches them!

I love this stage!  Cody is learning so much and changing so much every day.  Crying has been replaced with more 'talking' and jabber.  He's moving around so much more, too.  I placed him in his crib yesterday without his boppy pillow (he sleeps in that at night) to fold some laundry, and when I had put everything away, he was turned completely around from the way I set him in!  He was so quiet, too! 

It is so fun to watch him grow and learn!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I love being a mom!

I don't think there is anything better in this world than being a mom.  I think it is one of the biggest blessings you can receive!  My heart truly aches for those women who cannot have children and for those who choose to not have children.

In the past three months, my life has changed immensely.  It is hard to even remember what life was like without my Cody Douglas.  Everything that I've gone through has been well worth my prize...problems nursing the first two weeks, sleepless nights (which stopped by nine weeks), trouble with naps (someone refuses to sleep in his crib unless it's night time), all of that pales in comparison to the joy that I've received from a simple coo, smile, small laugh or a warm snuggle that lets you know that 'mom is best'!

As crazy as it sounds, I really miss being pregnant.  I felt so beautiful while pregnant.  I have a wonderful husband who also told me (as has been so great to continue to tell me) that I was/am beautiful!  The first couple of weeks after Cody arrived, I literally felt empty inside.  You wait for nine months to meet this little person growing inside of you, you cannot wait until they arrive, and then when they do it's so amazing, and yet, you miss the wonderful feeling of the kicks and movements of that baby from inside!

I am so looking forward to being pregnant again...hopefully sooner then later!  I always thought that people who had babies close together were crazy, but now I can see why they do.  Although we won't be having another baby within a year of Cody, I know that Doug & I will have more kids soon!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cody's 3 Month Birthday!

I can't believe that it has been three months since I gave birth to my sweet baby boy!  It has flown by, and yet, it seems so long ago! 

Cody has been in a fabulous mood all day in celebration of his 3 month birthday.  We snuggled together this morning after daddy left for work, then we had to get ready for pictures this afternoon. 

Our first round of pictures, when he was 7 weeks old, didn't go so well.  We only had two pictures to choose from, because Cody was a very fussy boy (so unlike him)!  Well, today was a wonderful experience for us!  We went back to Lockwood (where we had our maternity photos taken) and Cody was a doll!  He smiled and cooed for them, and we got some really good shots.  I'm looking forward to getting them and sharing them. 

The boy is growing - I can't believe how big he is...pretty much all of his 0-3 month clothing is was too short for him.  His sleepers are gonna have to be graduated - poor little guy can't even stretch out his legs in them!

I love being a mom...and this poem pretty much sums everything up...

Before I was a Mom...

I made and ate hot meals. I had unstained clothing. I had quiet conversations on the phone.

Before I was a Mom... I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was a Mom... I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to lullabies.

Before I was a Mom... I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about Immunizations.

Before I was a Mom... I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, chewed on, peed on or pinched by tiny fingers. I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts, and my body. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom... I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom... I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom... I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom... I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment, or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cloth Diapers

It's been 11 weeks since Code Man made his big debut, and we have been using cloth dipes since he was about 2 weeks old.  We didn't use them consistently, but for the past two weeks we've been using only them during the day.  Pretty much every cloth diaper that I bought has been great for us.

We love our prefolds with covers.  Very inexpensive and easy to use.  We also love our pockets and all in ones and all in two's.  I have to say that our favorites are bumGenius.  They are pretty much like a sposie, and are so easy to use!  I'm so happy that I did my research, and decided to go with cloth.  We are saving lots of money, and it is so much better for the environment, along with being better for Cody's bum!  I really encourage anyone who has the time to look into it and has the patience to really do it, to do cloth diapers!  You won't be dissapointed!!

Wow, this seem so long was before he was even two weeks old!

Cody was about 3 weeks old here

And here he is at 11 weeks! 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

isn't it funny

When I was pregnant, I seemed to be able to pick out a pregnant lady from a mile away!  I would always look at their bellys and then at mine...trying to figure out how far along they might be.  Since I've had Cody, I hardly notice the pregnant ladies anymore - now all I notice are people with strollers...and they are everywhere!!

I went Christmas shopping with my mom yesterday, and Cody was in his stroller (not in his carseat) and I noticed everytime I would walk by another stroller, I would always look in and the moms walking by us would do the same thing.  Then you kind of look at each other and smile.  It's just too funny! 

Oh, and I absolutely love when people look in his stroller and tell me how cute he is!  We had quite a few lookers yesterday, and each one of them told me he was adorable.  Man do my ears love to hear that!! :)

Thanks Code Man for being such a great boy for mommy and grandma yesterday!  Let's hope the rest of our Christmas shopping trips go just as good!!

2 month check up

Cody had his two month check up on Tuesday, November 16.  Our little man weighed in a t 10 lbs. 8 oz. and was 23.5 inches long.  His weight is average and height is a little above average.  He is a long, skinny baby!  The Dr. said that he is doing great - a very healthy boy. 

Unfortunately, he also had his first round of shots at that appointment.  We were prepared though!  Cody had some baby tylenol about a half hour before his appointment.  When the nurse came in to give him the shots, I was a little nervous.  My sweet boy all happy, cuddled and warm in my arms had no idea what was about to happen to him.  (That still breaks my heart!)  The nurse gave him his first shot in his left leg.  We almost got away without any crying during that one!  Cody was such a big boy!  He had this look on his face like he wasn't quite sure what was happening to him.  He only started crying when she pulled the needle out.  He calmed down, and then it was on to the other leg for two more shots.  He was not a happy Cody, but as soon as I picked him up, he calmed down and was fine. 

They told us that he probably wouldn't be himself for a couple of days, and that he would most likely be sleepy the rest of that day.  Well, we have a strong boy!!  He was just fine!  Wasn't too sleepy, and he was his happy, sweet self again by the time we got home.  We didn't have any problems with fever and no bruising where the shots were given. 

I just pray that our next appointment at four months goes as well as this one!!

a different kind of love

A few days ago, I went to my favorite hair-man and got my hair chopped off!  I suppose that was my first real 'mom' thing to do.  While Tom was cutting my hair, we were discussing the love you feel for your child the minute they enter this world.  Then he said something that I don't agree with...he said that the love you feel for your child is more than the love you feel for your spouse. 

I love Doug with all my heart!  I absolutely do not love Cody any more than I love Doug!  The love I feel for my son is a whole different kind of love than what I feel for my husband.  I didn't think it was possible, but since having Cody my love for Doug has grown and continues to grow more and more each day.  I have always told Doug that our relationship comes before our kids.  When we have a strong, loving marriage, our children will fall into their place in the family and know that they are loved but they will also learn that they are not number one - that the world doesn't revolve around them. 

That may sound harsh to some people, but if we don't put our relationship first, how can we become great parents?  We can't be at our best if we are always putting our children before us. 

Don't get me wrong...I will do everything I possibly can to make sure my baby boy (and our future children) have the healthiest and happiest lives they can!  I think the only way I can be the best mom to my babies is to be the best wife to my husband.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cody's 2 month Birthday!

I can't believe that today my baby boy is 2 months old!  Doug & I were talking earlier about how we can't believe that he's already 2 months!  It seems like the time has flown by, but at the same time it seems like it was so long ago that we were released from the hospital to bring our son home!

My Baby Boy and Me

Its 3 am they're all asleep
And no one's here to see
As we rock slowly back and forth
My Baby Boy and Me.

His little head is feather light
tucked up against my chin
I hold his tiny hand in mine
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans
the clock hands creep around
He snuggles closer to me still
and makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much
and cherish every one
store memories up inside my heart
for lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up
his need for Mama gone
but until then I still have time
for kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this
with him cuddled in my arms
where I wish he'd always stay
protected safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come
when this tiny little hand
will be much bigger than my own
he'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love
with no one here to see
as we rock slowly back and forth
my baby boy and me.

Jane Triplett

Cody Douglas - You have only been in my life for 2 short months...but I cannot imagine my life without you!  I love you more than the words "I Love You" can ever express - you are my son, my first baby boy and I love you with all that I have and all that I am!  You mean the world to me, my sweet baby boy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

sweet smiles

Yesterday morning, November 11, I was up early getting ready for my day of work.  Cody was being such a good boy and was chillin' out in his swing while I took a shower.  When I got done, he started to get a little fussy, so I moved the bouncer seat into our bedroom while I put on my makeup.  When I set him down in the seat, he had a smile on his face.  I thought maybe it was just a fluke, but I got down and started talking to him...and what do ya know - he kept on smiling at me. 

I decided to finish getting ready, but kept taking breaks to see that sweet smile again!  And he kept at it!  As soon as I would get down to his level and talk to him, he would just open his mouth really wide like he was going to coo, then he would drop it down to a smile.  It was crackin' me up!  I was so excited about it. 

Here are a few pics from this morning when he was going at it again...we had a little photo shoot :)

Happy Boy!!

so excited!!

sweet little smile

crooked grin
I love his sweet smile!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

postpartum appointment

I went for my postpartum appointment two weeks ago, at 6 weeks postpartum.  I was a little nervous to go - don't ask me why!  Anyway, I just had to share what my male Dr. told me after he checked me:

"Well, everything is good as new", I know that I'm not back to normal or good as new...nor will I ever be "new" again!!  Ha!  Just goes to show what a man will say!!  I'm fairly certain that had I gone to a woman Dr. she wouldn't have said that! :)

Also, at 8 weeks postpartum, I'm 5 lbs. away from pre-pregnancy weight...unfortunately, I've been there for quite a while.  BUT, I did get to start zumba again, so hopefully that will help.  Those darn pesky 5 lbs!!  At least I can fit into most of my pre-pregnancy jeans now.  Too bad I've got a little extra padding above the waistline!!


I realized the other day that I haven't posted any pictures of Cody on here since he was born!  Oh my!  Here are a few from September and October...I hope everyone enjoys them! :)

One of our first times in cloth diapers!  I love them!!  (this is a fitted with a cover)

Bath time - Cody loves this time!!

playing with his big brother at Grandma's house

Yes, I stole the blanket from the, I did not pose him like that :)

chillin' on his boppy

More cloth dipes...this is a rump-a-rooz!  (an all-in-one dipe)


Yeah, just call me little Doug...I look like my daddy!

Cody's first Halloween

Anyone that knows me knows that I love Halloween.  I think it is such a fun holiday!  I always feel like a little kid on that day...I love to watch scary movies, go to Halloween parties and get to dress up!  I think that most people who don't like that holiday think to much into it.  I don't think that it's an evil day.  I think it is meant to be fun.  Yes, there are people who make it bad, those who play pranks on others, or vandelize houses.  But, for the most part, it's just meant to be fun for kids!

So, I was so excited that this year would be the first time that we could take our son 'trick-or-treating'!  I purchased Cody's first Halloween costume at babies-r-us in August.  I really wanted him to be a giraffe (I have a slight obsession with them) but unfortunately, they didn't have that costume in his size.  I went with the next best thing - a puppy dog! 

I also had a little sleeper for him that said 'my first Halloween' on the front and had a pumpkin face on his little rear! :)

Obvisously we didn't got trick-or-treating for candy this year - but we went to see everyone and show off our cute little puppy!  And I have to say Cody was a really good sport about being in his costume...I think because it was so warm and snuggly! :)

Trying on his costume to make sure it fits

'seriously mom...this is only amusing to you!!'

our little family :)

the back - he had a tail :)

and his little sleeper - my cute little pumpkin butt!!

silly boy

It amazes me how much Cody reminds me of Doug! 

Debbie has told me before that ever since he was little, Doug has liked to look at himself in the mirror.  I know that's true!  Anytime we go to the mall, or through an aisle at any store that has mirrors Doug stops, looks at himself and smiles!  :)  It cracks me up!  He's always done that...and now, our little Code Man might be the same.  I've been putting Cody in front of the mirror at home to show him "handsome baby".  The first few times I did that, he looked at himself and got a crinkle in his brow like he couldn't believe what he was looking at.  The past couple days that he's gone in front of the mirror, he has started smiling at himself.  It's too cute!  He'll notice "handsome baby" and stare for a bit, then give himself the biggest smile he can give!  Then he'll stop smiling for a bit to look some more, then here comes that big smile again.  It's just too funny. 

Go Figure...he won't smile for mommy, but he'll sure break it out for himself! ;) 

Friday, November 5, 2010


I've been a little pre-occupied with my little guy lately and haven't gotten something written (typed) down that I want to make sure to remember!

On Saturday, October 23 Code Man cooed for the first time!  Grandma was in the bedroom changing his dipe and I walked in to talk to her.  Mom was just talking away to little Cody and the next thing we know, he opens his mouth and lets out the cutest little coo I've ever heard!  He kept it up for a while, then went back to his serious self. 

Little booger made his daddy wait a few days before he got a chance to hear it though - since Doug has been busy working the timing just wasn't working out.  Well, he finally got to hear him, and he just talked away to his daddy!  Every time I hear it, it melts my heart!  You know how they say that little girls have their daddy's wrapped around their little finger??  Well, this little boy definitely has me wrapped around his! :)


Each week I get email updates from a website about what my baby boy should be doing/learning at this point in his life.  Every time I read them, I think, 'yeah, Cody has done that' or 'well, we're not there yet'.  Recently, I've stopped reading them.  They seem to be discouraging me, and I feel like I've read too much for my own good.

At the 5 week mark, Cody should have been smiling - or so this update said he should.  Unfortunately, he is not.  He's 7.5 weeks old, and still no signs of a smile, or even that it's going to happen soon.  Yes, he does smile...sleepy smiles when he's latched on nursing, or the occasional smile from out of no where (gas).  From what I read, it said that most babies meet this 'milestone' at around the same time.  That had me worried.  So I started searching the internet for a better answer.  Thankfully, I found one that made me feel a whole lot better.  It said that most babies should be smiling by 12 weeks and not to worry if it doesn't happen until then.

Another one of my worries is that by 8 weeks, babies should be able to follow something that you put in front of them.  Try as I might, Cody just is not interested in looking at toys or anything else that I flash in front of him.  He looks at me and he looks at daddy, but his gaze doesn't follow us either. 

As discouraging as it is to read these things and to know that my baby isn't there yet, I do realize that all babies are different!  They hit these milestones at different times, and I really shouldn't worry that Cody boy isn't there yet.  As much as I would LOVE to see my baby boy smile at me and know it's not just gas, I know it will eventually happen. 

And for now, I think I'm going to stop reading those silly updates...or at least stop taking them so seriously.  All I have to remember is that Doug and I have a very healthy, content baby boy who we love with all we have!

"I'm Sorry"

These are words I hear quite often...followed by "but Cody looks just like Doug!"  Haha, I love it!  No need to apologize.  It's exactly what I wanted - a little boy who looks just like his daddy (with my nose ;)  And I believe I wrote that in an earlier blog...

It's amazing to me how much he reminds me of Doug.  Not just by his physical appearance, but by some of his looks and actions.  He has some great 'serious' looks that he gives out!  He's only 7 weeks old, so it's hard to tell much about his personality yet, but I'm fairly certain he's gonna be laid back like his daddy, too. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Birth Story - Part 3

After the nurse told us that I was at 9 cm, Doug called his dad, and we made sure that my dad was on his way to the hospital.  We were really surprised that I was almost ready - and so excited!  It didn't seem like any time at all had passed, and the nurse had told the Dr. that we were ready. 

My mom and Doug were in the delivery room with me.  Doug was holding one of my legs up, and after a little while of the nurse holding the other leg, my mom offered.  So here we were - mom on one side, Doug on the other, and me holding both legs up, because my epidural worked, but I could still feel my legs to help! 

Dr. Fogarty came in, and my nurse pretty much told her that she needed to get into her scrubs.  Once I was ready to start pushing, they told me, and I pushed with all I could.  I asked the nurse before we started to put the mirror up so that I could see - and I'm so glad that I did.  I ended up pushing for less than 30 minutes before Cody arrived.

Being able to see it happen, and to have Doug and my mom both be able to experience it was just amazing!  When I pushed him out, they put him on my stomach and I was able to hold this precious little guy that Doug
& I had made!  That is something that I will never forget!  Holding my son for the first time, right after I delivered him was one of the best days of my life!

Doug got to cut his cord, and then they took him to check him over.  He was perfect in every way.  We got to spend some time with him, and then our parents came in the delivery room.  Seeing all of them with Cody was just amazing.  We had a good hour with him before they took him to the nursery. 

I was wheeled to my room (and got to hear the lullaby song while they pushed me there).  Once we got to my room, they let me rest while Cody stayed in the nursery.  Doug & I got to see him later in the afternoon.

I still can't believe that he is here!  But I also can't imagine life without him.  Funny how that works.  I have had so many nights without sleep - but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love Cody Douglas Stefan with all my heart, and I don't know what I would do without him!

I'm so thankful that God let us help him create this wonderful blessing!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

just realized something

Since the day we came home from the hospital, we have tried to not make our house quiet.  I didn't want to put Cody to sleep in a quiet room, ever, because let's face it...that's unrealistic!  If he was used to going to sleep in quietness, then what happens when we're someplace where it's impossible to get him to sleep because of the noise?!

Well, we've had soft lullabies playing, and I turn on his slumber bear (womb sounds) every evening when he goes to bed.  It worked well until recently.  So much of the time, he's in the living room with us, and he'll fall asleep on the couch on his/my boppy pillow.  Well, it's definitely not quiet in there with the TV going, me cooking and cleaning dishes, etc.  But he always falls asleep just fine.  Tonight I realized as he was crying in his crib, that the soft lullabies are not what he wants.  So, I turned on K-LOVE.  With people talking and singing, it's more like what he hears when the TV's on and when Doug & I are talking.

I'm so happy to say that as of right now, it's working wonderfully!  He went right to sleep!  I'm hoping that this will become normal, and not just an exception for tonight.  As hard as we've been working on getting on a good schedule, the past few nights have not been pleasant for either of us!  If K-LOVE gets him to sleep, I'm more than happy to let him listen to some great music! :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cody's 1 Month Birthday!

Happy 1 month Birthday to one of the love's of my life - my little Code Man!

Before you were conceived I wanted you.
Before you were born I loved you.
Before you were here an hour I would die for you.
This is the miracle of a mother's love.
~Maureen Hawkins

Our Birth Story - Part 2

Once I got into bed, the nurse checked me to see where I was and also checked to make sure that my water did break.  I was dilated to a 1 at that check, and she confirmed that my water broke and told me to be prepared for a long night...and long day the next day.  They also asked me if I planned on using pain relief, I told them that I was undecided.  I didn't want to rule anything out.

Doug & I called our parents to let them know that we were staying.  About an hour later, around 10 p.m. they all got to the hospital and sat with us in the birthing room.  I was having contractions, but nothing intense, yet.  At around 11 p.m., the nurse asked our parents to go to the waiting room so I could get some rest.  I was too excited to sleep!  But, I tried.  Around midnight, my contractions really started to kick in and get intense. 

My mom and Deb came back in the room around then to sit with us.  My dad and Paul had gone home for the night, and planned to come back the next morning.  I'm not sure how to explain the pain that a contraction causes, but to me it felt like really intense menstrual cramps.  I know from my experience with my monthly 'friend' that that pain would cause me to get sick.  And it did.  I got sick, I think, a couple of times that night. 

Sometime around 1 a.m. the nurse came back in to check me.  I believe I was only at 2 cm at that check.  Things weren't moving too fast at this point.  From all the pain I was in, it seemed that I should have been farther along than that.  I tried to get some rest, but that just wasn't going to happen.  The nurse kept asking me if I wanted her to have our mom's leave the room, but I didn't.  I was and am so thankful that they were both in there while I was laboring.  Deb was great at talking to me to distract me, and I don't know what I would have done without my mom in there to help comfort me!  Doug was great as well to let me squeeze his hand!  I wasn't ever grumpy with anyone (at least, not that I remember).  At one point I was annoyed because they would leave the blood pressure cuff on my arm and it was too loose, so it kept falling off.  I would roll over to get on my hands and knees, and the stupid thing was getting in the way, so I kinda threw it off of me.  But, that wasn't anger toward anyone in the room :)

I knew from our tour of the hospital that the birthing rooms had jacuzzi's in them, so I asked the nurse if I could take a bath.  She said that since my water had broken, she would have to ask the Dr.  A lot of times they won't let you because they are afraid of you getting an infection.  Well, good news, the nurse came back in and said that Dr. Fogarty gave me the okay to get in the jacuzzi.  The nurse got everything ready, and at around 3:45 a.m. I got in to try to relax.

I could stay in for an hour, and I'm pretty sure I did.  It was so relaxing, and it really helped!  My contractions weren't as intense, and I actually could talk, so it was nice to have some time with Doug.  After I got out, the contractions got pretty bad again, and I had to stay in the bathroom through a couple of them because I couldn't walk.  Once I got back into bed, it was around 5 a.m.  They checked me and I was at 4 cm.  At this point, I'm pretty sure Doug couldn't handle seeing me in so much pain, because he kept asking the nurse about an epidural.  The nurse asked me about it, and I said that I wasn't quite sure I wanted it.  She told me that they could give me something through my IV that would help me to sleep, but it wasn't pain med, and it wouldn't take any of the pain away.  So, I agreed to that.  It made me feel a little loopy, and I don't really remember anything that went on during the next hour...I know they had a shift change.  I did get about an hour of good sleep, and everyone else in the room was able to rest then, also. 

When that wore off, I dealt with the ever intense contractions again.  Probably a half hour later, I asked the new nurse if I could have another dose of the IV medication.  She told me I could, but that it wouldn't be as effective this time, and reminded me that I would most likely be in labor most of that day.  Well, I went ahead and took the med.  Doug asked again about the epidural, and while I was out of it, they sent in the Anesthesiologist to talk to me.  I really have no idea what he said while he was telling me about the epidural.  I remember agreeing to get it, and then he had me sign some papers.  My mom signed also, and I remember her telling him that it didn't look like my signature.

Probably around 7 - 7:30 a.m. is when I got the epidural.  Doug stayed in the room with me while they did it.  I have to say, one of the hardest thing's I've ever done is to hold still while having contractions while they stick a huge needle in my back.  It was also hard to make the decision to have the epidural.  I tried to use the hypnobirthing relaxation breathing and images, but the truth is, it didn't work for me.  It was a great method for me while I was pregnant to help me relax, but when I went into labor it just didn't do it.  And the truth is, I'm not superwoman.  I needed the epidural to help me get through the rest of labor.

They checked me again as soon as they were done giving me the epidural.  I still can't believe that they didn't check me before they gave me the meds.  Well, to my surprise, and my nurses as well, I was at 9 cm!  Oh my goodness - 5 cm in about 2.5 - 3 hours!  Good thing they didn't check me before, because I wouldn't have been able to have the epidrual!!

Well, it was time to get things started...she told the Dr. that I was at a 9, and told me to be ready because very soon, I would be meeting my little boy!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank you, mom!

I know I'm on a roll today with posts, but here's just one more...
I can never thank my mom enough for all the help she gave me the first week we were home with Cody.  Nobody can EVER comfort you like your mom's something I've told Cody, and it's something I know with my own mom.  There is just something so wonderful about moms...God knew what he was doing when he gave each of us our mom. 

So, THANK YOU, mom, for all your help and hugs that first week!  I don't know what I would have done without you!  I love you with all my heart, and I now know how much you love me!  Because that's a love that no one can understand until you have children of your own!

funny story...

So, here's a funny story that I have to write about, because I want Cody to read and hear about it someday!!  Sorry Doug, this will forever be remembered! :)

Friday morning - 5:30 a.m.:  I had been back in bed for about 30 minutes when Cody started to cry.  I looked at Doug & told him it was his turn, because he was a full little boy.  So, off Doug went, being the good daddy that he is.  I turned off the monitor, rolled over & tried to go to sleep.  Well, I could hear Cody crying for a bit and I knew that Doug was changing him.  The crying stopped after a little bit, and all was well...until around 5:45.  I heard Cody wailing!  He was a very unhappy little boy.  So, I got up to go to the nursery to see what was wrong.  Doug was getting ready for work and said that he didn't know what was wrong with him.  He had just changed him and then he heard him poop again.  (why he didn't change him again after he heard that, I'll never know!)  Cody was laying in his crib, so I picked him up.  As I picked him up I noticed that he had leaked out of his diaper, and it wasn't just pee.  Well, I was talking to him, trying to calm him down.  Telling him that daddy didn't get his diaper on tight enough.  I laid him down on the changing table, got all of my stuff ready to go, unzipped his sleeper, and to my surprise...


Seriously...I can't make this up!  So, I started talking to him, not finding it funny at the time, telling him that daddy forgot to put a diaper on him...who does that??  Doug walks in, and I told him that he forgot, and his excuse was "I was half asleep, I was tired"...not the right thing to say to a woman who has been up at least twice a night for the past three weeks!  Don't tell me that!

Well, after I got Cody cleaned up, and the sheets changed and clothes washed, I took him to bed with me, because I just felt so sorry for him!

At the time the diaper incident happened, I didn't find it funny...just because I was the one who cleaned everything up.  But now!  Oh my gosh!  It's the funniest thing!  Forgetting to put a diaper on your's hilarious! :) 

Thanks babe for being such a good sport about it!  It really is a great story! :)  I'm pretty sure Doug will never forget to put a diaper on any of his children ever again! :)

where the hell did these hips come from??

Seriously!  It's not enough that we have to gain weight, go through child birth, and be the ones who get up in the middle of the night because we have "the goods"...but we also 'get' wide hips?!  Where did these come from, and when will they go back to normal!? 

Oh well, if I have to have wide hips for the rest of my life, it's SO worth it to have my Cody Boy!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tummy Time Hater

Cody HATES his tummy time!  Yesterday, 9/29/10, Code Man was 15 days old.  We were in his nursery on the floor for some tummy time.  He couldn't stand being on his tummy, so he started crying and squirming around.  He was kicking his feet, throwing his arms everywhere.  Well, he finally rolled from his tummy to his back.  Now, I know, this could have just been a fluke accident.  BUT, I put him back on his tummy 2 more times at home, and there he went, to his back and was as happy as could be!

We had to show grandma and grandpa!  So, off we went to Lamar to run some errands and stop by for a visit.  Grandpa and Uncle Mike were there to witness...Cody rolled over 2 more times at their house!  Sadly, grandma didn't get to see it...yet.  Later that evening, Cody & I were in playing on his rainforest mat gym and Daddy came in to watch.  We decided to show daddy what a strong boy he has, and we put him on his belly, and there he went, to his back once again.  Six times in one day!  It amazes me that he didn't scare himself when he did it, but most times after he got to his back, he was happy again. 

On a side note:  We went grocery shopping yesterday.  Cody's carseat is massive, and it takes up the whole basket of the shopping cart and that leaves no place for mommy to put groceries.  Well, out came the sleepy wrap!  I put that puppy on, put little Code Man in, and off we went to get our groceries!  He loved it.  Was pretty much asleep the whole time.  It made it so easy for me to get my shopping done - and we got some pretty cute looks from other shoppers :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 week check-up

9/28/10:  Cody had his two week check-up with Dr. Grills.  When Cody was born, he weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz.  When we left the hospital on 9/16, our little guy was down to 6 lbs. 9 oz.  Dr. Grills had us come in to get weighed on Monday, 9/20, and our little Code Man had only gained 1 oz. from the time we left the hospital to that day.  They put us on 3 oz. of formula a day to supplement after a few feedings.  They also scheduled us to come back to get him weighed two days later, on 9/22.  When he got weighed then, he was up to 6 lbs. 13 oz.  So, the formula was doing the trick. 

Yesterday, my baby boy weighed in at 7 lbs. 5 oz.!  Dr. Grills was very happy with that, and said he is a very healthy boy!  What a happy momma that makes me!! 

Also, good news, his jaundice is finally gone!  We were afraid he might have to stay in the hospital a day longer because he was jaundice.  Thankfully, they let us go home after they got his blood work back, but, we had to return to the hospital the very next day to get more blood work done.  Talk about hard!  It was so painful for me to hold my 3 day old baby and have them take blood from his tiny heel.  Poor little guy, they scared the pee out of him!  Anyway, the Dr.'s office called me later that day and said that it's looking better, but to keep putting him in indirect sunlight.  So we did!  Slowly, the jaundice started to go away, and there was no sign of it yesterday! 

I just can't believe it's already been two weeks since Cody was born!  Before I know it, he'll be crawling!

Monday, September 27, 2010

goodbye cord stump

I'm not gonna lie...yesterday was a sad day for me.  Code Man's cord stump fell off, and I almost cried.  Yes, I really did.  I told Doug that that was the last part of him that was also a part of me.  Doug then sweetly reminded me that Cody Boy will always be a part of me, which I know.  I guess it's just a mother thing?  Ok, if I write about this much longer, I'm going to cry.

So, on to happier things :)

Since the cord stump is gone, we can finally start wearing our cloth diapers!!  YAY! 

Here's a pic of Cody sporting his newborn rump-a-rooz!

As you can see, he's very excited about it!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Birth Story - Part 1

39 weeks 1 day pregnant.  That's how my Monday started on September 13.  I woke up at around 7 a.m. when Doug got up to get ready for work.  I was on the couch - where I had been sleeping for the past 7-8 weeks.  I kissed Doug bye as he left for work, and got all of my blankets and pillows put away.  It wasn't long, though, before I got really tired again and fell back asleep.  Most of that Monday for me was spent sleeping.  I truly believe my body knew what was coming and wanted me to get as much rest as possible.  I got up around 11:30 a.m. to fix Doug some lunch, and was awake until he left at 1 p.m.  And then it was back to sleep for me!  I woke up around 4:30.  Decided it was best if I took a shower and actually got myself looking decent that day, even though it was already almost evening!  When I was finished getting ready, I put on some comfy clothes and headed out to our back lot to do some walking.

I had been walking quite a bit back there for the past week.  I would go out and make about 10 laps around the large gravel lot.  I was finishing up my walking and decided to head to the front porch and have a seat and enjoy the beautiful day.  But, once I got up to the front yard, I got a great idea!  I decided to do a little jogging to maybe help move things along!  So, 39 week 1 day pregnant me started a slow jog up and down and back up our driveway.  As I was walking on the way back to our house, I started wondering if all my walking and jogging would really do anything to help me along, or if I was just being impatient. 

Doug got home around 6 that evening and decided to mow some of the yard while I went inside to make dinner.  We sat down to a lovely meal of cheddarwurst (glorified hot dogs) and enjoyed dinner.  As we were talking, I told Doug that I had been walking quite a bit that day, and even went jogging.  He kinda laughed at me, I'm sure thinking that I was a nut for jogging!!  About 2 minutes later I got up to clear the table.  As I got to the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks...

7:45 p.m. - "Um Doug...I think my water just broke..." were the next words that came out of my mouth.  He looked at me and asked, "seriously?"  Well, I knew I didn't just pee myself, and this liquid was running down my legs, so that had to be it, right??  The first thing I did was call my mom.  I told her what happened, and was still running down my legs, and she agreed that that is what probably happened.  I got off the phone with her and Doug started to get the bags in the car while I changed clothes. 

On our way to the hospital, I called Doug's parents to let them know what was going on, and told them we would call back once we knew more.

I had been timing my contractions since we left home, and they were about every 5-7 minutes apart lasting for 1 minute.  Nothing intense...yet.  We were just outside of Joplin when Doug asked me if I was very uncomfortable...then asked if going through the McDonalds drive-thru for coffee would be out of the question - HA!  (We didn't stop!)

Once we got to the hospital, (at about 8:50 p.m.) I walked up to the ER to tell them that I was pretty sure my water had broken.  There was another pregnant lady that had just arrived and they were getting ready to wheel here down to labor/delivery.  They asked me if I was ok to walk, because I would have to wait for another nurse to come with a wheelchair.  My reply was that I was fine to walk.  It was just a little uncomfortable to be walking with fluid leaking down your legs! 

9:00 p.m. - As soon as we got to labor/delivery, they put me in the birthing room, got me changed into my gown, and we got things started!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Pregnancy stats:

Total weight gain:  30 lbs even
Weight lost 1 week 2 days postpartum:  19 lbs
I was able to wear my wedding/engagement rings through the whole pregnancy
Minor swelling of my feet that went away by 36 weeks

I can honestly say that I had an amazing pregnancy.  I didn't get sick, or swell too much.  I stayed active and just enjoyed every minute of an awesome journey!  I'm sad that my first pregnancy is over.  As ready as I was at the end to have our little guy, and as happy as I am that he is here :) I truly loved being pregnant.  I hope that the next couple of pregnancies go just as well as my first!

Here are pics of my belly at 5 weeks, 20 weeks, 39 weeks (last belly shot) and 1 week postpartum

Hopefully I'll get that 5 week belly back!! :)

I would also like to share a few of my most memorable moments of this no particular order:

  • Looking down at the Clear Blue Easy pregnancy test and reading the word:  Pregnant
  • Telling Doug that we were expecting :)
  • Telling our parents - that was such a fun day!
  • Seeing our little Wolfie on the sonogram at our first appointment at 8 weeks...that is a day I will never forget!
  • Hearing the heartbeat for the first time at 12 weeks - the sweetest sound I will ever hear.
  • Finding out that we're having a BOY!
  • Making it through the first, second and third trimester (thank you, God for a healthy pregnancy)
  • Having to go to the hospital at 36/37 weeks for a kidney infection.  Not a happy memory, but it's definitely a memorable experience!
  • Walking around the back lot at our house trying to get things started...and then jogging up and down our driveway at 5 p.m. the evening my water broke
  • Sitting at the dining room table finishing dinner and telling Doug that I jogged just a couple hours earlier, then getting up to clear the table 2 minutes later and telling Doug that my water just broke!!
  • Labor:  I had an amazing labor and great birth of our little Code Man.  It is a day that I will never forget!
I'm sure there are more, but these are just some that stand out in my mind right now.

Also, I've been working on our birth story!  Hopefully I'll get it posted this week!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I never knew that you could love someone that you just met so much...all I can say is I am head over heels in love with a little boy named Cody!  Doug and I are so blessed!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Start of Something Amazing - Welcome Cody Douglas!

We are so happy to announce that Cody Douglas joined our family at 9:54 a.m. Tuesday, September 14. 
Cody weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz and is 20.5 inches long!

It's hard to believe that he is actually here!  Doug & I feel so blessed - God has given us a wonderful gift!  I'll be posting more pics of our adorable little guy and plan on sharing the birth story...all to come this weekend.  Right now, I'm going to go snuggle with my baby boy!  

Monday, September 13, 2010

39 week pictures

Not the best pics...but here ya go!

Friday, September 10, 2010

39 weeks - still pregnant

Ok, so I'm still pregnant.  Apparently Wolfie is pretty comfortable in my belly.  I haven't dropped yet, my cervix hasn't started to thin out and I'm not dilated.  Boo.  I had a Dr. appointment on Tuesday, and I asked him how big he thinks the boy is.  He told me on Tuesday that if he was born that day, he would be about 7 1/2 lbs.  Then he said...well, he's only gonna get bigger the longer he's in there!  Which, by my next appointment on Wednesday, I'm guessing he'll be about 8 lbs.  I know that there's no real way of telling how much he's actually going to weigh, but I have to say, I'm not surprised. 

Also at my last appointment, I had lost 7 lbs. myself.  The nurse said something to me about it, but the Dr. was ok with it.  It's not like I'm trying to lose weight!  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that at my previous appointment, I had just gotten out of the hospital, and had 2 1/2 days of fluids pumped in me...needless to say, I was a bit bloated from that!  As long as the Dr. thinks I'm doing good, that's all that matters.

Doug has been laughing at me because I'm getting so impatient.  I know that I should enjoy these last few days of 'us' time and enjoy sleep :) but I really am uncomfortable!  I've been walking a lot, doing jumping jacks and squats...whatever I can think of to get baby to drop!  I realize that he's on his own schedule, and it is up to him when he decides to arrive, but seriously little man let's make this happen!! 

On a side note:  August 29 was supposed to be my last baby shower.  Unfortunately, we had to cancel because I was in the hospital.  Talk about sad!  We have re-scheduled the shower for Sunday, October 3.  We decided at this point it was better to wait until Wolfie has arrived than to chance having it and needing to cancel again.  So, instead of everyone being excited to see pregnant me, you all can come and meet our sweet little Wolfgang!!  (And call him by his real name!)   :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Maternity Pictures

Just wanted to share some of our favorite pictures from our maternity photo session.  It was so much fun, and I am so glad that we did this.  I feel like it's a great way to remember and treasure these precious moments from our first pregnancy!